A burn hurts: symptoms, stages of damage, possible complications. Burn pain: first aid and further treatment


Burns are dangerous damage to the skin, which is accompanied by severe pain.

It is important to know that burns affect not only the skin itself, but also the body: a person may have a fever, vomiting, fever, etc.

Let's consider in more detail what to do if a burn hurts.

A burn hurts: what can and cannot be done

After receiving a burn (before the arrival of an ambulance), it is necessary to provide first aid:

1. Plant (put) the victim.

2. Rid him of charred clothes.

3. Apply ice previously wrapped in a tissue to the burn site. Due to this, the burned areas of the skin will be less painful, but it is important to know that this can only be done in the first hour after receiving a burn.

4. Give the victim a pain medication.

5. If the localization of burns is large, then the person must be disposed of from clothes and wrapped in a clean sheet.

6. Inspect the burn itself. It is advisable to treat it with a special anti-burn antiseptic so that the infection does not get into the wound. Apply a sterile dressing on top.

7. If a person does not breathe, then you need to independently conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After breathing is restored, it must be set so that the burnt part of the body is higher than the level of the heart.

What can not be done with burns:

• Do not lubricate burns with alcohol-containing substances (brilliant green, iodine, alcohol, etc.);

• Do not open blisters on your own, otherwise an infection may be brought into the wound;

• it is not recommended to independently clean the wound from the remnants of skin, clothing, etc .;

• Do not apply ointments, creams, oils, etc. to an untreated wound;

• It is strictly forbidden to inject the victim with various painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, unless you are a doctor;

• the victim should not be allowed to move, because after the experience he may have a shock, and he simply does not feel pain;

• Do not water affected skin.

A burn of different classification hurts: what to do

There are four distinct degrees of burns:

1. Burns of the first degree. This category includes skin lesions that were triggered by hot objects and liquids (water, oil, etc.). At the 1st degree, burns affect only small areas of the skin, so they are considered the least dangerous to human life.

After such damage, the skin may turn red and hurt. Also, a person may suffer from a burning sensation. The best remedy for treatment is Panthenol ointment. It must be applied evenly over several days. From above it is desirable to apply a sterile bandage dressing.

2. Second-degree burns are obtained by contact with a temperature of 80-100 degrees. In addition to severe pain and redness, water blisters can form in the damaged area of ​​the skin. You can’t cut or open them yourself in any case.

Upon receipt of such a burn, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible. The duration of treatment is usually 1-2 weeks. It is also important to know that injuries of this degree cannot be lubricated with oils, because, despite the healing effect, such substances are an excellent medium for the rapid multiplication of infections and bacteria, which will only prolong the treatment.

3. Third-degree burns are accompanied by severe damage to muscle tissue and skin. Often, with large areas of damage and untimely assistance, the victim dies from pain shock.

In this state, a person needs to immobilize and maintain vital signs (breathing, pulse, heart rate). Only qualified ambulance doctors can cope with a burn of 3 degrees.

4. Burns of the fourth degree are characterized by large burns of entire areas of the skin, muscles and bones. Pain in a person in this condition may not even manifest itself, since often the nerve endings are damaged. With severe damage to the hands or feet, they have to be amputated, since muscle damage is too extensive and simply can not be treated with medication.

A burn of various types of damage hurts: what to do

Upon receipt of a steam burn, you must:

• remove the obsession from the defeated surface;

• cool the burn area;

• apply Panthenol ointment;

• put a bandage on top;

• in case of severe damage, consult a doctor.

If you burn with hot oil, you must:

• maintain the burn area in cold water until it is completely cooled;

• if oil gets into your eyes, you need to urgently call an ambulance, and before the time it arrives, apply a sterile dressing in your eye.

When burned with an iron, you must:

• apply glycerin to the burned area of ​​the skin;

• lubricate the affected area with chicken protein.

Treatment of burns from chemicals is carried out on the basis of the characteristics of the substance that has got on the skin. The first thing to do after this type of burn is to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, carefully remove clothing at the lesion site and remove the chemical from the skin. To do this, for half an hour, the skin surface is washed with a strong stream of cold water.

In the case when the burn was obtained by quicklime, it is impossible to cool the body with water, because in this case there will be the opposite effect.

If the burn provoked sulfuric acid, then it must be removed with a dry cloth (those who help should wear gloves). After this, the burn should be washed with cold water and apply a sterile dressing on top.

If acid substances caused the burn, then in this case it is advisable to wash the wound with a solution of soda.

Medicines for burns should be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the patient's condition.

Burn pain: traditional treatment methods

You can only use traditional medicine recipes to treat first-degree burns when the wound is not very large. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the healing process.

The most effective burn pain remedies are:

1. Honey. They need to lubricate the affected skin twice a day. A bandage bandage is applied on top. Due to its bactericidal properties, this product will protect against infection, as well as contribute to wound healing.

2. Kefir or sour cream can be applied to the sore spot twice a day. They will relieve pain.

3. Very effective are grated potato or carrot compresses. They must be left on the wound for up to thirty minutes.

4. For mild burns, you can apply wax and vegetable oil in the ratio (1: 2). They need to be boiled and soaked with a finished liquid gauze dressing. Apply to the burn for several hours.

5. A proven remedy for burns is a plant aloe. It is necessary to squeeze the juice out of it and soak it with a sterile dressing. Apply to the wound three times a day.

6. Sea buckthorn oil you can lubricate burnt skin several times a day. It will contribute to its healing.

7. Cottage cheese. It needs to be slightly warmed up and applied to the burn twice a day. It will relieve severe pain and disinfect the wound.

8. Tea. It must be firmly brewed and moistened with a bandage. Apply such lotions to the wound every two hours.

9. Means from butter and eggs:

• 100 g butter mixed with two eggs;

• apply the finished mixture to the burn twice a day;

• wind up with a bandage on top.

10. White cabbage considered an excellent way to quench inflammation and pain. Her fresh leaves should be applied to the burn.

11. Pumpkin. It should be grated and applied to the wound. Repeat the procedure twice a day. You can also make lotions from pumpkin juice.

12. Oak remedy:

• take two tablespoons of chopped oak bark;

• pour them with 500 ml of water;

• boil for half an hour;

• strain;

• use externally for compresses.

13. Apple remedy:

• grate a few fresh apples on a fine grater;

• apply them to a burn, securing with a bandage from above.

You can also use freshly squeezed apple juice for compresses.

14. Lingonberry recipe:

• wash the berries of lingonberry;

• squeeze juice out of them;

• use to impregnate bandage dressings;

• apply to the wound twice a day. It will help in quick healing of the burn.

15. Means from soda:

• dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a glass of water;

• use for compresses.

16. Mix two chicken yolks with a spoon of honey. Apply the finished mixture to a burn. Fasten with a bandage from above.


Watch the video: Burns: Classification and Treatment (July 2024).