Herpes (genital) in men - causes, symptoms and treatment. The main methods of preventing herpes in men


Genital herpes in men refers to highly contact infections that are difficult to diagnose and treat, because the disease in men is mostly asymptomatic.

Due to the fact that genital herpes is transmitted at the slightest contact of the mucous membranes with the pathogen, the possibility of infection is very high.

After trichomoniasis, genital herpes takes second place in the world.

The probability of infection of the sexual partner during the expanded clinical picture is 100%.

According to statistics, almost 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes virus, and by the age of 40, the presence of the causative agent of herpes in this age group is 60%.

In this case, symptoms only appear in every second infected person.

Genital herpes in men - causes

The causative agent of genital herpes in men and the causes is the effect on the body of various types of herpes virus.

Currently, there are eight varieties of the herpes virus, among them the most common for humans are the most common: chickenpox virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (two types).

Genital herpes in men, the causes of which are the last two, cause similar clinical manifestations. In addition, there is a separate type - herpes simplex viruswhich causes asymptomatic genital herpes.

With genital herpes in men, the causes that cause it are as follows:

- unprotected sex with a partner - a herpes carrier or who has been ill in the past;

- early sex life;

- different sexual partners;

- in the history of men - the presence of sexually transmitted infections;

- the reasons leading to a decrease in immunity (stress, hypovitaminosis, chronic fatigue, adverse environmental factors, serious concomitant diseases, chronic foci of infection in the body, hypothermia, abortion, the presence of intrauterine contraception, medications that lead to immune suppression - hormones, cytostatics, radiation and chemotherapy, alcoholism, smoking, etc.).

Risk factors include:

- social status of the patient;

- age (during the period of greatest sexual activity - by 30-40 years - the maximum numbers of patients and infected are noted, there is a sharp increase in the incidence);

- belonging to the Negroid race (according to statistics, dark-skinned genital herpes develops in 45% of cases, unlike Europeans, who are sick in 17%).

Genital herpes in men - transmission of infection

Transmission ways:

- sexual - the main route of infection; it includes all types of sex - genital, oral - genital, anogenital);

- airborne;

- vertical - the infection of the child occurs transplacentally or during childbirth from the mother;

- household - in case of violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes of the genitals through personal items of the patient or carrier; it is extremely rare, given the low resistance of the virus in the external environment outside the body;

- self-infection (from the lips - to the mucous membrane of the genitals if personal hygiene rules are not followed).

Herpes in men - symptoms

With genital herpes in men, the symptoms of the disease depend on the course of the infection:

- primary herpes (the disease arose for the first time);

- recurrent genital herpes (second and subsequent cases).

1. The incubation period is from three days to two weeks. After these periods, hyperemia, itching and burning appear on the mucous membrane, later on, vesicles filled with liquid form. The appearance of vesicles is accompanied by intoxication: fever, severe weakness, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, lack of appetite. The process is symmetrical. Discomfort and pain during urination are noted, with an objective examination - an increase in regional lymph nodes, hyperemia of the mucous membranes, edema. After a week, the vesicles open with the formation of ulcers. They do not merge, after a certain time they become crusty, they do not form scars. After healing, the discomfort and signs of intoxication completely disappear, the man considers himself healthy.

If a bacterial infection attaches, the ulcers suppurate and become painful.

With primary genital herpes in men, the symptoms of the disease are often absent.

You need to remember: when the herpes virus enters the body, it persists for life and, depending on conditions and various external and internal causes, may recur. The probability of transmission of the infection to another person remains high, infection with any type of unprotected intercourse is 100%.

2. With recurrent genital herpes in men, the symptoms are erased, they are practically absent: there are no signs of general intoxication, the rashes are scarce, opening of the vesicles and their healing takes place in a short time. With relapses, the localization of the vesicles does not change, they are located in the same places where they were during the initial infection.

Genital herpes in men - treatment

The goals of treatment: elimination of symptoms of the disease by exposure to the pathogen and prevention of relapse.

With genital herpes in men, treatment should be comprehensive and individual. The effectiveness of treatment with its correct appointment reaches 60 - 70%, but you need to know that genital herpes cannot be completely cured.

Currently, there are many medications that, with genital herpes in men, early treatment makes it effective and quickly reduces the manifestation of the clinical symptoms of the disease.

The main groups of drugs that are prescribed for genital herpes: antiviral and immunostimulating.

Modern antiviral agents are used in various dosage forms: in the form of tablets, suspensions, ointments. Properly prescribed for genital herpes in men, treatment can reduce the risk of relapse, speed up the healing process, and reduce the release of the virus. But, unfortunately, it is not possible to completely destroy the infectious agent present in the body.

Acceptance of drugs for genital herpes occurs according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor.

Antiviral drugs are taken in turn: Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valacyclovir, Panavir and others. At the same time, drugs are prescribed. interferon. In parallel, symptomatic therapy is carried out, aimed at reducing itching, pain, irritability. This is the first phase of treatment aimed at destroying the pathogen - etiotropic treatment.

In addition to the antiviral drugs used above, antiviral drugs are prescribed that act on the DNA of the virus - the so-called inhibitors of the DNA of the virus.

The next phase of treatment is carried out during the extinction of symptoms. B vitamins, antihistamines, immunomodulators (Ginseng, Dibazole, Lavomax).

The third phase is aimed at preventing relapse. It consists in vaccination with a herpes vaccine during a period of prolonged remission.

Genital herpes in men - prevention

1. The main preventive measure is a complete rejection of a routine of life during the period of relapse, strict observance of personal hygiene rules to exclude secondary infection.

2. During a relapse, stop visiting baths, pools, saunas.

3. Wearing at least during the period of relapse of loose cotton underwear that allows you to "breathe" the skin and helps to reduce pain, burning and itching.

4. Generally accepted preventive measures that must always be observed:

- eliminate accidental sexual intercourse;

- protected sex - the use of condoms in all cases without exception;

- in every possible way to maintain a high immune status of the body;

- to avoid the use of other people's personal hygiene items (towels, underwear, etc.), despite the fact that household transmission rarely leads to infection, but such cases are described;

- regular preventive examination for genital infections;

- at the first symptoms, immediately consult a specialist, and not self-medicate;

- get vaccinated once or twice a year for two years;

- Eat well, avoid stress, give up bad habits.

And remember that avoiding the disease is much easier than curing it.

Herpes in women occurs and is treated somewhat differently.

It is especially important to cure herpes during pregnancy.


Watch the video: What You Need to Know About Genital Herpes (June 2024).