Vitamin B17 - in which products and in what quantity. We find out everything about vitamin B17: which foods contain its highest concentration


Vitamin B17, also called amygdalin, is a substance in its pure form that is small white crystals with a melting point of about 215 ° C and a bitter taste. Official science does not consider it necessary for the human body, only proponents of alternative medicine recognize the amygdalin vitamin. They call B17 a powerful antitumor agent, but according to the results of studies on animals and humans, its effectiveness in this area has not been proven. But let us leave the debate about the effects of B17 on humans to scientists and see how the body can get it from the outside - because it is not synthesized by the body itself.

Vitamin B17 in which foods contains the greatest amount

First of all, it is worth mentioning that amygdalin can be exclusively of plant origin. In meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, it is completely absent. The richest source of this substance is bitter almonds. It was from it that vitamin was first isolated in the 19th century and continues to be extracted from it to this day for the needs of the pharmacological industry. Also, this substance in an amount of about 500 mg per 100 g of product is found in the seeds of many fruit trees - apples, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, pears. In the fruit itself, B17 is also present, but already in a much smaller volume.

The standard of consumption of amygdalin adopted by traditional medicine is optimally about 1000 mg per day for an adult. It is permissible to increase it to 3000 mg, provided that no more than 1000 mg is ingested in a single meal. This is due to the risk of poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, which is one of the components of the vitamin.

In terms of the weight of the products, the daily norm corresponds to about 100-200 g. Almonds and large seeds such as peach and apricot are also conveniently counted individually - on average, at least 20 pieces are in such weight.

Vitamin B17 in which foods contains fruits and berries

As already mentioned, the maximum concentration of the substance is observed in the seeds of many fruits, where its content reaches 500 mg per 100 g of product. In the pulp and peel, the amount of amygdalin is much less - in the range of 100-200 mg.

It occurs in the following fruits:



· Bird cherry;


· Raspberries;




· Grapes and raisins made from it;


As you can see, there are no exotic plants on the list; all of them grow in the country in considerable numbers, both in the wild and in gardens, in summer cottages, etc. Moreover, in wild fruits, oddly enough, B17 contains much more. It is easy to determine even without chemical research in the laboratory by the pronounced bitter aftertaste of such fruits and berries.

Vitamin B17 contains the following products: cereals, vegetables and legumes

The list of amygdalin-containing fruits, berries and nuts is impressive, but not limited to them. Vitamin B17 is also found in other food products, in particular, is present in the composition:

1. Rice;

2. Beet tops (in other words, sticking out of tuber leaves);

3. Buckwheat;

4. Lentils;

5. Beans;

6. Peas;

7. Flax and linseed oil;

8. Masha;

9. Green peas;

10. Many exotic varieties of legumes.

Vitamin B17 in which products contains: vitamin complexes

Recall that the need for taking B17 by official medicine has not been proven, therefore, all complexes containing it are not related to medicines, but to biologically active additives. Moreover, in the USA and some European countries it is generally prohibited by law to produce and / or sell dietary supplements containing this substance because of the high toxicity of B17 in case of overdose. In Russia, there is no such prohibition, nevertheless, it will not work to find B17 in pharmacies, but in online stores - without problems. Most likely it will be of foreign production - Mexico or other Latin American countries, where this vitamin is actively used by the population.

The most famous complexes containing amygdalin:

1. Laetrile B17. The composition contains oils of bitter and sweet almonds, kernels of apricot kernels and grapes. Available in capsules, which should be swallowed and washed down or diluted in food. They are taken twice a day for a month, after which they must take a break for 1-2 months at least.

2. Vitalmix Recnacon 17 is also a capsule product. The composition contains oils of wheat germ and almond, as well as ginkgo biloba extract. Manufacturers claim that the tool is effective not only for the treatment and prevention of tumors, but also has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The course is designed for a month, the frequency of administration - one capsule daily.

3. Metamigdalin - a drug in ampoules for injection, containing, in addition to amygdalin, extracts of peach fruits and leaves, melatonin, maltodextrin and galegin.

In the case of taking these drugs for oncology, in no case should they replace traditional types of therapy. The fact that B17 was discovered long ago, but there is still no clear evidence of its antitumor effect, provokes serious doubts about its effectiveness. If you do not exceed the daily norm, this substance will not harm a person in any way, but it’s not a fact that will help, so you should not rely on it as the only treatment method.

Recommendations for use

Having found out in which products there is vitamin B17, it is also worthwhile to understand their proper use:

1. It is very important not to overdose B17, it is fraught with intoxication. Its main symptoms are weakness, muscle soreness, nausea, vomiting, headache, shortness of breath, etc. At the extreme stage of intoxication, even death is possible. To reduce the risks, it is advisable to drink plenty of water and consume a sufficient amount of vitamin C.

2. With severe signs of poisoning, you should stop taking B17 and take an absorbent, for example, activated charcoal. It is highly advisable then to consult a doctor for examination and examination, and, if necessary, further treatment.

3. Vitamin complexes with amygdalin should not be given to minors, food products with its high content (almonds, fruit seeds) can. For adolescents, it is advisable to halve the adult dosage, by 3-4 times for children under this age. Infants, pregnant and lactating women from such food and especially from dietary supplements should be abandoned.

4. The B17 therapy, no matter in the form of vitamin complexes or as part of food products, cannot be combined with alcohol, it significantly increases the toxicity of this substance. It is also necessary to reduce caffeine intake and smoke less. Ideally, of course, it is worth getting rid of these habits completely, but not everyone can do this.

To summarize

To provide the body with vitamin B17, you do not need to look for some rare and exotic plants. This substance is present in many products of the normal and habitual diet of an ordinary resident of Russia and related countries. Nuts, fruit seeds, legumes and some types of cereals, berries and fruits - all of them are a source of amygdalin. The main thing to remember is moderation in their consumption is very important, otherwise fraught with serious poisoning.


Watch the video: World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin 1974 (June 2024).