The principles and benefits of a vegetarian diet for weight loss. Sample vegetarian diet menu: taste secrets


Vegetarianism causes a lot of controversy between medical professionals and professional nutritionists. However, in this situation, the contradictions relate to life-long rejection of meat. On the other hand, it has been proven that a moderate vegetarian diet for weight loss has a positive effect on human health. This applies not only to those who are overweight, but also to people with diabetes, a predisposition to heart attacks. If you approach the organization of nutrition and make the right menu, a vegetarian diet will be a small step on the road to a new healthy lifestyle.

Vegetarian diet for weight loss: the basics of diet and its benefits

It is known that the main principle of vegetarianism is the rejection of meat products. Today, for those who want to settle their weight, there are several diet options. More stringent requires following this principle, moderate allows you to include fish and seafood in the diet. Everyone chooses an option that is individually suitable for him.

A vegetarian diet has so many benefits that are hard to dispute. Among them are the following:

• more fiber enters the body, which stimulates the proper functioning of the digestive system;

• most dishes are low-calorie, therefore it is allowed to eat them in large portions;

• vegetarianism removes toxins, which contributes to an effective process of weight loss;

• normalization of blood pressure;

• maintaining optimal blood sugar levels;

• in food of plant origin there are a lot of useful minerals and vitamins.

Contraindications to refuse meat products

There are times when a vegetarian diet for weight loss will not be appropriate. Some categories of people need trace elements that meat provides.

Vegetarianism is undesirable for:

• women during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;

• children and adolescents;

• old people.

How to properly create a menu for a vegetarian diet

Before you begin planning your daily diet, you need to know which micronutrients a person refuses, and which foods will make up for their balance. For example, fish and meat products contain a lot of vitamin B12, proteins and phosphorus, without which the body cannot function normally.

1. Proteins. It is known that for the body they are the main building material. In order to maintain normal functioning, one cannot completely deprive themselves of them. With a vegetarian diet, beans, lentils and peas must be included in the diet, as they contain protein.

2. Phosphorus has a positive effect on the brain. It can be obtained from fresh cabbage, milk, beets, cucumbers and nuts.

3. Vitamin B12. In the menu of a vegetarian diet for weight loss it is very difficult to find. To fill the deficit, you need to use yogurt, tofu and fresh milk every day.

Vegetarian Diet: How to Start Right

If a person wants not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to cleanse his body of toxins and toxins, one must learn to approach the process of losing weight correctly. The presented useful recommendations will teach you to "enter" into a vegetarian diet without harm to the body.

1. You can not abruptly switch to a vegetarian menu. Products of animal origin are eliminated gradually so that the body does not experience stress.

2. The menu should be carefully thought out. Eating well involves filling up the deficiency of vitamins derived from meat with other foods.

3. If a person has chosen a vegetarian diet for weight loss, he needs to focus only on healthy and fresh foods.

4. There are no strict restrictions on the duration of following the food system. Everyone chooses for himself the period that he can overpower.

5. At the end of the diet, you can not immediately rush to the meat. It returns to the diet as gradually as it was removed. You should start with dairy products.

6. The advantage is given to boiled, stewed and raw food, fried is excluded. This is due to the fact that during heat treatment a lot of trace elements useful for the body are lost.

7. Reduce salt intake - this is the principle of any diet. In the products of which a person prepares food daily for himself, there is already salt, you should not add seasoning in addition, as it provokes an appetite.

Vegetarian diet: sample menu for the week

The presented sample menu will allow you to get rid of at least 4-5 kg ​​in 7 days. If overweight is large, the result may be better, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body losing weight.

First day

1. Morning. 25 grams of oatmeal, fresh fruit.

2. Lunch. 25 grams of low-fat cheese and boiled potatoes in a peel.

3. Dinner. Vegetable stew (150 grams) and fruit salad.

Second day

1. Morning. Fresh vegetable salad, diet bread.

2. Lunch. Coarse flour pasta, canned green peas.

3. The evening. Steamed vegetables with boiled rice.

The third day

1. Morning. Baked apples and 30 grams of any porridge.

2. Lunch. Dietary bread rolls and fresh fruits.

3. The evening. Spaghetti with herbs and garlic.

Fourth day

1. Morning. Oven baked tofu cheese and vegetables.

2. Lunch. Boiled buckwheat and squash caviar (100 grams).

3. The evening. Seasonal vegetable salad (without potatoes) and boiled white beans.

Fifth day

1. Morning. Carrot casserole.

2. Lunch. Boiled rice and stewed cabbage without salt.

3. The evening. Spaghetti with cheese.

Sixth day

1. Morning. Fresh cucumber salad seasoned with low-fat sour cream.

2. Lunch. Jacket boiled potatoes.

3. The evening. Boiled Red Beans.

Seventh day

1. Morning. Baked apples with honey.

2. Lunch. Squash Cavier.

3. Dinner. Fresh vegetable salad (seasonal).

The menu is allowed to be adjusted at its discretion, including legumes and other products, which include useful trace elements and vitamins.

Interesting recipes for a vegetarian diet

1. Zucchini soup

Actual and delicious vegetarian dish. Preparing the soup is very simple, contains a minimal amount of calories.

Finely chopped zucchini is added to boiling water (7 glasses). After boiling, the pan is left on high heat for another 10 minutes, then flour and vegetable oil are added there (one tablespoon each). After another 5 minutes, fresh herbs are thrown, it is better to use parsley. Soup should be a little infused for a greater flavor.

2. Draniki

Draniki is a dish that is perfect for a vegetarian diet for weight loss. Several large potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater, juice is squeezed from them. A spoonful of flour, one egg and chopped onion are added to the remaining mass. Everything is mixed, cutlets are formed. They are fried on both sides in a small amount of oil until a golden crust forms.

3. Stuffed Peppers

It is prepared according to a standard recipe known to everyone, only without the addition of meat (or minced meat). A very hearty dish, ideal for vegetarians.

Useful tips and advice for a vegetarian diet

1. When refusing meat dishes, it is imperative to include nuts, sunflower seeds, broccoli, and cauliflower in the daily diet.

2. If a person wants to lose weight, he needs to accustom himself not to use chocolate, flour and other confectionery products.

3. It is important to follow the drinking regimen. At least 1.5 liters of fluid are needed per day, moreover, it should be plain water. In the evening and in the morning a glass of green tea with lemon without sugar is allowed. If you want juice, preference is given to freshly squeezed.

4. It is advisable to forget about such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcohol. They worsen the general condition of the body.

5. Physical activity should be moderate. Charging in the morning and walking through the fresh air before bedtime is recommended.

Before you start a vegetarian diet for weight loss, you need to determine the amount of extra pounds. Only after that can you make up the correct menu for yourself by calculating the daily rate of allowed calories. A vegetarian diet for a week will help cleanse your body of toxins and toxins, improve metabolism and allow you to get rid of excess weight.


Watch the video: 6 simple ways to lose a little weight (June 2024).