Thyme - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Thyme - general description

Thyme ordinary - a long-standing creeping shrub, the height of which reaches 35 centimeters. The leaves of the thyme are small, and besides, are dotted with small dots - these are glands containing essential oil. The mauve-thyme flowers are small, at the ends of the branches they are collected in capitate inflorescences. The fruits of the plant are dark brown nuts having an elliptical shape. Thyme blooms in June-July, and its fruits ripen in August and September.

Thyme is considered an ancient medicinal plant. Even Avicenna mentioned him in the "Canon of Medicine". The ancient healer believed that thyme was able to drive urine, counteract rot, kill lice, cope with insect bites and relieve headaches. Today thyme is even more widely used.

Thyme - types and places of growth

You can meet thyme in the north and in the middle zone of Russia, in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Urals, on the southern slopes of the Crimean mountains, in the sandy and rocky steppes, on the outskirts of pine forests, in rocky tundra.

Thyme - healing properties

Thyme has disinfectant and expectorant properties, and therefore the tool is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for any type of cough, for chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and whooping cough. Thyme is especially effective when the process begins to subside.

Thyme - dosage forms

The most valuable raw materials are the upper parts of the flowering thyme or some of its leaves. Thyme grass is harvested when the plant blooms. It is necessary to tear off the branches without pulling out the plant with the root, then dry them in the open air, distributing them on fabric or paper. The dried raw materials are sieved, removing thick stems. You can store harvested thyme for 2 years.
As a rule, infusions, decoctions, tea are prepared from thyme, and thyme is added to the bathroom when bathing.

Thyme - recipes

Thyme effectively treats lung problems. So, with bronchitis or bronchial asthma, thyme infusion will help. To do this, you need to pour a tablespoon of prepared raw materials with a glass of boiling water, then infuse the mixture in a thermos for a couple of hours. Take this infusion of thyme should be after a meal in a tablespoon three to four times a day, children need to reduce the dosage to a teaspoon.

With dry throat, as well as with laryngitis, collecting from thyme with leaves of chamomile and plantain flowers, which are taken in equal amounts, will help. A tablespoon of such a collection should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour and then taken three times a day for a tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

Coughing "smokers" will help cure herbal collection. For one part of thyme, you will need 2 parts of the fruits or flowers of hawthorn and part of the leaves of black currant. A tablespoon of such a collection should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted in a thermos for 6-8 hours, and then taken a third of a glass 3-4 times a day.

Thyme tincture copes with joint and muscle pains - it must be used as a grind. To prepare the tincture, half a half-liter bottle should be filled with fresh leaves and flowers of thyme. Then pour a couple of glasses of vodka and leave the bottle for 2 weeks to insist. After that, the tincture is filtered, and the grass is squeezed. Such a tincture can not only rub the joints, but also take it inside after eating 30-40 drops.

In the treatment of prostatitis and impotence, regular consumption of tea, which includes thyme, will help. To prepare it, you should brew in a thermos on a tablespoon of oregano and mint, as well as 3-4 tablespoons of thyme. Pour boiling water over everything. Stand the infusion all night, then drink it the next day. Periodically add to such an infusion, you can St. John's wort, linden or dog rose.

Thyme baths help restore strength and cleanse the skin. It is enough to boil thyme, filter it and pour the broth into the bathroom. Take a bath should be about 20 minutes.

Thyme oil can stimulate biologically active points, thereby adding energy. You can cook the oil yourself. Why should the thyme grass be poured with vegetable or olive oil and insisted for a month. The longer you stand, the better. Before use, the correct amount of oil should be filtered and rubbed clockwise into points on the body.

Thyme is also used in cooking, usually in the form of seasoning. It goes well with fish and fatty dishes. It is especially useful for men to flavor dishes with thyme, because this herb contains zinc, which has a positive effect on sexual function.

Thyme - contraindications

The active substance of thyme is thymol. In case of an overdose, thymol can provoke hyperthyroidism. Also, do not take thyme for pregnant women. As well as those who suffer from kidney diseases, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.


Polina 05/10/2016
I wonder if it is possible to give broth from the thyme to small children? My niece, 2.6 years old, got bronchitis from somewhere. Periodically colds, coughs. I don’t want to drink pills for the child, although, of course, I have to. But weed, it would be better.

Sasha 05/10/2016
I had a similar situation. And also my father coughed so that we had no peace. We didn’t give him anything to drink ... There was practically no sense. But I did it as it is written here, and there is already the first result - the cough became quieter and less frequent.

Katya 05/10/2016
I treated dad with thyme. He has a smoker's cough, and it's just constant. No strength, listen to this cough. I was told in the pharmacy to buy a collection in which thyme, but, in my opinion, a slightly different composition. The main thing is that he helped. Now you can sleep peacefully at night.

Veronica 05/10/2016
This plant is taken, first of all, for the treatment of various pulmonary diseases. Thyme, perfectly treats bronchitis, just a cough and everything else. I treated laryngitis. Cured. But on the account of such an action on men, I was not in the know. Thank))

Anya 05/10/2016
Thyme is very close to me. I myself grow it in the garden. He blooms very pretty. To be honest, I didn’t know that thyme grows in the wild, I thought that everyone grows it specially. It happens, I use it as a seasoning.


Watch the video: 10 UNIQUE WAYS TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS. Manifesting, Visualizing, Aromatherapy. Renee Amberg (June 2024).