If the knee hurts when bending and flexing, take action! What to do when the knee begins to hurt during flexion and extension


One of the signs of a malfunction in our body is unpleasant pains that disturb for a long time.

If you can not understand their cause, then you must urgently consult a doctor.

Knee pain is no exception.

Waving your hand and saying that everything will pass is not worth it.

After all, if, while bending and unbending your leg, you feel significant discomfort, then this can be a sign of many diseases that can become chronic over time.

The structure of the knee joint, working for wear

Each of us in his life at least once complained of severe pain in his knees. No wonder. After all, it is these joints that receive the greatest physical activity throughout the day. Do not forget that we are on our feet all day, which means that our knees work without respite.

The knee joints are complex in structure, and therefore quite vulnerable. Their role is very important, since it is in this place that the leg bends and unbends. The knees became the node where the ligaments, tendons, muscles connect the bones of the lower leg and the femur.

In order for our gait to be light and laid-back, menisci - cartilage pads - are located in the knee. These are our shock absorbers that run smoothly when we move around.

The patella protects the joint from bumps during outdoor activities, unexpected falls, or physical exertion.

Having examined the structure of the knee joint and its features, everyone can independently conclude that it is professional athletes and people who have great physical exertion who are predisposed to diseases in the area of ​​the knee joints. At risk are also those people who are overweight.

How the knee hurts when bending and flexing

The body not in vain gives us signals in the form of various pain symptoms. You cannot ignore them. On the contrary, you need to listen to it and understand what is happening, and try to adjust it as soon as possible. Remember that an advanced disease is much more difficult to treat.

The following are the alarming symptoms in the area of ​​the knee joint that need special attention:

1. Unreasonable acute pain, not accompanied by injury or fall. After taking the medication, the pain practically does not subside.

2. Constant aching pain at the end of the working day for a long time. After rest, everything normalizes.

3. At the slightest movement, a crunch is heard in the joint.

4. Ascent or descent of stairs causes pain.

5. There was a feeling of instability, the legs seemed to give way.

6. Redness, swelling and fever in the knee.

7. Throbbing in the joint, accompanied by bursting pain.

8. Deformation of the knees.

If you have at least one of these symptoms, we recommend that you seek medical attention immediately. Self-medication in these cases is excluded.

Who can hurt a knee when bending and flexing

No matter how we monitor health, there is such a thing as a risk group. Whatever a person does, but he may develop pain in the knee joint. Such people should be especially careful about their health. They are required to undergo preventive examinations to delay or even avoid complications in the knee joint.

The risk group consists of such categories of people:

• those who have relatives with similar diseases (genetic tendency);

• if there are problems with the endocrine system;

• women, especially after 45 years;

• overweight people;

• professional athletes, especially those with injuries and knee surgery;

• patients with muscle underdevelopment in the joint.

What diseases does the knee hurt when bending and flexing?

If the knee begins to hurt during flexion and extension, as well as at rest, then these can be the following diseases:

1) drives (better known as knee arthritis);

2) deforming arthrosis;

3) bursitis;

4) reactive arthritis (gout);

5) rheumatoid arthritis;

6) congenital diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system;

7) tumors in the knee joint.

We will not describe congenital diseases and neoplasms, since this is subject to special consideration and detailed analysis. All other diseases are briefly described.


The inflammatory process of the periarticular areas of the knee or of the knee joint itself is called gonitis, or arthritis of the knees. Very often, the cause of this disease is osteoarthrosis. Most common in women after 30 years.


• pain when walking up stairs;

• dropsy (swelling in the soft tissues);

• redness and fever in the knee joint;

• general malaise;

• loss of appetite.

If not treated, then the disease can become chronic. During this disease, patients become weather-sensitive: when the weather changes, knee pain intensifies significantly.

Deforming arthrosis

A disease of the knee joint, as a result of which there is deformation of the cartilage, as well as its destruction, is called deforming arthrosis, or deforming gonarthrosis. The cause of the disease can be large physical exertion, metabolic disorders, varicose veins, a consequence of a knee injury.


• severe aching pain (especially at night);

• gradual deformation of the knee;

• “starting” pains are possible (there is pain at the beginning of walking, and then it disappears);

• pain while walking up the stairs.

If you find the first signs of the disease, you need to contact an orthopedist, since the ailment can lead to irreversible processes in the knee joint.


Frequent injuries and infectious diseases lead to bursitis. This is an inflammatory process in the synovial bag.


• any movement is accompanied by pain;

• the joint is swollen, has redness;

• body temperature is elevated.

Treats bursitis immediately. If excess fluid begins to form in the knee joint, then surgery is indispensable. But there is one caveat. After surgery, the usual work of the knee may be impaired. Therefore, you need to make maximum efforts in order to cure the disease with medication.

Reactive arthritis

Reactive arthritis is an ailment that is also known as gout. It is associated with disorders in human enzyme systems. As a result, uric acid accumulates in the blood. As a result, salts form in the joints.

The main symptom is very severe pain in the knee, especially when flexing or extending the leg. The pain can abruptly disappear. For a long time there are no signs of the disease. But eight months later, incredible pain again pervades. Attacks will appear more and more every time.

You can be treated for this disease in 5-7 days. Then you will only need to monitor your diet

If the disease is not treated, then it can become chronic. And these are constant pains in knees with their subsequent deformation.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Chronic joint inflammation is called rheumatoid arthritis. This disease is quite common. They are most often affected by women. The disease begins to develop in people after 30 years.

The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

• a feeling of discomfort in the joints, especially in the morning;

• knee pain is felt during squats;

• appetite is reduced;

• temperature is elevated;

• insomnia is possible.

If treatment is not started on time, then internal organs and tissues are affected.

What treatment can be prescribed when the knee hurts during flexion and extension

At the first manifestations of knee pain, everyone seeks to get rid of it. As a rule, painkillers are used for this. But here it is necessary to think not about how to remove the pain, but about its cause. After all, pills will only help you for a while, and then the symptoms will recur. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive and under the supervision of a doctor. In order not to hurt the knee during flexion and extension, the doctor may prescribe the following treatment:

• medication;

• exercise therapy;

• physiotherapeutic;

• and even surgical.

If the disease has gone very far and the destructive process in the joint has already begun, then surgical intervention will be the only salvation from pain. There are two types of operations: the joint is either saved, or prosthetics are performed (replacement of the joint with an artificial prosthesis).

Remember the joy of movement! Be attentive to your health and the health of your loved ones!


Watch the video: Seated Knee Flexion and Extensions (June 2024).