The child has a stomach ache and vomiting - what is the reason? Do I need to see a doctor when my child has a stomach ache and is sick


Pain in the abdomen and nausea in children is a common occurrence, and this is always associated with any disease.

Many painful sensations can be triggered by stress.

If pain and vomiting are accompanied by temperature, then this is a clear disease that requires immediate treatment.

The child has a stomach ache and vomiting: causes and symptoms

For each parent, it is important whether their child is healthy. One of the common conditions in childhood is abdominal pain and vomiting. Usually these symptoms move in a circle, and the actions of parents depend on how they are expressed.

The first thing every parent should do is call a doctor. But you need to have at least a little idea of ​​what is happening with the baby. If his stomach is sick, there is nausea and vomiting, then you need to carefully monitor his condition, and also provide first aid in a timely manner.

Both symptoms, vomiting and abdominal pain, are consequences of intoxication. This means that your child’s body is currently infected with an infectious agent or toxin.

The most common causes of these symptoms in children are as follows:

1. Acute intestinal infection.

2. Viral infections.

3. Obstruction in the intestines.

4. The first symptoms of appendicitis.

5. Cholecystitis.

6. Signs of gastritis.

7. Perhaps the manifestation of gastric ulcer.

Most often, the cause is precisely infectious, but surgical pathology is probably present. Only a doctor can distinguish this among themselves.

Now consider in more detail each reason.

Acute intestinal infection

Otherwise, this pathology can be called food poisoning. This can happen only when eating contaminated foods. The onset of the disease is acute. The first symptoms in a child are abdominal pain and vomiting. Painful sensations along with this will only intensify.


From the name it is clear that by SARS is meant a virus. The disease always begins acutely, the first manifestations are severe runny nose and cough. But with an increase in body temperature, the baby may complain that his stomach is very sore, nausea and vomiting will occur.

Bowel obstruction

Bowel obstruction can be congenital, that is, it is a malformation, as well as acquired, for example, due to intussusception.

Symptoms of this condition in children are as follows:

• the chair is completely absent or delayed;

• bloating occurs with severe pain;

• vomiting, after which it does not become easier;

• in the feces, impurities of mucus and blood are observed.


This is a surgical pathology resulting from inflammation of the appendix. The onset of the disease is acute, namely in childhood. Its main manifestations are as follows:

• there is severe pain in the abdomen;

• during walking, the pain gives mainly to the right side;

• body temperature rises;

• a feeling of pain in the lumbar region;

• the chair is broken.


Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process in the gastric bladder. The cause of infection, as a rule, is staphylococcus. The development of the disease is always acute, mainly at night. The main symptom is a sharp, sharp pain radiating to the shoulder blade and lower back. In addition, the stomach will begin to hurt, vomiting will occur.


With gastritis, the mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed. It develops against a background of weakened immunity. The disease occurs in children who are often stressed.

The first thing the baby complains about is severe stomach pain.


Each parent should know that the ulcer is chronic. It develops rapidly, and often gives serious complications.

The main reason for the development of ulcers today is the Helicobacter bacterium, it makes the mucous membrane more sensitive and not protected. And you need to be afraid not even of the ulcer itself, but of the complications that arise after it.

The child has a stomachache and vomiting: first aid

After severe abdominal pain and vomiting, it is necessary to call an ambulance, or call the doctor on call. You need to tell in detail about the condition of your child, and then listen to all the recommendations of a specialist. Before the doctor arrives, first aid must be provided, thanks to which the condition of the child will be slightly relieved:

1. Give a drink of water at room temperature, but a little.

2. If abdominal pain and vomiting are accompanied by fever, give any antipyretic, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

3. Put it on the bed, put a high pillow under your head so that your head is just above the whole body. In case of sudden vomiting, the child will not be choked with vomit.

4. If the abdominal pain is severe and difficult to endure, give one anesthetic tablet of No-shpa.

What can never be done:

1. Do not try to rinse your stomach yourself.

2. After the last attack of vomiting, you cannot feed the baby for 5-6 hours.

3. Do not put ice or heating pads on your stomach to relieve pain.

These are the main activities that will facilitate the condition of the baby.

