Carrot and meat salads are so different, so tasty, so healthy! Classic and exotic: carrot salad with meat recipes


Carrots, due to their inherent sweetness and juiciness, are one of the best ingredients for meat salads.

Where carrots are - there is onion, it’s almost an axiom of home cooking, but adding meat, how can I refuse spices?

What is it?

Yes, almost an assortment of Korean national cuisine!

Nevertheless, we will diversify it by adding prunes where necessary, replace exotic meat with more familiar beef and decorate with nuts and potato chips.

Carrot salad with meat - the basic principles of preparation

• To give a special taste to carrot salads with meat, various ingredients are added to them, such as prunes, walnuts, canned vegetables, mushrooms, cheese and much more.

• Use carrots both raw and heat-treated - boiled or fried.

• Very often, for the preparation of carrot salads with meat, they take ready-made spicy "Korean" carrots.

• When choosing a carrot, pay attention to its color, the brighter the root crop, the more sweet and nutritious it is. Saturated color indicates a high content of carotene - an extremely useful substance for the human body.

• Take short, thick, cylindrical root crops, they are the most juicy.

• Before use, the root crop is washed well under water and cut off the skin, trying to make it as thin as possible, since all the necessary nutrients are located exactly under the outer layer. If the carrot is young and its surface is not full of bumps, just try to scrape it.

• Meat for cooking can be taken both fresh and smoked.

• Fresh before use, boil a whole piece, and then cut. Or first cut and fry with or without vegetables.

• Carrot salads are good with any kind of meat, but the most dietary ones are those made from boiled chicken.

• Refuel such dishes as vegetable oil and mayonnaise; some types are not recommended to be seasoned at all, for example, warm or dietary.

Korean spicy carrot and meat salad


• one kilogram of carrots;

• 500 grams of white sweet onion;

• 250 ml of soybean oil, can be replaced with purified vegetable;

• 250 grams of lean young pork;

• 1 tsp refined sugar;

• eight cloves of hot garlic;

• 15 ml of vinegar 9%.

To taste, add:

• black and red pepper;

• salt;

• soy sauce without additives.

Cooking method:

1. Grate peeled and washed root vegetables with a special vegetable grater "for Korean carrots". If it is not, you can simply chop with a thin sharp knife on a long straw, not thicker than 3 mm. Add salt, sugar, mix and slightly remember with your hands to get juice.

2. Stir well the vinegar with the minced garlic. To add flavor, add black pepper crushed in a mortar, and for sharpness, red pepper, and put the resulting mixture into the main bowl. Mix well again and let it brew a little.

3. During this time, spasser until transparent, chopped onions in well-heated soybean oil. Add the meat cut into thin strips and continue frying until cooked.

4. When the meat is cooked, transfer the contents of the pan to a bowl with carrots, mix all the ingredients thoroughly and put in a cool place to cool.

Salad from carrots with meat "Glutton"


• four large carrots;

• half a lemon;

• two medium onions;

• 300 gr. pulp of fresh veal;

• three small prongs of hot garlic;

• 100 grams of vegetable oil;

• table salt and peas crushed by a manual mill.

Cooking method:

1. Dry the meat well washed under cold water, cut into thin slices and fry until a soft golden crust is obtained in hot oil.

2. Then pour a little water into the pan and simmer until the moisture has completely evaporated and the meat becomes soft. Salt, pepper a little to your taste and cool.

3. In a clean frying pan, lightly fry, until light brown, chopped onion into thin half rings and mix it with meat.

4. Chop the carrots with a thin straw, pour it with the juice squeezed from the lemon and leave it to stand for up to a quarter of an hour.

5. Drain the excess juice that has escaped and add crushed garlic, transfer the meat with fried onions here, add a little salt, pepper and mix well.

6. Let it brew and soak for an hour to two.

Carrot salad with meat "Men's joy"


• 1 kg of carrots, juicy varieties;

• onion;

• 350 gr. boiled low-fat veal or beef;

• vegetable oil;

• black, manual grinding, pepper;

• salt;

• sugar refined;

• vinegar 6%.

Cooking method:

1. Grate freshly peeled carrots.

2. Cut the onion into four parts and chop not very thinly. Add a teaspoon of fine salt and refined sugar, pour a little hot water so that it completely covers the onions and, adding a tablespoon of vinegar, leave to marinate for ten minutes. After the marinade, drain, and put the onions in a colander.

3. Pre-cooked, chilled beef, cut into strips as thin as possible and, combining with pickled onions, let stand for half an hour.

4. Add grated carrots, season to your taste with pepper, salt, and, pouring a little oil, mix.

Carrot salad with meat and pickled mushrooms "Sunflower"


• 300 gr. white chicken meat;

• three hard boiled eggs;

• 250 grams of pickled champignons;

• a small head of leek;

• 200 grams of 67% mayonnaise.

To decorate:

• a small pack of chips;

• 400 grams of canned sweet corn.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly washed peeled carrots, boil in water with sugar, until tender.

2. Meanwhile, cut the chicken into small pieces and fry in oil until a tender golden crust forms. Be careful not to dry it.

