Prayer for the healing of the child


There is no stronger bond than the bond between a mother and her child. When a new child is born into the world, the duty to keep and protect it from troubles and ailments falls on the fragile shoulders of a woman. The family, relatives, husband and heavenly forces help to carry this holy burden. And if people who are nearby are able to instill confidence in a woman in word and deed, then the prayer for the recovery of the child in a difficult situation will give strength, faith in yourself and set you on the right path.

Mother's Prayer for the Child

Maternal love is stronger than any other. This love is unconditional, it gives the child an impenetrable shield from external energy exposure. You can strengthen it with the help of prayers, your own faith and good mental messages.

Do you know that every “thank you” that was said for any person, not just a child, is also a prayer? Every “be healthy” and “good morning”, every warm word and praise, sincere gratitude and a wish for good - this is also a prayer. Its action is immeasurable due to the frequent pronunciation and sincere wishes of good. The action of the Orthodox prayers is enhanced by the pronunciation of the names of the saints and the emotions put by the believer in words.

You can pray for a child for any reason: in all affairs and undertakings, during important changes in life, during illness. Regardless of the age of the child and the distance at which he is from the mother, the power of her prayer will be enormous. The frequency and time of day here does not play an important role, since the mother has her own, special connection with her child. It is believed that the most effective words spoken at the time closest to the time of birth of the child: hour, minute, birthday.

Many saints can pray for the health of a child, and not necessarily exclusively to one. It is not forbidden to make requests for recovery to different saints at the same time - the more they hear you, the stronger the prayer will be. The Most Holy Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Holy Panteleimon help mothers and their children.

What prayers to read when sick?

It is not always that the recovery of a child depends on the efforts made by parents and doctors. There are situations in which the child’s body must fight the disease itself and any outside help can hurt more than contribute to recovery. In this case, many parents, realizing their powerlessness, turn to the higher forces. Prayer is not only a beneficial effect from Heaven, but also comfort, direction and empowerment of both children and parents themselves.

Even if the child recovers or is not in danger, one should pray for his well-being as often as possible. For a more favorable result, it is recommended to use church services. A candle with a note, delivered to the health of the child, the ordered service in the strength of his body, will multiply the influence of higher forces.

Remember that child welfare care is not limited to prayers. For the sacred act is not first aid, you should first make sure that the child was provided with all possible qualified medical care, with the exception of unique situations. Prolonged fever primarily requires a visit to the doctor, as instructed by the Church itself. But from the doctor who did everything necessary and sent you to recover home, you can go to the temple and ask the Most High forces and help.

Any illnesses will recede from the child for whom parents pray. A prayer for a baptized child by a baptized parent will have a special power on the sacred land. Do not forget that it is necessary to pray, remembering words by heart, putting all faith in them and presenting the image of a happy and healthy child.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Favorite by all children, revered as a New Year and Christmas Keeper, Nikolai Ugodnik favors praying mothers more than other saints. The prayer for the recovery of the child is strong and simple, pronounced on the icon of St. Nicholas. His image is in many houses and in every church; he can be prayed in one place or in another. When praying, you should worship the image three times and cross over, then repeat the same thing on the icon of the Infant Jesus in the hands of the Mother of God.

Putting a candle in the health of the child, read the following strong prayer:

“O Saint Nicholas the Wanderer, Wonderworker and Prelate, revered by the nations of all times. I pray you, help me recover my child, the slave (s) to the divine (s) (name), do not be angry with me for the oppressive, depressing sorrow of sin. For I rejoice when my child rejoices, I smile, when my child smiles, I live, when my child lives, and in my recovery I pray day and night. Hear me, guardian of people's hearts, pass on my request to our Lord and do not leave the good one unanswered. Amen".

Prayer to the Virgin

For many centuries, the Most Holy Mother of God has helped in the healing of an innumerable number of children. She will help everyone now, in our time, to empower and give strength to the spirit of the Lord’s tests. In addition to prayer, the Mother of God can be addressed with prayer to other saints, the Most Holy does not forbid it. Only encouraging the faith of mankind and the recognition of the goodwill marked by God, the Mother of God is attentive to the pleas of men.

You can read the prayer in your own words, or you can memorize the text of the prayer and, while pronouncing it, add details and sincerity to the words:

“The Most Holy Lady of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who exists in heaven, I appeal to you with a prayer for my child, the sickness of the sick. As your name is hallowed throughout our daily life, so will your will to create good in the name of maternal love. I ask for help and indulgence, give strength to my child and me to cope with ailments, to overcome the ailments, to strengthen in health. Do not forsake us Vseblagaya, fall with your sign and pay back according to the merits of the suffering. Amen!"

