September 3: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 3rd.


Holidays September 3

Day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism

The memorial date of Russia was established recently, in July 2005. The reason for its creation is the tragic events in Beslan, when about 300 students died in a school seized by terrorists. Countering terrorism and preventing the recurrence of criminal insanity are the main goals of the memorable date, which has been celebrated annually for several years. Terrorist organizations go all the way without considering the value of their members' lives.

The anti-terrorist movement, which has intensified throughout the world, calls for not giving terrorists the opportunity to demonstrate their strength and under no circumstances give in to panic. Tragedy can happen to any person, which is why you need to try to acquire knowledge, demonstrate tolerance towards various peoples and religions in order to deprive criminals of support and a reason to justify aggressive behavior.

Tunisia Independence Day

The struggle for national independence of Tunisia has a rich history. After the Second World War, the repressions of the colonial authorities intensified and the national independence movement gained a new round. In 1951, a resistance movement began in the country. The demands of the fellahs, burning manors and blowing up bridges of the French colonialists, were one - to get out of the country. Harvesting took place under the protection of the military - tanks, soldiers and officers. An agreement on independence was signed in 1956, HabibBurbib was elected prime minister, then a year later he was elected president of the country.

National Army Day of Moldova

The national security of a country is largely determined by the state of its army. Moldova today marks the day of the national army as a celebration not only of those who wear military uniforms, but also of all the inhabitants of the state. Almost the whole country participates in festive events. The Moldovan army cooperates with many organizations for which it is important to strengthen peace and stability in the region and around the world. Between Russia and Moldova 24 agreements were signed on a voluntary bilateral basis. The military departments carry out an exclusively peacekeeping mission and participate in the NATO Partnership for Peace program.

Folk calendar September 3

Thaddeus the Preacher

Thaddeus was an Apostle from seventy disciples of Jesus, lived in the Syrian city of Edessa. Hearing the sermon of John the Baptist, he was baptized in Jordan, then became a disciple of Jesus. In recent years, he has been preaching for a long time in Mesopotamia and Syria. His merit is prescribed by the conversion to Christianity of many people, including former pagan priests, Prince Avgar, who was miraculously cured of leprosy.

In the Phoenician city of Virite (today Beirut), he founded a church. Flax is removed at Thaddeus, and, recalling yet another martyr - Vassa Alonskaya, they repeat the proverb - "Baba Vasilisa cares about flax." Laying flax in the meadows is dried, so that it becomes flexible and soft. The weather on this day tells about the next four weeks - sunny Thaddeus will provide the same weather in the coming month.

Historical events of September 3

September 3, 1875 - With the participation of the Russian autocrat Alexander II, the laying of the History Museum in Moscow took place. Today the museum building is one of the symbols of the Russian capital. The State Historical Museum is located on Red Square; thousands of tourists visit the site daily. Currently, the museum fund is over 4 million, 373 thousand exhibits, it is the largest in the Russian Federation and has the medal "Symbol of Science".

September 3, 1918 - Fanny Kaplan was shot, having committed an attempt on V.I. Lenin. The revolutionary was opposed to the October Revolution and was convinced that Lenin’s actions would bring grief to Russia and significantly delay the moment of the introduction of socialism, which the Social Democrats dreamed of. At the time the crime was committed, Kaplan was 28 years old, she perfectly understood the punishment that threatens her with an attempt, but did not abandon her idea and put her life on the altar of a common cause. Today there are suggestions that Fanny could have been innocent of attempt, this was the work of the Cheka.

September 3, 1945 - The Soviet Union won the final victory over militaristic Japan, for some time this event was celebrated in the country as a national holiday.

September 3, 1953 - the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was Nikita Khrushchev, whose name is associated with the debunking of the Stalin cult, the famous thaw and endless corn fields.

September 3, 1971 - The date of signing the treaty between the four powers (USSR, Britain, the United States of America, France), which recorded the fact that West Berlin is not part of Germany, however, the occupation regime remained here.

September 3, 2000 - created the most beautiful musical group of our time (according to the majority of representatives of the strong half of humanity) - the Ukrainian-Russian group VIA Gra, consisting of beautiful girls with figures of models and beautiful faces. The group is produced and supported by composer Konstantin Meladze.

Born September 3

Diana Poitiers (1499 - 1566 years) - favorite of Henry II, the French king

The ancient aristocratic roots of Diana and her excellent education led her to the court early, and at the age of 13 they were married to Louis de Brezet, Count de Molvrier. The genealogy of her husband for young Diana was very attractive, she believed that she could perfectly arrange her future children and live on her own. The couple loved each other, their family was in harmony and harmony, two daughters were born, but at 31 Diana Poitiers became a young widow. She did not take mourning until the end of her days, but she knew how to influence people using her beauty and charm. When her father was sentenced to death, Diana rushed to the feet of Francis I and begged forgiveness. The 29-year-old Diana was seen by the son of the king, who at that time was only 11 years old. A few years later, Diana, still having a beautiful appearance, had a great influence on the prince. She remained the only love of Henry until the end of her life.

Louis Henry Sullivan (1856 - 1924) - American architect, creator of the world's first skyscraper

Henry Sullivan first developed the principles of building a high-rise building, became a pioneer of rationalism. His design developments became a significant stage in the history of architecture. Sullivan built his high-rise buildings himself, painstakingly looking for solutions to new type of buildings. His first work was the Buffalo Building in Buffalo and the Chicago Department Store. Later, he began to work in tandem with George Grant Elmsley. The famous student of Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, could not combine engineering talent and commercial streak, so he did not achieve significant financial success. Sullivan himself died in poverty.

Ferdinand Porsche (1875 - 1951) - a brilliant German automobile designer

From the age of 15, Porsche already worked in his father’s small workshop and studied at a vocational school in a neighboring town. At 25, he invented the first car, calling it Lohner-Porsche, and received it at the Paris Grand Prix exhibition. Fame and money went hand in hand with the inventor, and already in 1906 he became technical director of the Austrian-Daimler company in Vienna. For the development of airships, engines for aircraft and cars, Porsche was awarded the Order of Kaiser.

It is noteworthy that a person who does not have a higher education at all was able in the middle of his career to become an honorary professor at the Vienna Technical University. By the time the Porsche design bureau was established in Stuttgart, he had time to participate in the development of the famous Mercedes S and SS. As the creator of technology for Nazi Germany, persecution fell upon the inventor at the end of World War II, but the famous designer was able to restore documents and resume production.

Sergey Dovlatov (1941-1990) - Russian writer, philologist, journalist

The first works of Sergei Donatovich were even rejected by magazines; at the direction of the KGB, his complete publication of the novel by Eesti Raamat was destroyed. The works were published only by emigrant publications, in the end, the writer emigrated to the United States, to New York, and got a job in the emigrant newspaper "New American". 12 of his books were published abroad, written over 12 years of emigration, and his works were published by the prestigious American magazine The New Yorker.

Name day 3 September

Name day celebrate: Thaddeus, Martha, Paul, Alexander, Ignat, Cornelius


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).