3. Drain the water from the carrot, and put the finished chicken meat in a separate bowl and cool.

4. Pickled mushrooms cut into small cubes, remove the husk from the leek and cut into half rings.

5. Put chilled chicken meat on a serving flat dish, grate boiled carrots on top and grease liberally with mayonnaise.

6. Then spread a thin layer of chopped champignons, half onion rings, and, rubbing the eggs on top of a coarse grater, grease with mayonnaise and salt again.

7. Decorate the dish by spreading the corn on its surface with the thickened side up, and lay the chips around. Corn can be replaced with seedless olives cut in half.

Korean carrot salad with meat and cream cheese - "Grandma's bed"


• 400 grams of chicken breast;

• two eggs;

• 200 grams of "Korean" carrots;

• a pair of orange slices;

• one processed cheese "Dutch", "Friendship", etc .;

• mayonnaise 40%;

• chips for serving.

Cooking method:

1. In salted water, boil a whole piece of chicken fillet and, having cooled, cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. Finely boil hard-boiled eggs finely chop or grate.

3. Remove the film from the orange slices and cut thinner.

4. Lay the salad out of the prepared ingredients in layers: boiled chicken, a thin layer of mayonnaise, “carrot-cha” (leave a little for decoration), chopped orange, again mayonnaise, grated eggs, grate the cream cheese and mayonnaise again.

5. Garnish with chips, placing them in the center, and lay a net of carrots around.

Carrot salad with meat, prunes and nuts "Orange mosaic"


• 550 grams of fresh carrots;

• two small onions;

• a can (0.5 liters) of pickled non-acid mushrooms;

• 120 grams of pitted prunes;

• 150-200 grams of mayonnaise, non-greasy;

• two cloves of garlic, small size;

• half a glass of walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. In different pans in a pure hot oil, fry until tender a thin straw of carrots and half an onion ring.

2. Put everything in a colander, and, after the excess oil comes off, mix gently.

3. Add mushrooms chopped into small strips. They need to be fried in oil left over from frying vegetables. Nuts chopped with a knife and prunes soaked in water and cut into strips will go there.

4. Half an hour before serving, add the garlic mashed in a mortar to the table and season the salad with mayonnaise, salt, taking the sample.

Easy carrot salad with meat and egg omelet


• 250 grams of boiled pork;

• three large carrots;

• two eggs;

• two cloves of mild garlic;

• mayonnaise without additives, for salad dressing;

• salt;

• curry;

• black pepper;

• for frying omelettes a little clean rast. oils.

Cooking method:

1. To the carrots chopped on a coarse grater, add pepper and curry to your taste, add salt and let it brew.

2. While the base of the salad absorbs the aromas of added spices, fry a thin pancake in a pan of shaken, slightly salted eggs. When the omelet has cooled, cut it into narrow strips and shift to a carrot.

3. Add the boiled meat cut in thin long strips, chopped garlic, mayonnaise in any way and stir well.

4. After about half an hour, serve to the table, during which time the salad is sufficiently saturated.

Diet Carrot Salad with Smoked Chicken Meat and Thin Waist Beans


• 250 grams of smoked chicken breast;

• red canned beans;

• 200 grams of "Korean" carrots;

• optional fresh parsley, dill.

Cooking method:

1. In a container prepared for the salad, put the smoked chicken meat diced into cubes.

2. Add canned beans, drained from sauce or brine, chopped greens, several branches can be left for decoration and pickled carrots.

3. Stir, sprinkle with greens on top.

4. Such a salad is not seasoned with oil or mayonnaise; salt is also not required.

Warm carrot salad with meat


• two large carrots;

• 100 grams of lean pork;

• a small onion;

• clove of garlic;

• red hot and black peppercorns (ground) to taste;

• 50 ml rust. oils.

Cooking method:

1. Sliced ​​with a short, thin straw (approximately 3 mm.) Fresh carrots, dip in boiling water.

2. When the water begins to boil again, reduce the heat and continue cooking for three minutes with a slight boil.

3. Transfer the carrots so blanched in such a way to a colander to remove excess water.

4. Pork, chopped into approximately the same size straws, brown thoroughly in oil and bring a little boiling water over the pan until cooked. Do not pour a lot of water when the meat is ready, the liquid should not remain.

5. Spare the onion straws until transparent in a separate pan and combine with blanched carrots and meat.

6. Add, taking into account your taste, peppers, salt and warm well on the smallest heat for about three minutes.

7. Serve warm.

Carrot Salad with Meat - Tips and Tricks

• If you find that the top has a greenish tint when cleaning the root crops, cut it off, as it is bitter and can ruin the taste of the salad.

• To diversify the taste of carrot salads with meat, seasoned with oil, you can replace refined non-odorous vegetable oil with types of vegetable or specially aromatized oils, for example, corn, olive, sesame or soybean.

• When preparing a carrot salad with meat, the recipe for which contains nuts, try replacing walnuts with cedar or roasted peanuts.

• Put some sugar in the water for blanching, or when boiling carrots, it will turn out brighter.

• If vegetables and meat were fried in oil during cooking, add mayonnaise moderately when dressing salad, and if possible, discard it altogether. Such salads are quite fat in themselves.


Watch the video: Easy Greek Salad recipe, super healthy and delicious, how to cook. (July 2024).