Audrey Hepburn - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


Audrey Hepburn Born in Brussels (Belgium) on May 4, 1929. Blue blood flowed in her veins, since the mother of the actress was a Dutch baroness, and her father was a wealthy English banker. After her parents divorced, Audrey Hepburn and her mother left for London, where she went to a private school for girls. Later they returned to the Netherlands. When she and her mother rested in Arnhem, Holland, the Nazi army captured the city. She had to go through very difficult times during the Nazi occupation. Audrey Hepburn suffered from depression and malnutrition.

Audrey Hepburn - the beginning of a stellar career

After her release, the girl began attending a ballet school in London, and then began her modeling career. She was very elegant and seemed to find a niche in her life, until the time when she was not noticed by film producers. In 1948, Hepburn played a cameo role in the movie "Dutch for Seven Lessons", and in 1951 she starred in the film "Tales of Young Wives", where she played the role of Eva Lester. There were not as many roles as she wanted, and she decided to move to America to try her luck there.

Audrey Hepburn - gaining popularity

Audrey Hepburn quickly gained popularity after playing one of the main roles in the movie "Roman Vacations" in 1953. This film was a crushing success and Audrey Hepburn received an Oscar in the nomination "Best Actress".

After that, the actress was simply bombarded with offers about shooting in certain films. One of the reasons for her popularity was that she had incredible charm and looked more like a fairy than a sex goddess of her time. Audrey Hepburn in 1954 starred in the movie "Sabrina" and received another nomination from the Academy. In 1957, she perfectly performed her role in the film "Funny Face". In the same year, the star starred in the movie "Afternoon Love", which also received rave reviews from both film critics and viewers. In 1959, she received another nomination for her role in the movie "The Nun's Story."

Audrey Hepburn - The Most Notable Roles

Audrey Hepburn reached the pinnacle of her career when she played Holly Golightly in the amazing 1961 Tiffany Breakfast movie masterpiece. For this role, the actress received another Oscar nomination. The picture "Charade", shot with her participation in 1963, was a great commercial success.

One of her best roles, Audrey Hepburn performed in the movie "My Fair Lady" in 1964. In 1967, she starred in Two on the Road and Wait until Dark. For the last received another Oscar nomination.

Then there was a big break in work. Her work in the movie "Robin and Marian" in 1976 with Sean Connery can be noted. It was an attempt by Audrey Hepburn to return to wide screens, but the film was no longer received by the audience as ardently as before.

In 1988, the actress became UNICEF Special Ambassador to the United Nations Children's Fund in Latin America and Africa. She held her post until 1993. Audrey Hepburn was recognized by People Magazine as one of the fifty most beautiful people in the world. In 1989, the star starred in his last film "Always" by Stephen Spielberg, where he played the role of an angel.

Audrey Hepburn - personal life

On the set of the movie Sabrina, Audrey Hepburn met William Holden, with whom she began a romantic relationship. The actress dreamed of marrying him and having children, but when she found out that her husband had a vasectomy, she broke off relations with him.

On the set of the movie "Undine" in 1954, the actress met the director and actor Mel Ferrer, who had already been married three times and had four children. The star married him in the same 1954, and a little later gave birth to a son, Sean.

Soon they divorced, and Audrey Hepburn married Andrea Dotti, an Italian psychiatrist, who is the exact opposite of the former passions of the actress. He was 10 years younger than his wife and had a reputation as a good psychoanalyst. After the birth of his second son in 1970, whom she named Luke, the star moved to Italy. Soon, Dottie began to cheat on her, and the actress terminated this marriage.

True love came to Audrey Hepburn at the age of 50 after meeting the Dutch actor Robert Waldes. Officially, they never signed, but as the actress claimed, this did not hinder their happiness at all.

Audrey Hepburn - interesting facts

  • In 1990, a tulip variety was named after her.
  • She once admitted that in the difficult years of the fascist occupation she tried to bake bread from the grass and ate tulip bulbs.
  • At one time, she promised herself that she would never weigh more than 47 kg. With the exception of pregnancy, she succeeded.
  • I smoked three packs of cigarettes a day.
  • Died on the day Bill Clinton took office as President of the United States.

Audrey Hepburn - The End of Life

Audrey Hepburn died in Switzerland on January 20, 1993 of appendicular cancer. She starred in a total of 31 films of the highest quality. Her elegance and style will forever remain in the history of cinema, the actress entered the "Top 100 movie stars of all time" according to the magazine "Empire".


Marianna 12/27/2016
Audrey Hepburn: elegance and sincerity.

read on my blog!))

Neo 10/19/2016
I would include it as much as 10 if not 5.


Watch the video: Inside Audrey Hepburn's Secret Life: Her Childhood, Style & Path To True Love. People NOW. People (June 2024).