Bagels with jam - a taste of childhood! Simple and original recipes of bagels with jam from shortbread, yeast and curd dough


Bagels with jam are prepared quickly and always look original.

They are good with compote and milk, with hot tea or chilled fruit drinks. They will decorate a children's party, serve as a dessert at a working afternoon snack and recall a house on a long trip.

Bagels with jam - general principles of preparation

• Bagels with jam are baked from various types of dough. Often knead shortbread on kefir or sour cream, yeast or cottage cheese. Also, they often use ready-made - puff yeast.

• Jam for such baking should be taken thick so that it does not leak. It is best to take a weighted, "lumpy" jam, it does not respond to high temperatures. In addition, it is easier to work with.

How to form products

• The prepared dough is rolled out in circles up to 25 cm in diameter and the layers are cut in diameter into segments. The more pieces, the smaller the bagels.

• You can roll out the dough with one rectangular layer, cut it into squares, and cut them in half diagonally. The size of the products with this method of cutting can be adjusted by the size of the square. The larger it is, the larger the bagel will be.

• The easiest way to cut - cut the kneaded dough into small pieces and each roll slightly in the form of triangles.

• Spread the filling from the jam on a wide edge and fold it neatly, not too tightly.

• The resulting workpieces are laid out on a baking sheet, always stepping back from each other so that they do not stick together and interfere with the rise. On a baking sheet, be sure to apply a thin layer of sunflower oil or line it with oiled parchment.

• Bagels with jam are baked at 200 degrees and placed only in an oven warmed to the required temperature. Baking time depends on the size of the products, on average it ranges from 15 minutes to half an hour.

Delicate bagels with cottage cheese dough


• 150 gr. fat home-made cottage cheese;

• one egg;

• refined granulated sugar - 75 g .;

• 250 gr. baking flour;

• 65 ml of refined vegetable oil;

• baking soda - 1 tsp;

• apple jam.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cottage cheese with a meat grinder, add a pinch of fine salt, pour in the whole measure of sugar and pour in the egg.

2. While stirring, bring the curd mass to uniformity and gradually introduce sunflower oil.

3. Transfer the flour mixed with soda on a sieve, add to the cottage cheese, knead the dough. Divide it into several parts and roll it into small thin circles.

4. Cut each layer in diameter to make eight identical triangles. On the outer, narrower side, put a little apple jam and carefully roll it into a tube. You need to turn off from the edge on which they put the jam, so that it is wrapped in dough.

5. Arrange the products on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, slightly departing from each other, and grease them with a beaten egg on top.

6. Place the pan on a medium level preheated oven and cook for 20 minutes.

Loose bagels with jam on kefir - "Nyashki"


• white baking flour - 450 gr.;

• 200 gr. butter, sweet cream;

• a full glass of kefir;

• a teaspoon of baking soda

• thick jam.

Cooking method:

1. Put the butter on a small plate, cut it into pieces and leave, let it soften a little.

2. In a wide bowl convenient for this purpose, transfer the flour, mix it with soda and add slightly melted butter.

3. Intensively, manually grind the contents of the bowl until small crumbs are formed. Pour in kefir and knead just as quickly.

4. Roll the resulting elastic dough into a rectangular layer, half a centimeter thick, no more. Cut the same rectangles and cut each diagonally into two parts. The result is triangles, on the edges of which put a little jam and curl, forming bagels.

5. Fill the blanks on a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake until tender golden color, about 20 minutes.

Fast bagels with jam and nuts from yeast dough - "Delicious"


• fresh pressed yeast - 100 gr.;

• five glasses of flour;

• 400 gr. homemade butter;

• three eggs;

200 gr. thin sour cream;

• two small bags of vanilla sugar;

• two thirds of a teaspoon of salt;

• thick apple or peach jam;

• three large spoons of sugar;

• walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. About half an hour before cooking, put the butter from the packaging on a plate, cut it into pieces and leave it on the table.

2. In a small bowl, mix the sour cream with the crumbled yeast, mix until the yeast is completely dispersed.

3. Break two eggs into a cream-yeast mixture, add soft butter, salt and mix with a whisk until smooth.

4. After that pour four cups of flour and start kneading with a spoon. Then go to the manual batch, adding a little remaining flour.

5. Divide the finished dough into six equal parts, arrange in separate packages. Put the “packages” in a bowl and place in the freezer for half an hour, then rearrange them in the general chamber of the refrigerator so that it does not heat up.

6. Finely chop the walnut kernels with a knife and put them in a small plate.

7. Take out one piece of dough, roll it out in a circle about 0.4 cm thick and cut into 12 triangles.

8. On the edge of each put a little jam, sprinkle it with chopped nuts and curl. You can not chop the nuts, but put a quarter of the nucleolus on top of the jam.

9. In a wide small bowl or deep plate, blot one egg, and pour sugar in the second one. Brush a little vegetable oil along the bottom of the pan.

10. Dipping the top of each bagel first in the egg, then on the same side in sugar, put the items on a baking sheet. Lay out, leaving between the workpieces a little free space, as they greatly increase in volume.