Saint Panteleimon

The holy martyr Panteleimon was a great healer in his lifetime, and to this day we are honored among the saints as a healer endowed with God's authority. People in all illnesses turn to him, prayer gives him strength to everyone. The prayer addressed to Saint Panteleimon for the recovery of a child is strong, helping in all situations, read at home or in church. Not always in the churches there is an icon depicting a beardless saint in a blue chiton.

But the prayer to him will be heard and uttered at home, on a candle:

“O great, Christ's saint, many-merciful healer Panteleimon. Hear the prayer of your slave, descend and have mercy, do not leave one in the wail. The supreme doctor of human souls, respect the request of the afflicted, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who bestowed healing. Accept my prayer, repay the gracious attention of yours, to my child (name), the youth of God will heal with the strength of your own, with your doctor’s hand, do not leave in trouble and illness. Amen!"

Appeal to the Matrona of Moscow

The prayer for the health of the child Matron is one of the most frequent with which people come to the saint. When a child is sick, prayer should be strong and the Blessed Matrona of Moscow can help even in the most difficult situation.

Most often they pray to her in the church, opposite the icon to Jesus Christ, with a lit candle in hand, overshadowing herself with the banner of the cross:

“Our Blessed Mother, the patroness of the Holy, in the earth, reclining, sitting in heaven, looking at us from heaven. By your grace, miracles are done; your will, more than any word, is undeniable. Look, I pray, at your servants of God, at the children of the suffering, comfort, sinners in grief and pain, stand up before the Lord, ask for absolution of our sins before his Face. Ask to be supportive of us, all His trials to pass help us, Most Holy. Amen!"

Prayers for the health of newborns

When a child only comes into being, at first parents treat him especially reverently. Starting from every baby sneeze, they rush to the cradle, tense up from every redness on the cheeks, from every long period of time between emptying the stomach. The newly minted parents are ready to stand up for eternity in queues to doctors, to hear that everything is in order with the newborn. Often the way it is, but the alarm does not get less.

For parents who want their child to strengthen health and prosperity, and to themselves - peace of mind, there is a supportive prayer to all the saints.

It is read on any icons in the house, in the light of three church candles. It is important to read it on the first birthday of the child, you can do it in the future bedroom, while the baby is in the hospital - then the text should be slightly changed.

A believing mother can take the icon with her to the postpartum ward, but it is recommended to do without a candle in order to avoid risks:

“Our Heavenly Father, the Lord Almighty, I call upon you with the names of all your saints, your saints, your baptists. Be good to your servant (name), for I bring the light of my child to you, and I urge you to protect it. Named (name of the child), he will praise you, he will do good in your name, in that I, his mother, bow to you. They put their own strength on the lad, put him on a fortress, sent down his blessing to him and his defense, do not deny him, do not forsake. I promise to carry your word and will, to christen the child by faith and to protect it faithfully throughout your life with the help of your god. Amen!"

And parents, whose fumes have been tested since the first days of birth, it is recommended to say a saving prayer for a sick child.

It is designed to strengthen the spirit and give strength in the safe passage of all the tests sent by God:

“The Lord, who leads his flock on the right path, knows the stones of the pastures, the ravines, the piedmont rivers. Through those rivers, the Lord will not lead us, the Lord will bypass the rivers, and what does not bypass them will spread them. The name of his generations shall be hallowed; the virgins shall be crying for him, and I cry. To my child, to the old days, I ask for intercession, I ask for grace, I ask for the will of its strengthening, for the struggle of resistance. Do not forsake us, Lord Almighty, save a small child, a newborn, from the perishable ailment, strengthen his tiny little body, save and sanctify. Amen!"

Any prayer delivered with faith is helpful. Even if you, being baptized, never prayed, it is not too late to start it in a difficult moment. Without knowing the words of prayers - turn to the Lord in your own words, put your request in them with all sincerity and hope, and it will be fulfilled.

Not for nothing is it customary to baptize children in the first months after birth, usually on the 40th day. At an early age, the child is affected by any energy, both good and bad. The sacrament of holy baptism at an early age endows the infant with protection from evil forces.


Watch the video: Prayer For a Sick Child - Prayer For Sick Children (July 2024).