Cake in a pan with condensed milk - a godsend! Recipes of honey, sour cream, chocolate and curd cakes in a pan with condensed milk


Cakes cooked over an open fire are classified as elementary. Unlike culinary specialists, this does not bother the sweet tooth: the “frying” pastries disappear from the table no worse than complex multi-story cakes. If you can’t do without a cake, and there is no excess time, arm yourself with a frying pan and the simplest recipe for the test, and spend all the energy you save on witchcraft with cream. Although without this, the dessert promises to be delicious.

Cake in a pan with condensed milk - general principles of cooking

• Cakes baked in a pan impress with quickness and ease of preparation. Thin cakes are baked literally in minutes and easily soaked in cream. Thin creams with condensed milk are best suited for such a dessert.

• In addition to eggs, flour and sugar, cottage cheese, whole condensed milk, honey or sour cream are added to the dough. It is loosened with soda, and vanilla, cocoa, coffee diluted with water or cinnamon are added to add a special aroma or color.

• The elastic dough is divided into pieces from which round layers are rolled. Workpieces are baked in a well-heated dry pan, maintaining medium heat. Still warm cakes are stacked and trimmed, then left to cool completely.

• To make the cakes better soaked, prepare a sparse, rare cream. Instead of sugar, whole or boiled condensed milk is added to it. The basis of such creams can be sour cream or cream. Often a custard base is prepared, which after cooling is mixed with condensed milk.

• Decorate cakes, sprinkled with chopped pieces of cake, grated chocolate or nuts. A cake cooked in a pan must be allowed to stand for a couple of hours, so that the cakes better absorb the cream.

A simple cake recipe in a pan with condensed milk


• one egg;

• 450-460 gr. fine flour;

• a can of condensed whole milk;

• a spoon of soda;

• a large spoon of vinegar.

For cream:

• creamy, maximally fatty, butter - 200 gram pack;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• a bag of crystalline vanilla powder;

• half a liter of nonfat milk;

• two eggs;

• a glass of fine granulated sugar.

To decorate:

• a glass of walnut kernels, dried nuts.

Cooking method:

1. Break the egg at room temperature into a bowl, spread with a whisk or a fork, combine with condensed milk, stir.

2. Pour soda into a tablespoon. Extinguish it by slowly adding vinegar and carefully stirring the foaming mixture with the tip of the tip of the knife. Pour the froth in a bowl with condensed milk and mix everything thoroughly with a spoon.

3. Do not stop stirring, gradually adding flour, start kneading the dough. Stir with a spoon first. When it becomes more difficult to do this, move it to the table and do it manually. Do not clog the dough with flour, it should not be tight.

4. Divide the plastic dough into eight balanced pieces and shape them into balls. Roll them into circles with a diameter close to 22 cm and pierce the surface with a fork several times, retreating 3-4 centimeters.

5. On a medium heat, heat a thick-walled pan of a suitable size and bake prepared cakes. The dough is baked quickly, it is enough to withstand the cake for a minute on one side, then the same amount of time on the other side.

6. When all the cakes are ready, fold them in a stack and carefully trim the edges, cutting off the excess with a knife. Do not throw away the trimmings, they will come in handy for decoration.

7. Now prepare the cream. Pour the milk into a small saucepan and mix it with sugar.

8. Break the eggs into the cup, pierce the yolks with a fork, and chat. Pour the egg mixture into the milk, add the vanilla, add the flour and, carefully breaking its lumps with a whisk, mix.

9. Put the saucepan on a small fire and, constantly stirring, cook until the milk mass thickens. Remove from the stove, immediately put the oil, mix and cover.

10. After the cream has stood for five minutes, grease the cakes baked in the pan and form a cake. Cream must be hot!

11. Fold the cuttings of cakes in a tight bag and a couple of times go over them with a rolling pin. Mix the crumbs with chopped nuts and sprinkle the cake well on all sides.

