Pies with apples - the best recipes. How to cook apple pies correctly and tasty.


What pastries are associated with national Russian cuisine? Of course, these are pies - with all kinds of toppings: potatoes, fish, eggs, mushrooms, rice, cabbage, berries and fruits. The abundance of ingredients with which to stuff pies is truly impressive!

Pies with apples - general principles and methods of preparation

Patties with apples should be allocated a separate place. How many of us from childhood are not familiar with their magical taste and sweet aroma? It is unlikely that anyone would remain indifferent to such warm, ruddy and unusually tasty grandmother’s pastries. And today, even the most inveterate guardian of the figure, is not averse to tasting a liver-sweet treat. Moreover, apple pies can not only be fried in a pan with a lot of oil, but also baked in the oven with a minimum amount of fat.

By the way, speaking of sweet filling, it should be noted that products with such are best baked in the oven. This will prevent the "trauma" of the dough during baking, as well as leakage of juice. To prevent this from happening while frying pies in a pan, experienced housewives adapted to add starch to the filling, and make the dough a little cooler than usual, adding more eggs and butter to it.

You can use any dough to make pies with apples. In our article, we will experiment with the dietary option (without the addition of sugar and yeast), yeast, puff and cottage cheese. In the coming days, be sure to use our tips and surprise your relatives with delicious and fragrant homemade cakes!

Pies with apples - preparation of products

For kneading yeast dough, it is allowed to use both fresh pressed yeast and dry yeast. When buying freshly pressed yeast, make sure that it does not have a pronounced or offensive smell. Flour for the preparation of any kind of dough should be sifted - this will saturate it with oxygen, and also allow the dough to go faster and better. If you will use a baking powder, then mix it with flour. But do not forget that its action disappears quickly enough, so when adding a baking powder, do not delay with baking. As for apples, it is highly desirable to peel them and, moreover, eliminate the core. Do not be lazy, and a real masterpiece will appear on the table soon!

Pies with apples - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Diet Pies with Apples

The question of maintaining the ideal parameters is of concern to first of all the owners of the weaker sex. Often they are forced to deny themselves much in order not to spoil the figure. We offer you a dietary option for making pies with apples, in which there is no yeast or sugar, in addition, they will be baked in the oven with a minimum amount of fat. But who said that it makes pies less tasty? Not at all! So, let's begin!


- a pack of margarine (medium fat)
- one and a half cups of kefir (fat content 2.5 or 3.2%)
- one egg yolk
- soda on the tip of the spoon
- flour
- four apples (sweet grade)

Cooking method:

1. Melt margarine with a water bath. Add kefir, soda and yolk to it. Mix well. Pour the sifted flour in portions until the condition is that a dense soft lump forms, but sticks together well, that is, the dough should not be liquid and too tight. Pour it gradually so as not to miss the necessary consistency.

2. Next, the filling: peel the apples, remove the core and rub them on a coarse grater. You can add a little natural sweetener (such as fructose) to your sweet tooth. We begin to sculpt pies (who knows how) in our traditional way. The main thing is to pinch the edges or seam tightly.

3. Sprinkle baking sheet with flour, heat the oven. We put the apple pies on a baking sheet, grease them with ghee or a raw egg and send the concoction to the oven. Bake on average on-fire for 20-30 minutes. Then we get it out, grease with butter (margarine) and cover with a napkin. That's all! We eat for health!

Recipe 2: Cakes with Apples from Yeast Dough with Cinnamon and Raisins

Cakes made according to the "grandmother's" recipe from butter yeast dough, of course, cannot be called a diet dish. A crusty crust, melting dough in the mouth and a delicate filling of apples, cinnamon and raisins - what can compare with a similar baking muffin?


For the test:
- flour (4-5 stacks.)
- milk (1 glass)
- 16 gr. dry yeast (1 sachet)
- 60 gr. fat margarine
- 5 table. l Sahara
- three eggs (one for surface lubrication)
- a pinch of salt

For filling:
- 500-600 gr. sweet apples
- sugar to taste
- floor table. l starch
- a handful of raisins
- vanilla sugar
- cinnamon
- optionally nuts

Cooking method:

1. Heat milk (do not boil), add a pinch of salt and sugar (2 tbsp.), Pour yeast and mix everything carefully. We remove the mixture in a warm place until foam is formed. Next, in a water bath, melt the margarine, cool and pour it into the yeast mixture. Beat two eggs with the remaining sugar (3 tablespoons) and also add to the yeast base. We mix everything with a whisk and start pouring the sifted flour in portions, kneading a soft dough. Then we leave it in the basin, covering with a towel, for 30-60 minutes. The dough is ready.

