Knee hurts from the inside - what to do? How to treat a sore knee if the localization of pain on the side from the inside


Quite often, people experience pain from the inside of the knee.

It can be accompanied by a characteristic crunch, a feeling of constriction and swelling.

Let us consider in more detail what factors can cause the knee to hurt from the inside, how to diagnose and treat them.

Knee sore from the inside: joint structure

Before giving the reasons for these pains, it is advisable to find out about the general physiological structure of the knee. So, its basis is the connection of the tibia and femur. Above them is a patella.

The entire knee joint envelops the joint capsule.

Between the joint is a small thickening of the cartilage, which is called the meniscus. Its main task is to evenly distribute the load that rests on the knee.

In the joint cavity itself are small bags of fluid. They help the knee to move, making the process of movement easy and smooth. In simple words - they play the role of natural lubrication of the joint.

Knee hurts on the side from the inside: causes

Most often, pain on the inside of the knee occurs for the following reasons:

1. Knee injuries. They can be mild (sprain, bruise) or severe (bone fracture, rupture of ligaments, muscles or tendons). In any case, when a knee is damaged, inflammation forms in it. The leg hurts while it feels hot and swollen to the touch. It’s hard for a person to walk.

If the knee is not seriously damaged, it is recommended to apply cold to it. In case of a fracture, a diagnosis should be made and a tight gypsum applied.

It is important to know that even small knee injuries need to be completely cured, otherwise in the future they can progress and lead to more serious illnesses.

2. Arthrosis the knee joint is a disease in which the knee cartilage is severely affected, which leads to their gradual destruction. Usually, such a disease develops after an untreated injury. Unfortunately, in most cases it is chronic and rapidly progressing. In especially advanced cases, the patient needs a complete replacement of the knee joint with an endo prosthesis.

3. Gonarthrosis - This is one of the subspecies of arthrosis, which affects men and women aged about forty years, as well as athletes after injuries.

At first, this disease is characterized by aching pain. Over time, pain intensifies and becomes permanent. Crunching and numbness of the legs may also occur.

If you do not deal with the treatment of gonarthrosis in time, then a person can become disabled.

4. Arthritis is a disease in which the structural components of the knee joint are affected. The reasons for it may be previous injuries, hemorrhage in the joint, a viral infection or hypothermia.

In acute arthritis, a person suffers from fever, pain in the inner side of the knee, hyperemia, and limited mobility of the joint. Treatment of this disease should be comprehensive.

5. Rheumatoid arthritis - This is a more severe form of arthritis, in which the ligaments, muscles and connective tissues of the knee joint are affected much faster. Usually in this condition, a person suffers from severe pain under the knee. If rheumatoid arthritis is not treated, it will lead to immobility of the knee and ankylosis.

6. Meniscus damage can happen under a variety of circumstances (injury, fall, bruise, etc.). Its rupture is characterized by severe swelling of the knee and increasing pain. There are also cases of sticking of the damaged ligament between the bones, which leads to complete immobility of the joint. The only reasonable way out of this situation is to conduct a surgical operation.

7. Tendon inflammation may be due to overweight person. Most often, people over forty are prone to this condition. In this case, pain will arise from the inside of the knee. Provoke increased pain lifting weights, as well as movement over long distances.

8. Rheumatism - This is a disease that usually occurs after a previous viral infection. At the same time, certain processes are formed in the human body that give an impetus to the development of rheumatism.

This disease is characterized by severe joint inflammation and pain. If you do not treat it, then gradually it will give complications in the form of arthritis or osteoarthritis.

9. Rickets. It develops at a fairly early age (from one to two years). Its main manifestation is bone deformation due to their softening. As a result of this, already in adulthood, a person can experience pain in different parts of the body, including the knees.

10. Cyst baker usually develops as a complication from a knee injury or hemarthrosis. Despite the frightening concept of "cyst", it is not an oncological neoplasm. In this condition, under the knee in a person there is an accumulation of joint fluid, which during movements causes discomfort and pain. It is also difficult for the patient to bend his leg and walk. It is best to remove the cyst surgically. If you do not do it on time, then it can fester and cause inflammation, which will only extend the total treatment time.

11. Goff's disease a little like a meniscus cyst, however, it affects precisely adipose, non-cartilaginous tissue. Typically, such a disease develops with hormonal disorders or arthrosis. It manifests itself in the form of pain when walking and swelling of the knee.

12. Blood stasis can cause pain under the knee, swelling and fever. In this condition, the patient should be diagnosed with arthritis.

13. Oncological pathology development in the knee is one of the most dangerous standing. In this case, the person will suffer from weakness, severe pain and high fever.

Knee hurts on the side from the inside: when you need to see a doctor

As soon as possible, it is recommended to consult a doctor (traumatologist) with the appearance of such symptoms:

1. Strong swelling of the knee.

2. Fever, which is accompanied by severe pain under the knee.

3. Deformation of the knee joint.

4. Inability to step on the foot or bend it.

5. Redness in the joint.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe such mandatory diagnostic procedures:

1. General blood test.

2. General urine analysis.

3. X-ray of the knee joint.

4. CT scan of the knee.

Knee sore from the inside: treatment

The treatment of pain under the knee is based on the diagnosed disease, symptoms and general condition of the patient. Usually, general therapy is complex.

Drug treatment involves the intake of such groups of drugs:

1. The appointment of painkillers and analgesic drugs for severe pain (Ibuprofen, Nurofen).

2. The use of local ointments and gels to relieve inflammation (Diclac gel, Dolobene gel, etc.).

3. Taking antipyretic drugs at high temperature.

4. Reception of chondroprotectors.

5. Reception of a vitamin.

6. Performing intra-articular injections with hormonal drugs for more local relief of inflammation. Usually the course of such treatment takes ten days.

7. The appointment of antibiotics in the development of severe inflammation and suppuration.

Treatment (based on the diagnosis), provides for the following procedures:

1. With a knee injury, apply cold.

2. In case of fracture, the leg should be plastered.

3. In case of arthritis and arthrosis, it is recommended to wrap the affected leg with an elastic bandage and perform therapeutic exercises.

4. In case of severe damage to the campfire and cartilage, the patient may undergo surgery to replace the joint with an artificial one. The rehabilitation period after endoprosthetics takes from two months to six months.

For a variety of reasons, a knee can be ill on the side from the inside, but in order to prevent the development of this symptom, you should adhere to such recommendations:

1. Monitor your weight and prevent obesity.

2. Surgically eliminate the expansion of the veins.

3. Less walking on shoes with heels. Instead, it is better to prefer comfortable orthopedic shoes with flat soles.

4. If you feel heavy while walking, you can use a cane to relieve the load on your knees.

5. Engage in physical activity to prevent stagnation of the knee muscles.

6. After loads on the legs, it is advisable to massage.

7. Take a foot bath.

8. To do alcohol compresses when you feel tired in the knees.

9. Refuse bad habits.

10. Perform therapeutic exercises for the legs.

11. In time, pay attention to the pain under the knee and consult a doctor.

12. Treat even minor injuries and bruises of the knees.


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