Homemade apple marmalades - proven recipes. Apple marmalade at home: in the microwave or oven


Marmalade, in fact, is a bit of a delicacy that you can buy by weight, or in beautiful boxes.

It is prepared at best from juices, abundantly flavored with dyes, thickeners and other not very useful chemistry.

Natural marmalades are not at all like that, they are much tastier, although they are less beautiful in appearance.

Making marmalade from apples at home - general principles of preparation

• Apple homemade marmalade recipes are simple. A very inexperienced culinary manages to make goodies. Marmalade is cooked from apples, the pulp of which contains a significant amount of a substance called pectin. Which, in turn, with prolonged boiling turns into a gelling substance.

• Which apples are best to take? The most suitable for the preparation of marmalade are considered acidic apple varieties, since it is in such fruits that most of all pectin is contained.

• Apples cut into slices or slices are baked in the oven or boiled in a saucepan on the stove until softened and mashed from them. The resulting apple mass is simmered for a long time over minimal heat, boiling until tender. The easiest way to check the readiness of marmalade is to drop a small amount of thickened apple puree on a plate and tilt it slightly, if the drop is well frozen and does not float, then you can remove the marmalade from the heat.

• Lightly cooled mass is poured into molds or evenly spread on a roasting pan and dried in an oven or in the air. After drying, the plastic apple marmalade is cut, and laid out in molds freed and poured or roll in sugar.

• To prevent marmalade from apples cooked according to this recipe at home, it is stored in glass containers covered with parchment in a cool place.

Oven marmalade recipe at home in the oven


• 2 kg of apples;

• one kilogram of sugar;

• stick of natural cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruit and carefully wipe off each fruit from any residual moisture. Cut the top off of each apple and carefully cut the seed box.

2. Place the fruit on the baking sheet with the holes up and cover with the chopped tops.

3. Place the pan on the upper level of the oven preheated to 150 degrees and bake for two hours.

4. Place a metal strainer on a bowl and grind the baked apples through it.

5. Pour the mashed puree into a stainless steel pan and place on a stove included in medium heat. Bring to a boil and immediately put a cinnamon stick, add all the sugar and mix vigorously.

6. For one and a half hours, boil marmalade on the minimum heat, stirring well every 10 minutes (more often).

7. After the time has passed, check for readiness. Drop a drop of fruit mass on a plate and leave. If after cooling it does not spread out - done, you can turn off the fire.

8. Cover a large form or a baking sheet with high sides with parchment so that it covers them too.

9. Pour fruit puree chilled to 60 degrees onto parchment and flatten on a baking sheet. Choose a shape so that the apple mass lay in it with a layer of 3 cm

10. Store the marmalade in a cool, dry place. When it hardens, cut it into small squares or rhombuses and sprinkle with granulated sugar. You can cut marmalades using curly notches for cookies.

11. For long-term storage, transfer the treat to dry, sterile jars and seal it tightly with metal lids.

A simple recipe for apple marmalade at home


• 1.2 kg of apples;

• a pound of granulated sugar;

• A handful of fried walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the washed apples into slices. To make the marmalade homogeneous, there should not be a peel and rigid partitions with seeds, so you need to remove them in advance. Do not throw away cleanings, tie them, a little chopped, in a gauze bag.

2. Place the apple slices in an even layer in a pan, and on top of them place a gauze bag with cleanings. Pour in water so that it covers the contents by one centimeter, and turn on a strong fire.

3. Once the liquid has boiled, reduce the flame to a minimum and continue cooking until the slices are completely soft.

4. Remove the bag and cool the apple mass slightly. Then grind it through a sieve or beat into a smoothie puree with a blender, at moderate speeds, place it again in a saucepan and put on low heat, and best of all, on a flame cutter.

5. Often stirring so that the apple mass does not burn, boil it to the greatest degree of thickening, which will take up to 1.5 hours.

6. On the bottom and walls of a large baking sheet, apply a thin layer of vegetable oil and put in it a thickened applesauce, smooth and leave to harden.

7. From the frozen apple marmalade, squeeze the figures with molds or cut the layer into small squares.

8. Grind the toasted walnuts in the coffee grinder. Roll the marmalade in the nut crumbs well, and collect in a clean, dry jar.