11. Bake bagels at 200 degrees for about a quarter of an hour.

Laminated, economical bagels with jam without sugar and yeast


• high-quality flour - 200 gr.;

• a teaspoon of finished baking powder;

• 100 gr. condensed cream;

• 150 gr. strawberry jam;

• medium fat sour cream - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Combine the flour with a cultivator and transfer it twice through a sieve. Divide into two equal parts and pour into separate bowls.

2. In one add sour cream, and in the second, soft, slightly melted in the air, butter and knead two types of dough. Then roll them on a table abundantly sprinkled with flour in two circles, approximately the same size.

3. Put the oil on the sour cream layer and roll them slightly with a rolling pin, giving a rectangular shape. Fold it in an envelope and roll it out again with a rectangle, which again fold in the form of an envelope. In the same way, roll and fold the dough three more times, then transfer it into a bag and place it in the general chamber of the refrigerator.

4. After half an hour, remove, roll out a rectangle half a centimeter thick and cut into squares, which then cut into triangles.

5. Along the widest edge, put a little jam and carefully wrap the dough in the shape of a bagel. Put the items on oiled parchment lined on a baking sheet and set to bake. After about 15 minutes, the baking will be ready.

Butter yeast bagels with jam


• two eggs and one yolk;

• 40 gr. white sugar;

• an incomplete teaspoon of fine salt;

• a pound of wheat flour;

• 50 ml of non-aromatic sunflower oil;

• a tablespoon of cow's milk;

• 15 gr. pressed yeast;

• 150 gr. thick weighted jam;

• 180 ml of drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Pour slightly warmed water into a deep and wide enough bowl and dilute the sugar and yeast in it until completely dissolved. Break one egg into the mixture, add the yolk and salt, sweeten. Pour in vegetable oil, stirring with a whisk, bring to uniformity and knead the dough that does not stick to your hands, gradually pouring flour.

2. Cover the bowl with a clean cotton or linen rag and leave to approach for an hour and a half. Divide the increased dough into ten identical pieces, roll them into balls and leave to "rest". Be sure to cover with a towel so that it does not wind off.

3. Jam cut into cubes of centimeter thickness and width.

4. After that, with a rolling pin, roll out the balls in the form of triangles and make four three-centimeter cuts with a sharp knife from the side of the nose.

5. On the opposite side, put a strip of jam and carefully wrap it in the dough.

6. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, apply a thin layer of vegetable oil to the paper and spread the bagels. Cover the items with a towel and let stand for about an hour.

7. Beat the chicken egg with milk, grease the bagels that are on the baking sheet with the mixture and place in the preheated oven for 25 minutes.

Puff pastries with jam - "Double"


• pasteurized milk - 200 ml;

• dry quick-acting yeast - 8 g .;

• natural butter - 85 gr.;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of salt;

• two small spoons of dark cocoa powder;

• semifinished product of puff yeast dough - 500 gr .;

• plum jam - 200 g .;

• 100 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Slowly melt in a 50 g water bath. oil, cool. Do not put the remaining piece in the refrigerator, leave it on the table, laying it on a plate.

2. Pour yeast with 80 grams of sugar into warm, not hot milk and mix thoroughly. Dry yeast can be previously dissolved in a small volume of slightly warm water, but then take more flour.

3. Add cocoa mixed with flour, salt and knead chocolate dough. Cover it with a dry, clean rag and let it go a little, placing it closer to the heat.

4. Put the frozen puff pastry out of the package and place on a cutting board, sprinkled with flour a little. While the puff pastry is thawing, the yeast chocolate will double.

5. Melt the deposited oil in the microwave. Roll out the puff and yeast dough in a 25-centimeter circle.

6. Lubricate chocolate layers well with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar only slightly. Gently lay puff pastry circles on them and cut into eight segments (triangles). Be sure to cut the outside of each triangle to make it easier to roll.

7. Near the cut, put a little plum jam and wrap light dough inside. You can wrap half of the blanks inside with dark dough.

8. Put the bagels in a fry pan, oiled, and leave, covering with a cloth, for 35 minutes for a distance.

9. After that, grease the surface of the products with the remaining melted butter and bake for 25 minutes.

Bagels with jam - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If the acquired jam turned out to be liquid, add a little starch or flour to it, they will thicken it, and the filling will not leak.

• For baking, it is best to harvest jam on your own, in the ripening season of various berries and fruits. This will significantly diversify the taste of baking, and you will know exactly what it is made of. Artful modern manufacturers most often make jam from the cheapest fruits, to be more precise from apple extracts, and mix it with flavorings and preservatives. As a result, they get the same jam, but with different tastes.

• So that the surface of bagels with jam has a beautiful golden color, be sure to lubricate the products before baking with a beaten fresh egg.

• You can decorate such pastries with powdered sugar, sifting it through a small sieve onto slightly cooled bagels or sprinkle with poppy seeds after you grease an egg.


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