Masks for hair volume at home - it works! Top 25 best recipes for homemade masks for hair volume


Healthy, shiny, voluminous hair - any girl’s dream.

But not everyone can boast of chic curls, many have to spend hours at the mirror or in beauty salons to give the hair the desired volume.

However, often, after an hour after styling, the hair loses its splendor.

Why do some have thick, strong and lush hair, while others have thin, thin and brittle hair?

The main factor affecting the condition of the hair is genetics.. It is difficult to deal with naturally thin hair. Difficult, but possible. There are many recipes for home masks to give hair volume.

No less significant is the second factor - nutrition. The beauty of the hair directly depends on the food you eat. Hair, like the whole body, needs vitamins and minerals, and if the diet is poor or contains a minimum amount of nutrients, hair first of all suffers.

Another factor that negatively affects the condition of the hair is daily cosmetic procedures. Exposure to high temperatures of ploes, hair dryers, irons, hair dyes, gels, varnishes, mousses and other cosmetics make the hair painful and weak.

Masks for hair volume at home: general principles

Homemade volume masks may include ingredients that any girl can find in her kitchen. These are dairy products, and yeast, honey, eggs, onions, oatmeal, mustard. In addition, you can buy in pharmacies vials with oils, henna, herbs.

Whatever mask you prefer, the result of their effect on the hair will be more effective if you follow some simple rules:

• The use of masks for the volume of hair at home should not be chaotic - there will be no visible result. Use the product once or twice a week for three months.

• The components that make up the product must be natural and fresh.

• Apply the mask to freshly washed, slightly dried hair.

• When applying the product, massage the scalp - this will ensure the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles.

• Soak the product from 15 minutes to one hour, depending on the component included in the mask.

• For effective exposure after applying the mask, cover your head with a plastic bag and wrap with a towel.

• Rinse off the mask with hair a little warm, and preferably cool water.

• If the mask contains chicken yolk or onion, be sure to wash off the mask with a mild shampoo.

• Dry your hair naturally, without resorting to hair dryers.

Masks for hair volume at home: with oils and dairy products

1. Mask based on natural yogurt. In a small container in equal proportions, mix both ingredients of the mask, heat in a water bath. Do not bring the mass to a boil; it is enough to bring the mask to room temperature. Distribute the product along the length of the curls, rub in a circular motion into the scalp. Soak the product for about thirty minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

2. A mask based on kefir and oatmeal. In a bowl, mix half a cup of oatmeal with a glass of kefir. Apply a volume mask with a thick layer on the roots, massage with massaging movements, distribute the residues along the length of the hair. Soak the product on your head for thirty minutes, remembering to cover with a bag and towel, then rinse. If you have not found oatmeal, you can grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender.

3. A mask based on oils and shampoo. In a small container, mix 10 grams of shampoo for weak and brittle hair with 15 ml of olive oil and the same amount of castor oil. Apply a lot to the hair and scalp, stand for forty minutes, wrapping your head. Rinse off with warm, slightly cool water.

4. Mask based on castor and burdock oils. Mix the chicken yolk, previously whisking it slightly, with a tablespoon of aloe juice, add a teaspoon of burdock and castor oils. Apply the product for 45 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo, carefully massaging the head.

5. A mask based on glycerin and castor oil. Apply a mixture of a teaspoon of glycerin and vinegar, one yolk, a tablespoon of castor oil on the root zone of the hair and scalp with light massaging movements. Wrap your head in a thick towel, after 35 minutes rinse off the mask with shampoo.

6. A mask based on a mixture of oils and yogurt. Pour a tablespoon of classic yogurt into a small glass container, one tablespoon of coconut, burdock and almond oils, add 5-6 drops of essential oils (jasmine and rosemary). Heat the product in a water bath to body temperature, apply for forty minutes, then rinse off with slightly warm water.

7. Mask based on castor oil and cinnamon. Mix three teaspoons of liquid honey with a tablespoon of cinnamon and 20 ml of castor oil. Apply the product on the root zone, massage, distribute the remains along the entire length. Soak the mask for fifty minutes, rinse with water.

8. Mask based on essential oils. Mix a teaspoon of castor and olive oil, add a spoon of shampoo, three drops of geranium essential oil, five drops of ylang-ylang oil. Apply the mask to the roots, whip the light foam, rinse off the product after forty minutes with slightly warm water.

9. A mask based on milk and vodka. Pour two tablespoons of vodka into a half-glass of milk, rub the mixture into the root zone. Cure the mask for at least 30 minutes.

