Can children do inhalations at a temperature or is it better to consult a doctor? How to do inhalation when the child has a fever


Any catarrhal, inflammatory or infectious disease is always accompanied by fever.

Inflammatory diseases in the respiratory system are no exception, their main symptoms are shortness of breath, cough.

The only means of salvation is inhalation.

But is it possible to make inhalations at a temperature for children?

Before giving an answer to this question, it is necessary to understand some points.

Is it possible to make inhalations at a temperature for children: a nebulizer or steam inhalation

The methods of inhalation that are identical at first glance have a different effect on the child's body, and also has different meanings.

Steam inhalation is a physiotherapy in which the moist heat of the trachea and nasopharynx is treated.

Under the influence of heat, blood flow increases significantly, inflammation passes. If the body temperature is above 37 degrees, you should not even doubt it, since children are forbidden to do such inhalations.

Inhalation through a nebulizer only delivers drugs to the respiratory tract, this is not physiotherapy, so it is allowed to conduct it at a temperature just above 37.

Is it possible to make inhalations at a temperature for children: pros and cons

The main advantage of inhalation is the local effect of the drugs on the bronchi, pharynx and nasopharynx. Medicines immediately fall on the inflamed area in the mucous membrane, they do not enter the general bloodstream, which means that there is no negative effect on the internal organs.

  • Important! With an increase in body temperature in a child, it is forbidden to do steam inhalation, as well as any other thermal procedures.

If parents nevertheless do inhalation at a low temperature, then after the procedure it will rise even higher. This is not dangerous for the body, but still there is an additional load, which is fraught with consequences for the general condition.

The temperature can rise so much that hospitalization can not do. An alternative in this case is the use of special inhalers, which help to spray drugs into the respiratory tract at room temperature.

Many experts note that the best inhaler that is recommended for use at home is a nebulizer.

In the nebulizer, the particles of the drug are broken into a thin suspension, with a small cloud they begin to gradually penetrate the respiratory oranges at the moment of inhalation. The device is allowed to be used by patients of any age, regardless of who it is, a newborn, or an elderly person.

In pharmacies, a wide selection of nebulizers, customers are invited to purchase an ultrasound or compression device. So, for example, you do not need to buy drugs to use a compression inablizer.

In the ultrasonic nebulizer, preparations are crushed into small particles, complex molecules are partially destroyed.

But not all drugs are allowed to be used in nebulizers, for example, glucocorticosteroids are prohibited.

In the compression nebulizer, the choice of drugs is much greater.

When doctors prescribe inhalations at a temperature

First of all, doctors prescribe inhalation with a nebulizer in case of acute and chronic respiratory tract diseases.

If there is a severe cold with a cough, but it does not cough, it is recommended to use mineral water called Narzar or Borjomi. When inhaling mineral water, the mucous membrane will begin to moisturize, and sputum will be expectorated.

In order to relieve symptoms of obstruction, it is recommended to use bronchodilator drugs.

Inhalation of young children is possible only with those drugs that were prescribed by the attending physician. In no case should you use tap water, even if it is boiled.

It is strictly forbidden to use herbal solutions that you have prepared for the nebulizer. After small particles of grass get into the lungs, inflammation can occur, otherwise it is called aseptic pneumonia. It is best to purchase a special drug, for example, Tonsilgon.

How to use the device

Using a nebulizer is easy enough, and any parents can do it. But still, in order not to harm, you must first study the instructions.

So, in order to inhale your child, follow these instructions:

1. In no case should inhalations be taken if, shortly before, the child ate. After eating, wait a while, so that the food "calmed down" and a little absorbed by the body.

2. The most important rule that must be taken into account in the first place is to observe the dosage of the drugs. If suddenly, you add a little more medicine than expected, side effects may occur.

3. At the time of the procedure, seat the child exactly, make sure that he does not move, breathe calmly and evenly.

4. If suddenly a child often has nosebleeds, it is impossible to use a nebulizer in any case.

5. In advance, you must always consult with a pediatrician in order to get additional recommendations.

Is it possible to make inhalations at a temperature for children: preparations for a nebulizer

Inhalation of a drug through a nebulizer is an effective tool that helps with stenosis and laryngotracheitis.

Before proceeding with the treatment of the child, it is necessary to visit a medical institution and consult with your doctor. Be sure to ask how to do inhalation for your child, what medicines to use when the temperature rises, how not to harm the baby?

  • Important! Through a nebulizer, inhalation using saline, mineral water, and also from tinctures of medicinal plants is recommended.

Medicines are pre-diluted with pharmacy saline to obtain the required volume. In order to carry out inhalation through a nebulizer, you can use filtered decoctions prepared from medicinal solutions - for example, sage and chamomile.

If your child has a temperature that rises as a result of bronchospasm, it is recommended to inhale through a nebulizer with saline solution, as well as mineral water (it is better to take Essentuki).

If the treatment was carried out before the temperature rose, and was supportive, then in no case can it be canceled after the temperature has risen. If you cancel the drug, the general condition of the child will become much worse.

If stenosis occurs in a child, inhalation is allowed even if the temperature reaches 38.

In another case, if parents sit and talk about whether inhalation can be done or not, the general condition can worsen so much that you will have to call an ambulance. In exceptional cases, a seizure in a child can be removed only in the intensive care unit.

The need to use a nebulizer may also occur during the period when the temperature rises sharply during the disease. At the same time, the baby can breathe through the nebulizer until the doctor arrives.

Is it possible to make inhalations at a temperature for children: side effects

If, after you treated the child with an inhaler, the temperature suddenly increased, this is probably the body's response to medications. In this case, it is necessary to cancel the incubator for a while, until the doctor allows the procedure to be resumed.

But a completely different case is when inhalation cannot be done with a nebulizer at a high temperature due to the fact that the body has an individual intolerance to this procedure. Perhaps there will be severe vomiting, the general condition worsen.

The nebulizer "delivers" the crushed particles of the drug into the upper respiratory tract. This method of treatment is safe, but only if the medication for inhalation was selected only by a doctor.

Children's health is perhaps the most important thing for any parents, which, first of all, depends on them. Be careful before performing certain procedures, ask your pediatrician for advice.


Watch the video: Children First Aid: Febrile Seizure (June 2024).