2. While the dough is suitable, prepare the apple filling. To do this, peel the apples, remove the core and cut into small cubes. Wash raisins and leave to swell in hot water for 5-15 minutes. We mix apples with raisins, vanilla sugar, powdered sugar, starch and cinnamon. If desired, add ground peeled nuts. Mix.

3. So, the dough "rested" with us, we begin to sculpt the pies in the way that is familiar to you, laying the filling in the middle and pinching the seam well. Then you can go in two ways: either fry them in a pan, or bake in the oven, pre-greased with an egg, at a temperature of 180 C. In any case, our pies will turn out to be beautiful, fragrant and unusually tasty, especially with milk, cocoa or compote.

Recipe 3: Puff Pastry Apples

Naturally, you can bake puff pastry pies with the addition of any sweet or savory filling. As a rule, they have an airy multilayer structure, turn out crispy and simply melt in the mouth. Today we will conjure with apple filling. You can also combine them with other fruits (for example, bananas) and dried fruits. Ready?


- 500 gr. puff pastry (purchased)
- 500 gr. apples (or 300 gr. apples and 200 gr. bananas) + optionally a handful of dried fruits, previously soaked in hot water
- 10 gr. cinnamon
- lemon juice
- 159-200 gr. sugar (depending on the variety of apples)
- egg for greasing

Cooking method:

1. We clean the apples, finely chop them and sprinkle with lemon juice, also add cinnamon, sugar and other optional ingredients. Next, we add starch or let the filling settle and drain the juice.

2. Defrost the dough, cut it into small squares, onto which we put the filling. We pinch along the edges and grease the pies on top of the egg. We send them to the oven (since it is not appropriate to fry puff pastry), heated to 180 C, and bake for 15 to 30 minutes. Then we get it and immediately serve it with a cold drink.

Recipe 4: Pies with apples from the curd dough

Cottage cheese, perhaps, goes well with apples to taste, so the filling of these fruits is ideal for cottage cheese dough.


- 200 gr. cottage cheese (medium fat)
- 80-100 gr. butter
- egg 1 pc.
- 1 table. l Sahara
- half teaspoon of baking powder
- a pinch of salt
- 150 g flour

- 2-3 apples
- a handful of raisins
- a spoon of melted plums. oils
- vanillin
- to taste sugar

Cooking method:

1. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve. Then mix it with butter, sugar, salt and a slightly beaten egg. Pour flour with baking powder and start a dough that is soft in consistency. Set it aside for a few minutes.

2. While the dough is resting, peel, chop (or grate) the apples. Melt a little in the stewpan, add fruit, sugar to it and simmer the mixture until the liquid evaporates. Then mix it with vanilla and steamed raisins. Let the filling cool.

3. The dough has come up, and the filling has cooled - it's time to start cooking the pies. We make them, as usual (in the form of a boat or a month) and bake in a preheated oven, smearing the egg on top. Baking time is approximately 30 minutes. Then we get it, cover it with a towel for 10 minutes and enjoy cottage cheese pies with apples. Bon appetit to all!

Pies with apples - useful tips from experienced chefs

“It is better to let the yeast dough for apple pies rise twice, and in some cases, even thrice.” This approach guarantees excellent product taste and good uniform baking;

- Milk for the test can be used not only fresh, but also soured. In addition, one should not be afraid to add yogurt or kefir to the dough;

- It is salt that contributes to a better test approach, so a pinch of salt will never be superfluous in baking;

- Lemon juice will give the filling not only an additional taste, but also prevent the darkening of apples;

- Before making the pies, the filling for the dough must be sure to cool, otherwise the yeast will die, and the pastries will turn into a banal and completely unpresentable rubber.


Leonid 12/12/2016
I asked the question how to bake pies in a frying pan without an oven, and everyone talks about the oven. So you can bake pies with apples without an oven?


Watch the video: How to Prepare Filling for Apple Pie. Cakes & Pies (June 2024).