Masks for hair volume at home: with clay, mustard, henna

1. A mask based on henna and cocoa. Take two tablespoons of henna, the same amount of cocoa powder and three tablespoons of kefir. Thoroughly mix the components, heat in a water bath until the color changes - the mass should darken. Cool the product to a temperature pleasant to the skin, apply along the length and roots of the hair. Hold the mask for at least one hour. Attention: the product is suitable only for brunettes.

2. White clay mask. Mix 30 grams of white clay with warm water until a thin slurry. Spread evenly throughout the hair, rinse with warm water after twenty minutes.

3. Mask based on gelatin and mustard. Pour a bag of gelatin with cold water (the proportions are indicated on the package), let the mass swell. To speed up the process, you can heat the product in a water bath. Add 10 ml of burdock oil and 20 grams of dry mustard. Apply to the roots of your hair, distribute along the length of the curls. Wash off the mask after thirty minutes under running warm water.

4. A mask based on henna and nettle. Take one yolk, two tablespoons of henna and half a glass of dried ground nettle. Pour the components of the mask with a glass of boiling water, leave the product for about thirty minutes, stirring occasionally. Distribute evenly over all hair, massage the scalp, rub into the roots, leave for an hour and a half. Rinse with warm water, do not forget to use shampoo.

5. A mask based on mustard and jojoba oil. Mix 25 grams of mustard powder in a container with a spoonful of jojoba oil, one yolk and two teaspoons of sugar. Put the mass on the roots, rub into the scalp. Wash off with shampoo after thirty-five minutes.

6. Blue clay mask. Beat the egg yolk with a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil, a small spoonful of liquefied honey and two tablespoons of blue clay. Apply evenly on the scalp, the basal part and along the length of the curls. Wash off with shampoo after twenty five minutes.

Masks for hair volume at home: unusual recipes

1. Honey mask. Mix in a small container in equal amounts of lemon juice, a teaspoon of aloe juice and liquefied honey. Spread the finished mask over your hair, rinse after 15 minutes.

2. Mask based on vodka and salt. Take half a glass of sea salt, a third of a glass of vodka, half a glass of honey. Stir, transfer to a glass container, insist for two weeks in a dark room. Apply the mask twice a week, spreading over the entire length of the hair. Wash off with shampoo suitable for your hair after an hour.

3. Mask based on onion cake. Grind a large onion on a grater, mix with a glass of mayonnaise and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Rub into scalp, leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off the mask with shampoo. After this, you can rub a few drops of ginseng essential oil into the hair roots.

4. Red pepper mask. The tool is burning, so it should be kept on the head as far as possible, but no more than 30 minutes. Mix three chicken yolks with a tablespoon of red pepper, rub into the scalp and hair roots. Rinse off with a mild shampoo.

5. Banana mask. Depending on the length of the hair, take one or two ripe soft bananas, chop the fruit in a blender or with a fork. Apply to hair for twenty five minutes. Rinse off with a little cool water.

6. Yeast based mask. Pour two tablespoons of yeast (dried) with 50 ml of warm milk. Add a small spoonful of granulated sugar, remove the product for 20 minutes in a warm place. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil, mix well. Rub the resulting mass into the scalp, hair roots, evenly distribute along the entire length of the curls. Keep forty minutes on your head.

7. Gelatin based mask. In half a glass of cold water, dilute two tablespoons of gelatin, set aside the mass for 20 minutes to the side. Add a tablespoon of glycerin and a spoonful of hair conditioner. Apply this mask to clean, slightly damp hair for forty minutes, then rinse with cool water.

8. Herbal mask. Put the following ingredients in a bowl in equal proportions: rosemary, basil, mint, sage leaves. Mash the herbs thoroughly, add two drops of peppermint oil, three drops of lavender oil, 200 ml of apple cider vinegar. Transfer the product to a glass container, remove for 12 days in a dark room. Apply in the amount of two tablespoons, which are pre-mixed with half a glass of lukewarm water. Such a mask is left on the head for at least 3 hours.

9. Mask based on rye bread. Soak a slice of dried rye bread in mineral water until a slightly liquid slurry forms. Apply to hair roots, soak for 15 minutes. Rinse your head in cool water, combing bread crumbs.

10. Beer based mask. Beat 100 ml of beer with one yolk. Warm the mixture to room temperature, apply on hair and scalp for twenty minutes. Rinse off with shampoo. This mask is best done in the evening, because the smell of beer disappears after two to three hours.

Careful and proper hair care, high-quality cosmetics, home masks based on natural ingredients will achieve amazing results. Regular use of masks for the volume of hair at home from natural ingredients will make curls well-groomed and healthy, and hairstyles will delight you with their volume and beauty.


Watch the video: BEST HAIR MASK DIY (June 2024).