Face mask of starch with the effect of Botox at home


The effect of Botox without harm to health - just such an effect gives the mask with starch. The natural component that is harmless to health can practically replace the expensive Botox injections offered by any beauty salon. But all women should know that an incredible express lifting is easy to achieve at home.

Face mask with starch

In folk cosmetology, there are often recipes that include this component. It can affect the skin, smoothing its structure and filling wrinkles. This product helps to look 5-10 years younger.

The use of masks with starch (useful properties)

The procedure is intended as a means for tightening. The use of this ingredient improves the condition of the face as a whole. This is a good option for bleaching. It helps to nourish with vitamins and improve metabolism, and is able to regulate the sebaceous glands in fatty skin types.

How to make a wonderful mask of starch?

To make a cure for aging is the possibility of any hostess. The basis for it "Kissel" on the water without additives. We take white powder in pure form and cook the kissel and cool it. The proportions are 1: 1. After that you can add additional ingredients, depending on the desired result.

How much to keep the mask with starch?

Apply the product to the face and neck area for 30-40 minutes. The time for exposure depends on the recipe. For example, an agent with acids should not be in contact with the epithelium for a long time, and a harmless banana puree is ready to be on the face for more than half an hour. A white powder procedure is usually done once every 7 days. In order to treat skin diseases - more often.

How to wash off a starch mask?

Wash off after the procedure with warm water and apply a nourishing cream, if required by the skin. The warm temperature of the water facilitates the removal of funds, and the cream is necessary for those whose skin suffers from dryness and needs moisturizing.

Are there any contraindications?

Scratches and wounds are the only reason why such “cosmetics” cannot be used. A side effect for such an agent is a rarity. It can occur with individual intolerance to some components of a cosmetic product. White starch is suitable even for the most sensitive skin.

Starch face mask instead of Botox - a recipe

In the video of the popular program “Everything will be good” with the participation of Olga Seymour, the guest prepared a product with sour cream and carrot juice. The woman shared that its use is not limited to fading skin. Pseudo botox injection is useful even for young girls. It can be used to smooth the first wrinkles around the eyelids and on the forehead.

For the preparation will need a glass of water, a tablespoon of the main ingredient, ¼ Art. carrot juice and sour cream (1 tsp.). It is necessary to dissolve the powder in slightly warm water, put on a fire or steam bath in a glass container. Heat until sticky. Mix with grated carrot or carrot juice. Cool slightly before use. You need to use only 5 tbsp. "paste", so as not to evaporate any of the vitamin from the vegetable.

Face masks from wrinkle starch instead of cocoa-based Botox

6 tbsp. l cocoa and 1.5 Art. l the main ingredient is mixed, fatty cream and honey are added to the powder (3 tbsp. l.). Hold for 10 minutes.

Mask of potato starch and banana

This mixture nourishes, enriches, tones and strengthens the skin. 1 ripe banana, mashed into a puree and 1 tbsp. l the main component is mixed. After applying the face is covered with a cloth and wait 40 minutes. Removed with a wet cotton sponge and enjoy the effect of Botox.

Tightening anti-aging anti-wrinkle mask with botox effect

Protein mask is prepared on the basis of "paste". At 1 tbsp. l starch enough protein 1 egg. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin with starch

With almond butter and milk powder can be used as a moisturizer. At ¼ Art. liquids take 3 tsp. white powder and 1 tsp. oils. 10 minutes of exposure is sufficient for hydration and nutrition.

The most effective recipes for problem skin (with enlarged pores, with acne, with pigmentation and black dots)

Effective means for removing acne and black spots are composed of aloe juice. High-quality cleansing and medical procedure is obtained from 1 tsp. Aloe, 1 tbsp. l starch and 1 egg white, which is held for 10 minutes.

For narrowing the pores and drying the pimples (and of course the Botox effect) they prepare such a remedy. With 1 protein, beat a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Gradually enter 1 tbsp. l starch. On the face for 10 minutes. With the purpose of treatment is allowed to do 1 mask 1 time and 3 days during the month.

Whitening mask with starch, egg and lemon

Fruit acid is useful against pigmentation. Dry powder in equal shares mixed with lemon juice and 1 protein. You can replace the lemon with an apple. Tomato or kefir will also work and give the desired effect of Botox. Keep the mask should be up to 10-20 minutes.

Face Mask from starch instead of Botox - reviews

Anna, a housewife: Discovered a starch mask experimentally. It was necessary to thicken the fruit mixture. I began to notice that the ingredient significantly changed the properties of cosmetics. Checked what they say about him on the net. It turned out that they are actively used for making cosmetics at home. He literally returns youth. The effect is astounding.

Irina, business woman: Awful cheap stuff. Led to reviews - decided to try. The result is grieving - not the right word. After it had to undergo a course of rehabilitation procedures. Girls, do not stint not high-quality cosmetics.

Sonya, student: I read with my mother that aging can be prevented by using starch in homemade masks. Tested - a miracle happened, the remedy gave the skin elasticity.

Olya, retired: It helps very well against loose skin. It is necessary to get rid of wrinkles in all possible ways. Find time for this.

Mira, the artist: I did not like it - weak.

The modern world allows you to get the result from the available tools:
• white clay;
• corn starch;
• rose petals;
• flour;
• hydrogen peroxide;
• gelatin, etc.
It is possible to do procedures for oily or dry skin from sea salt, as advised by Chinese cosmetology, from kelp, about which Indian culture transmits knowledge. Each popular component has many positive qualities that are suitable for solving all skin problems.


Watch the video: Cornstarch Face Mask With Botox Effect - The Results Are Fabulous! (June 2024).