The child has a stomachache and vomiting: medicines

As a result of abdominal pain, and repeated vomiting, dehydration of the body can occur, which will do even more harm than the infection itself, which is why you need to give water, a little, but often.

Especially for such cases, every parent in the medicine cabinet should have a drug such as Regidron, it is suitable for adults and children. Following the instructions, dilute the powder in warm water, then let the child drink in small portions every 15-30 minutes. Surely many have the question, why do we need to give this saline solution? The thing is that after repeated vomiting, the body loses a lot of salt, thanks to the intake of Regidron, the lost salt balance will quickly be restored.

If the child has a severe stomach pain, then most likely the intestinal infection was the cause of the vomiting. After these symptoms, the following may occur - diarrhea, this is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body. A similar symptom will indicate that the infection from the stomach began to move into the intestines, and the body, thus, is trying in every way to expel it. In this case, smecta or activated carbon will help.

After vomiting has ceased to bother, it is necessary to restore the microflora in the stomach as soon as possible. It is best to call your pediatrician and ask what kind of drugs you need to give in this case in order to destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Many doctors are inclined to believe that with pain in the abdomen, painkillers should not be given to a child before their arrival. The thing is that medications can smooth out the serious symptoms of a surgical pathology. But if you know for sure that there is no such pathology, you can give No-shp, as mentioned above, as well as Buscopan.

Not all children drink pills, and unfortunately you cannot force them, so you can offer to drink chamomile or mint tea.

All these measures are temporary, if the condition does not improve, then of course you need to visit a medical institution, pass the necessary tests to determine the cause of pain and vomiting, and then wait for the doctor’s appointments.

The child has a stomachache and vomiting: home remedies

Vomiting and abdominal pain in children can often be treated at home. Make sure that the child rests as much as possible, drank more fluid (so that there is no dehydration). Try to time all the symptoms, do not give him too hard food. It is also better not to give antibiotics and aspirin on your own, unless of course they are prescribed by the attending physician.

In case of severe abdominal pain and vomiting, parents should carefully monitor the state of their child, in case of worsening, you need to call an ambulance.


Every child with severe abdominal pain needs constant rest. If the pain arose as a result of gas formation, then it can be relieved by lying on your stomach. But of course, the best position is one in which the baby feels significant relief.


As already mentioned, solid foods must be completely eliminated, watch for regular drinking. If accompanied by vomiting, dehydration may occur. In no case do not let him drink carbonated drinks or very sweet.

Infants in this state should not be given boiled milk and water, as this will cause a violation of the salt balance in the body. Try to resume feeding your baby as soon as possible.

Solid products

The child himself will let you know when you can give him solid food. But you need to enter it slowly, first give cookies or toasts, and only then ordinary food.

Many drugs block pain for only a while. Antibiotics have a very bad effect on the stomach, so there is a strong weakening of the immune system.

To treat abdominal pain and vomiting in a child, you can use some recipes from traditional medicine. Unlike many drugs, they cope with the problem faster, without causing any harm to the body.

Potato juice and honey

Thanks to this drink, you can rid the child of his existing gastritis or ulcers. Pour water into a container and rub potatoes into it, then strain everything. Add some honey to the water with potato juice. Put the resulting drink in the refrigerator for several hours so that it can be infused. Let's drink the child every day before bedtime, always on an empty stomach.

Plantain and chamomile

You can get rid of severe abdominal pain with the following tincture: take dry chamomile leaves and fresh leaves of plantain, mix. Pour the herbs with water and put on the fire, bringing to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 30 minutes. After the broth is ready, add a few blueberries to it. Within 3-4 hours, let it brew, strain and let the child drink 6-7 times a day, in small portions.

Gooseberry, honey and dandelion

Take a small amount of dandelions and pass them through a meat grinder, then add honey and mix thoroughly. Pour boiling water over everything and add gooseberries. Put on fire, bring to a boil, and cook for 10 minutes. Give the child a cooled remedy for vomiting and severe abdominal pain.

When children get sick, it is always very bad, many parents are ready to get sick themselves than to look at how their child is tormented. But, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it, this is how the world works, and everybody sometimes gets sick. Therefore, mothers and fathers can only alleviate the condition of their children, as well as support them with care and love.


Watch the video: What can I give my child for a stomach ache ? Good Health for All (July 2024).