9. Store in the refrigerator under a nylon cover.

Recipe for apple marmalade at home on gelatin, sugar free


• instant gelatin - 30 g .;

• two kilograms of Antonovka;

• half a glass of drinking water;

• multi-colored or white coconut flakes.

Cooking method:

1. Put the peeled apples on a baking sheet and put for an hour in an oven warmed up to 150 degrees.

2. After this, grind the softened apples through a sieve and send to simmer on a small fire. Boil for about an hour and a half, trying to mix as often as possible, otherwise it will burn.

3. In a small bowl, fill the gelatin with running water and let it swell well. After about forty minutes, lightly warm it by placing it in a water bath or in a microwave oven. The main thing is not to overheat, you need to achieve its complete dissolution.

4. Cool the thickened apple mass a little, and add dissolved gelatin into it, mix.

5. Silicone molds for making sweets, coat with vegetable oil, pour thick mashed potatoes into them and leave. After about a day, the marmalade will dry well.

6. Free it from the molds and roll on all sides in coconut.

A quick recipe for apple marmalade at home in a slow cooker


• one glass of white sugar;

• one and a half kilograms of apples of sour grades;

• half a teaspoon of crushed cinnamon or vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Prepared apples without peel and seeds, cut into centimeter cubes and put in a cooking bowl.

2. Launch the multi-pan on the “Bake” option by setting the timer to 60 minutes.

3. After working out the program, grind the contents in the puree with a blender or grind on a sieve and put it back in the bowl.

4. Add a mixture of cinnamon and sugar, mix and restart the device in the previous mode, but not for an hour, but for only 40 minutes. Try every 5-10 minutes. stir applesauce so that it stomps evenly.

5. Put the prepared marmalade in a 1.5 cm layer in an oiled baking sheet and wait for cooling. Cut into small pieces and serve.

Recipe for apple marmalade at home with spices


• medium-sized apples of any kind - 1 kg;

• half a glass of water;

• sugar refined - 0.5 tbsp .;

• two carnation umbrellas;

• cinnamon stick;

• three anise seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Place a saucepan of water over moderate heat. Dip the spices, sugar and boil. To make it easier to get spices from the syrup, collect them in a gauze or rag bag, which they dip in water. Let the syrup boil for two minutes and remove the bag from it.

2. Dip the small apple slices in boiling syrup, without peel and seeds. After boiling, reduce the heat and boil the fruit in spicy syrup until it is halved.

3. Interrupt the contents of the container with a blender until smooth and set to boil on minimum heat.

4. Spread the thickened apple mass in an even layer on the parchment lined in the roasting pan and dry in the oven at 160 degrees to the desired state. The thickness of the marmalade layer should not exceed 3 cm.

Homemade apple marmalade recipe with honey and nuts


• a spoon of freshly grated ginger;

• two kilos of sour apples;

• two glasses of walnut cores, halves;

• liquid light honey.

Cooking method:

1. In a small saucepan, fold the peeled peeled apples and cut out the center. Add a quarter cup of cold water and boil over medium heat for about 40 minutes. The peel should be softened well so that it can be easily broken with a blender or mashed through a sieve. If after the specified time it remains stiff, boil again.

2. Rub the softened apple peel through a fine-mesh sieve and mix with apples grated in a coarse grater. Bring to a boil and continue cooking until the grated fruit begins to "spill", that is, about a quarter of an hour.

3. Wipe the boiled apples through the same sieve and put back on low heat. Add finely grated ginger and boil for an hour. Ready marmalade mass will begin to move away from the walls of the container.

4. In the slightly cooled marmalade, add honey at your discretion and stir well. Honey, if not, can be replaced with brown sugar.

5. Line the baking sheet with parchment, apply a thin layer of refined sunflower oil on it and lay out a thick fruit mass. Smooth and lay the halves of nut kernels in neat rows, gently pressing, on the surface.

6. Warm up the oven to 160 degrees and place in it on the upper level a baking sheet with marmalade. Dry for several hours, then cut into pieces so that each has a nut.

Apple marmalade at home - cooking tips and tricks

• It is best to grind boiled or baked apples in mashed potatoes through a sieve. So the hard partitions accidentally remaining in pieces will not fall into the marmalade.

• For cooking, use containers designed for cooking jam - thick-walled stainless steel dishes.

• A large number of reservoir marmalade is more convenient to store in whole pieces, wrapping each layer with parchment.


Watch the video: Simple and Delicious Apricot Jam (June 2024).