12. Before serving, keep the cake warm for at least an hour to saturate better.

A simple chocolate cake recipe in a pan with condensed milk


• one and a half standard cups of wheat flour;

• one egg;

• 50 ml of highly purified sunflower oil;

• a glass of sugar;

• three tablespoons of sugar-free cocoa powder;

• half a liter of cow's milk;

• soda - 1 tsp;

• half a glass of drinking water;

• a cultivator for baking dough - 1/2 tsp.

In cream:

• sour cream, fat content not lower than 30% - 400 ml;

• 200 gr. whole condensed milk;

• A bag of crystalline vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. Add cocoa, baking soda, a dough cultivator to the flour. Replant several times, add granulated sugar, mix.

2. Combine vegetable oil with slightly beaten eggs. Add milk and mix.

3. Intensively whisking the liquid base, gradually introduce the dry flour mixture. Beat until smooth.

4. Boil half a glass of drinking water and immediately pour it into the dough, mix.

5. Prepare the cream: pour condensed milk into sour cream and add vanilla sugar and beat with a mixer or whisk.

6. On a small fire, heat the pan. Cookware with a non-stick coating with a diameter of 22 cm is best, but if there is none, you can do with cast iron of the same size.

7. Pour approximately 100 ml of dough into a heated pan. Quickly level it over the entire pan and cover. When the top is well grasped, it will no longer be sticky, gently flip it and hold it under the lid for about another 30 seconds.

8. Put the finished cake on a plate, smooth side down. As soon as it cools slightly, grease liberally with sour cream.

9. In the same way, prepare five more cake layers, and then form a cake out of them.

10. Coat the top and sides of the cake with sour cream and let it soak in the cold for at least three hours, although it is better to do this overnight.

The recipe for honey cake in a pan with condensed milk - "Fox"


• one egg;

• two tablespoons of sour cream;

• wheat flour, v / s - 2.5 standard glasses;

• half a glass of refined sugar;

• soda - 0.5 tsp;

• half a pack of margarine;

• two tablespoons of semi-liquid honey.

In cream:

• 190 ml of condensed milk;

• a small lemon;

• 120 ml of cow's milk;

• fat cream - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the margarine into pieces and melt over low heat.

2. Beat the egg with sugar, add sour cream, cooled butter, whisk again.

3. Dissolve honey in a water bath. Add soda, mix. Pour the foaming mass into the egg mixture and, gradually adding flour, knead.

4. Divide the dough into balls, approximately eight pieces. Roll each one around, taking into account the diameter of the pan, and fry for a minute on each side. Do not grease the pan.

5. Dip the lemon in boiling water for three minutes, cut in half and squeeze the juice, strain.

6. Cool a clean bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes. Pour cold cream and milk of the same temperature into it. Beat, gradually adding condensed milk and lemon juice.

7. Collect the cake, generously spreading honey cakes with butter cream, decorate at your discretion and put in the refrigerator for the night for high-quality soaking.

Cake in a pan with condensed milk - "Home" (on sour cream)


• sugar beet - 200 gr.;

• 30 gr. thickened, best homemade cream;

• a pound of high-grade wheat flour;

• 200 gr. low-fat liquid sour cream;

• a little incomplete spoon of soda;

• table 9% vinegar.


• half a can of boiled condensed milk;

• three tablespoons of fat sour cream;

• three tablespoons of currant, grated with sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Mix melted butter with sour cream, add sugar, whisk.

2. Into the oil mixture, add the baking soda quenched with a tablespoon of vinegar, mix.

3. Pour in flour and knead a plastic, uncooked dough.

4. Roll out four round cakes from it and bake it alternately, spreading it on a hot dry frying pan.

5. In order for the cakes to be well baked, it is necessary to withstand at least five minutes on each side.

6. Fold the baked workpieces in a stack and carefully trim the edges. Collect the scraps in a plate and mash them into crumbs.

7. Mix boiled condensed milk with sour cream and whisk, bring the cream to the desired consistency. You can add a few finely chopped nuts to it.

8. Put the first cake on the dish, grease with sour cream and cover with the next sheet. Lubricate it gently with jam. Apply cream to remaining cakes, sides and top.

