The basic principles of nutrition for a diet for psoriasis. Exemplary diet menu for psoriasis, allowed and forbidden foods


Psoriasis is a disease that a person first encountered for a long time.

Despite the fact that it has been thoroughly studied, there are cases when it is not possible to recover from an illness and he "lives" with a person throughout his life.

The most delicate problem is not even symptomatology, but the aesthetic side of the issue.

You can cope with it if you go through not only medical treatment, but also properly build your diet.

The diet for psoriasis describes in detail all permitted and prohibited foods. It is designed in such a way that, following the basic rules, a person will forever forget about the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Diet for Psoriasis: The Basics of Nutrition

The diet for psoriasis in detail can only be compiled individually. The fact is that the same diet is not suitable for all people. Someone may be intolerant to certain foods. For this reason, a therapeutic diet is individually treated by a physician.

There are several useful recommendations that include refusing to eat certain foods. Following these tips, a person will be able to enrich his body with all the useful trace elements and provide for himself a balanced diet.

List of products not recommended for use

1. Spices. Many years of experience in studying the symptoms of the disease allowed doctors to come to the conclusion that dishes, including spices, negatively affect the general condition of the patient. These products contain a high concentration of aromatic substances and essential oils, which lead to itching and severe skin irritation. This only exacerbates the disease. The most “aggressive” spices are cloves, nutmeg, paprika and pepper.

2. Nuts - hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts. Their use leads to a sharp reaction of the body to an allergen. It is recommended to exclude any dishes in which there are nuts. Even a small number of them can lead to severe irritation of the dermis.

3. Smoked meats, pickles and spicy dishes. They disrupt the gastrointestinal tract. The intestine instantly responds to this, which causes a skin reaction.

4. Diet for psoriasis should exclude zest from citrus fruits. They have many essential oils that adversely affect the patient’s skin condition. Juices from oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits are also on the taboo list.

5. Fatty meats contain a large amount of arachidonic acid, which provokes the manifestation of symptoms of psoriasis.

6. Alcohol. It is forbidden to consume mainly those alcoholic beverages that are made on the basis of grapes. They negatively affect the liver, which leads to the formation of toxins in the body, which accumulate and are not excreted. Even a small amount of alcohol is a serious blow to the immune system. For patients with psoriasis, this is unacceptable.

7. Blue cheese is also considered a strong allergen. Despite the fact that so many people love this delicacy, it must be excluded from the diet for skin problems.

The diet for psoriasis describes in detail the reasons why a person needs to monitor his weight. In the presence of extra pounds, a strong load on the joints occurs, as a result of which all metabolic processes occurring in the body are disrupted. For psoriasis, this is an opportunity to "break out." If you have skin problems, it is recommended to monitor your figure so as not to provoke the occurrence of derma irritation.

Essential vitamins for patients with psoriasis and the reaction of trace elements to the body

1. Vitamins of group B, E, PP, C. Most of them are found in fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits. When these trace elements are enough, the body strengthens its protective barrier, which positively affects immunity. As a result, a person will be maximally protected from all negative factors that provoke the manifestation of psoriasis.

2. Zinc. In addition to fruits and vegetables, the trace element is also found in meat and cereals. It is necessary for the effective regeneration of the skin and the stabilization of immunity.

3. Calcium is found in large quantities in dairy products. Diet for psoriasis does not prohibit them, but the products should be low-fat. Calcium soothes the central nervous system, soothes the skin, relieves itching and irritation.

4. Aminobenzoic acid. It is rich in vegetables and fruits. If a person suffers from psoriasis, replenishment of micronutrient reserves is simply necessary. This acid prevents inflammatory reactions of the dermis.

The usefulness of ginger

The diet for psoriasis, detailed by the attending physician for the patient, does not exclude the presence of ginger in the daily diet. This product contains a huge amount of nutrients, helps to eliminate accumulated toxins and toxins. The composition contains vitamins B, A, C, as well as sodium, iron, calcium, zinc and phosphorus, amino acids. Ginger is best added fresh to tea. It gives the drink a pleasant aroma and enriches it with substances important for human immunity.

