Why does breastfeeding hurt: physiological and pathological reasons. What to do if your chest hurts after feeding


It would seem that the joy of motherhood cannot be overshadowed by any problems.

Moreover, the uncomfortable feelings of pregnancy and anxiety about the outcome of childbirth have long been left behind.

But in young mothers, quite often with the advent of the baby, a new problem arises associated with pain during feeding.

Various myths and medical illiteracy force women to abandon breastfeeding.

But there are many simple ways to get rid of chest pain when feeding.

Breastfeeding hurts: physiological state

Not always chest pain in a nursing woman indicates the presence of some dangerous pathologies that require serious treatment or threaten the baby's health.

Hormonal adjustment

In almost all lactating women, chest pain appears at the very beginning of feeding. This is due to the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is able to stimulate muscle tissue and cells in the chest, which enhances the formation of milk. Active production of this hormone is observed during the first few days after birth. In the future, even thoughts about feeding stimulate the release of oxytocin. Such physiological reflexes are felt by all women in completely different ways. For some, discomfort is expressed by a slight tingling sensation or a feeling of strong injections, while someone feels rather strong pressure in the chest, accompanied by pain. In the future, feeding becomes natural for a woman, and painful sensations become invisible.

Nipple shape

The problem of pain during feeding is experienced by women who have an unnatural nipple shape for feeding. With retracted, flat or very large nipples, feeding is often quite unpleasant. In addition to the natural structure of the breast, the nipples can become flat under the influence of stagnation of milk, some ailments, swelling of the breast.

In order to avoid further pain during feeding, it is necessary to properly prepare unnatural nipples for feeding even during pregnancy.

Large volume of milk

In some women, with a sufficiently high production of milk, pain appears directly during the application of the baby in the chest. Unpleasant sensations are concentrated deep in the mammary gland. This condition can be observed in the first 3 months of feeding. Subsequently, subject to the feeding technique, milk production is leveled and fully meets the baby's needs.

Chest pain in such mothers may appear before and after feeding. Excess milk is literally bursting with the mammary gland. To get rid of such unpleasant feelings, you can express a little milk before feeding, which will relieve pressure and feeding will be painless. Decantation after feeding stimulates milk production. Therefore, doctors do not recommend resorting to complete breast emptying.

Breastfeeding hurts: pathological causes of the problem

Often chest pain during or after feeding appears due to a nipple problem or the presence of a breast disease. In such cases, the problem will not disappear on its own, but requires special treatment, and in some cases, the help of a doctor.

Nipple problems

The appearance of cracks in the nipples, which causes unbearable pain during feeding, is associated with a violation of feeding technology and improper hygienic care of the breast.

If a baby woman does not correctly attach to the breast and the baby does not capture the nipple halo, all the pressure when sucking falls on the nipple. In addition, women often make the mistake of trying to take the breast from the baby. Of course, the baby, not satiated, does not want to let go of the nipple and involuntarily bites it. To avoid such a problem, just gently pinch the baby, and he will release the chest.

Cracks can appear if the skin on the chest is very dry. Therefore, it is important to wash off the remaining milk after feeding and wipe the area around the nipple with emollients.


The appearance of thrush on the chest is associated with the spread of fungal infection. Most often, pathogenic fungi on the chest fall directly from the baby's mouth. But a child can become infected with a disease that is dangerous to him from his mother.

On the chest, thrush manifests itself:

• a change in the color of the nipple to hot pink and shiny;

• the appearance of blisters on the chest;

• intolerant itching;

• the formation of cracks in the nipples;

• shooting pain in the chest.

In addition, pain not only accompanies feeding, but also appears after it. Independently cope with the problem is problematic. Quite often, treatment is required not only for a woman, but also for a crumb.


Overfilling of the breast and stagnation of milk in the ducts are always accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In this case, the breast is significantly increased in size. Redness, hyperemia, pulsation and flattening of the nipples can also be observed. Sometimes lactostasis is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature.

The problem is associated with the inexperience of mothers in matters of feeding. Close linen, the wrong position of the baby during feeding, violations of the drinking regime are common causes of lactostasis. Too much dilution can provoke excessive production of milk and its stagnation in the tributaries.


Perhaps the most dangerous reason that provokes chest pain in a nursing woman. This is an inflammatory disease of an infectious nature. Mastitis develops quite rapidly and manifests itself:

• chest tension;

• hyperemia of tissues on the chest;

• the presence of pus or blood in milk;

• the presence of unnatural stripes or spots on the chest.

• increase in temperature.

The disease poses a threat to a woman's life. Therefore, it requires immediate treatment.

Breastfeeding hurts: non-feeding reasons

Breastfeeding may also hurt for reasons that are completely unrelated to breastfeeding. A woman may experience a similar problem:

1. When wearing an uncomfortable bra. So that the breast can be supplemented with milk normally, it is necessary to select a bra, in which the seams are located on the sides, and the cups do not squeeze the breast. It is better to give preference to lingerie intended for lactating women.

2. During the onset of menstruation. Restoring the menstrual cycle is almost always accompanied by discomfort in the chest area. Such symptoms appear at the beginning of menstruation and may bother a woman for another couple of weeks. Soreness recedes after ovulation in the middle of the cycle.

3. In the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy. However, such an ailment is not a reason for refusing to feed, but increases the risk of lactostasis.

Sore breasts during feeding: treatment

In most cases, a woman can get rid of chest pain during feeding on her own. To do this, it is enough to learn how to properly attach the baby to the chest, observe the feeding schedule and conduct hygiene procedures in a timely manner.

If there are problems with feeding, you can seek help from breast-feeding specialists who will help regulate the process and teach you the proper feeding technique. During feeding, the baby should completely cover the halo of the nipple with his lips, and his chin should lie on his chest.

Proper attachment of the baby will help to cope with the problem of cracks in the nipples.

In addition, in the presence of cracks, you can use healing ointments that do not penetrate into milk and blood. For lactating women, funds are released in the form of Bepanten, Videstim. They must be applied to the damaged nipple immediately after feeding. Before the next feeding, the ointment is washed off the nipple.

If feeding causes very severe pain, for a while you can refuse to breastfeed. If both nipples are damaged, you can use special pads that can distribute the load and reduce pain.

Thrush on the chest - an unequivocal ban on breastfeeding. A woman will have to undergo antifungal treatment. If such a disease is detected, the baby also needs to be examined for infection.

With lactostasis, the best way to get rid of painful sensations is to continue feeding. You can alleviate the condition by expressing a little milk immediately before feeding. This will reduce pressure, and the baby will be easier to absorb the breast. You can cope with the blockage of the mammary glands with the help of massage, which must be carried out in circular movements around the perimeter of the entire chest. A warm shower will help relieve puffiness, and a compress made from a broken cabbage leaf with honey will help cope with inflammation.

In the presence of mastitis, only a doctor can determine the advisability of continuing feeding. Unlike lactostasis, pumping and massage with mastitis do not bring relief. Acute or serous mastitis requires the use of antibiotics. For the period of such treatment, feeding is prohibited, but you can use decantation so that lactation does not stop.

If mastitis has a purulent or infiltrative form, surgical intervention is inevitable, during which surgical cleaning of the mammary glands is performed. Usually, after such an intervention, lactation is no longer restored.

To avoid problems arising from breastfeeding, including pain, a woman is recommended to undergo special courses during pregnancy. This will help to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of proper breastfeeding.


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