9. Garnish the dessert with scraps of crumbs.

Cake in a pan with condensed milk - "Coffee"


• two eggs;

• half a pack of butter "Traditional" butter;

• soda - 1 spoon;

• 3 tablespoons of instant coffee;

• table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l .;

• two tablespoons of water;

• a jar of condensed whole milk;

• 4 full cups of flour.

In a homemade cream:

• a jar of boiled condensed milk;

• a spoon of unrefined sugar;

• dark, dark chocolate - 50 gr.;

• 100 gr. homemade butter or factory, high-fat butter;

• pasteurized milk - a glass;

• 60 gr. first-class flour.

Cooking method:

1. Dilute coffee with boiling water, cool and, mixed with condensed milk, pour into a bowl.

2. Add melted butter, pour in the eggs. Enter slaked soda in a tablespoon of vinegar, whisk.

3. Transfer all the flour, take half a cup and leave for rolling. Put the remaining flour into the liquid base gradually.

4. Put the prepared dough in a bag and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then take out and cut into eight pieces of the same size.

5. Roll them into thin circles, the size of the bottom of the pan, and fry at medium temperature, for a minute and a half on each side.

6. Trim the cooled cakes with each other, stacking the blanks in a stack. Do not throw away the scraps, rub them into small crumbs.

7. Put milk on medium heat, cut butter into it and wait until it melts.

8. Pour granulated sugar, mix. Sugar crystals should be completely dissolved in hot milk.

9. Intensively stirring, introduce flour and boil the cream base until thickened, cool.

10. In the brewed cooled mass, grate dark chocolate on a fine grater, put the boiled condensed milk, whisk.

11. The cream turns out to be rare, therefore, so that the cakes do not slip, lightly sprinkle the cream layer with crumbs.

12. The top and sides of the molded cake, too, cover with cream and sprinkle with plenty of crumbs. You can add a little crushed toasted nuts.

Delicate curd cake in a pan with condensed milk and bananas


• non-grained, 9% cottage cheese - 200 g .;

• two large eggs - 2 pcs .;

• wheat flour, first-class flour - 300 g .;

• a small spoon of soda;

• Refined granulated sugar - 1 cup.

For cream:

• two large bananas;

• 200 gram pack of oil;

• 1.5 cans of good, "GOST" condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Add sugar, quick soda, break the eggs and mix thoroughly. The mass should be smooth and uniform. If grains of cottage cheese are found in it, grind on a sieve.

2. Thoroughly mixing, put all the flour into the curd mass and divide the resulting dough into eight pieces.

3. Curd dough is very tender and transferring thin cake from the table to the pan without damaging it will be difficult. Therefore, roll the cakes on a soft silicone mat, then directly on it, bring it to the pan and carefully lay it out, turning the mat over. A plastic bag is also suitable as such a litter.

4. Fold the curd cakes fried before browning with one or two piles, straighten their edges with a sharp knife and leave to cool.

5. Soften the sliced ​​butter in advance, leaving it warm for an hour.

6. Beat soft butter until fluffy and, without stopping beating, introduce condensed milk into it. Cover the container with cream, refrigerate for half an hour in the "warm" chamber of the refrigerator.

7. Rub the bananas with a fine grater in mashed potatoes and mix with chilled cream. Do not add the whole portion at once, in order to achieve uniformity, put two tablespoons each time, always stirring.

8. Cook the cream well, smear the curd cakes and "collect" the cake. Apply the remaining cream on the sides and top.

9. For decoration, you can use trimmings of curd cakes, grated into crumbs, chocolate chips or nuts. The easiest way to "bring beauty" is to sprinkle the surface of the cake with cocoa powder or colored coconut flakes.

Cake in a pan with condensed milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

• To make the cakes even, use the plate as a stencil. If the pan is not with sloping sides, use the lid. The blanks will lie flat on its bottom.

• To make thin layers of dough easy to transfer to the pan, wrap them on a rolling pin, and then move them.

• The dough will not bubble during baking if it is pierced several times with a fork. Holes will not affect the quality of the cakes.

• Cover baked cakes with a damp towel to prevent them from drying out.


Watch the video: In The Kitchen with David. January 9, 2019 (July 2024).