Diet for psoriasis: treatment method D. Pegano

This medical technique has been practiced for many years to get rid of the disease without medications. Efficiency has been repeatedly proven. Pegano during the period of his medical practice studied the problem and determined how to maintain acid-base balance in the body and eat properly.

The essence of the technique is its transformation into your lifestyle. Cleansing and healing the body occurs in stages.

Stages of the treatment technique

1. Duration of the first stage - 8 days. During this period, the intestines are actively cleaned. The first three days the patient needs to stay on a monofruit diet, the next three days on apple.

2. At the second stage, there is an increase in immunity, as a result of which a protective barrier is created that does not pass the infections that provoke psoriasis. A balanced diet is prepared individually for the patient by the attending physician.

3. Very often, an ailment provokes a violation of the functionality of the spine. For this reason, the diet for psoriasis describes exercises for prevention in detail. There are no restrictions on physical activity.

4. At the fourth stage, the patient is recommended to visit the sauna and take a steam bath, which accelerates the process of cleansing and regeneration of the dermis.

5. Of course, stress is contraindicated. Only a positive attitude, timely rest will contribute to healing.

Diet result

1. The general condition of the body improves markedly.

2. Itchy skin will no longer bother.

3. The disease will not progress.

Pegano Nutrition Principles

The diet for psoriasis according to Pegano has its own principles of building a daily diet, which the patient must clearly follow if he wants to solve his problem.

1. Mixing products is strictly prohibited. Do not pour milk or cream into tea or coffee. Fruits such as melon, bananas, apples and watermelons are consumed separately and only in pure form.

2. Eggs, meat and fish are best steamed. This method of heat treatment preserves the useful properties of the products to the maximum, while it "breaks" the molecules of allergens.

3. Fruits and vegetables are allowed both in pure form and in stew (steamed).

4. Cereals can be consumed as part of cereal.

The amount of product in the diet

1. During the day, at least 8 glasses of water is an important rule.

2. Lamb is allowed 2 times a week for 170 grams.

3. Poultry meat - 3 times a week for about 170 grams.

4. Chicken eggs - 2 times a week for 2 pieces.

5. Vegetable oil - 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

Diet for psoriasis: a detailed three-day menu

When preparing the menu for the week, you should adhere to the principles of nutrition according to Pegano. It is very important to follow the recommendations in the early days, then you can slightly diversify your diet and adjust it for yourself. We must not forget about maintaining a balance of alkaline and acidic products.

Day 1

1. Morning. Oatmeal cooked in water or milk (nonfat). It is allowed to add one spoonful of honey to the dish for taste. 20 minutes after a meal, a glass of water with lemon is drunk.

2. Lunch. Vegetable soup, a separate piece of boiled chicken fillet. Together white bread whole grain breads are allowed.

3. Dinner. Slice of salmon fillet baked with stewed vegetables. The dish is seasoned with a small amount of olive oil, and lettuce leaves are added there.

Day 2

1. Morning. Wheat porridge cooked on the same principle as oatmeal on the first day. After 15 minutes, herbal tea.

2. Lunch. Braised celery with zucchini, a separate slice of stewed mutton.

3. The evening. A very tasty and healthy dish is to bake cauliflower with a small amount of garlic and cottage cheese in the oven. You can also have a salad with beets and fresh carrots.

Day 3

1. Morning. Two boiled chicken eggs, coffee without milk and caffeine.

2. Lunch. Puree soup made from vegetables. On the second - broccoli baked in yogurt with a small amount of garlic.

3. The evening. Stewed pike perch with carrots and onions.

These are only an approximate menu, dishes can be selected independently, based on the rules and principles of building a diet for psoriasis. It is important not to forget about the drinking regimen.

Following the recommendations presented, the ailment will no longer bother, the patient will feel much better both inside and out.


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