A recipe for buns without yeast - they are so fast! Easy and simple recipes for buns without yeast in milk, water, with eggs, sour cream


As soon as the idea appears to bake rolls, many housewives begin to drive it away from themselves. Kneading, ripening and raising the dough, sculpting, again proofing before baking and many more steps that require time and attention. Muffins without yeast are much simpler and faster. They can be sculpted, lubricated and baked immediately after kneading. Conveniently? Not that word!

Yeast-free buns - general cooking principles

If yeast is not added to the rolls, then some kind of cultivator is always placed. It can be baking powder from sachets or baking soda. In the second case, the product requires quenching. If this is not done, baking and dough will have an unpleasant taste and smell. You can extinguish with any acid or dairy products, if they are present in the recipe.

What else is added to the dough without yeast:

• sugar, honey;

• milk products;

• eggs or egg powder;

• flour;

• margarine, oil of various types.

It is advisable to use products of the same temperature. The dough is usually kneaded with a spoon, then with your hands. Vanilla is added to the aroma for it, you can use other spices: cinnamon, ground ginger, saffron, zest. For taste, dried fruit, nuts, fresh fruits or berries, jam are also put in buns.

From dough without yeast, it is better to sculpt small products that quickly rise in the oven and bake well. Before being sent to the oven, they should be greased with milk, egg, syrup, and if necessary, sprinkled with sesame seeds, sugar or poppy seeds.

Milk Sugar Free Biscuit Recipe

A variant of the simplest recipe for buns without yeast on a baking powder. From above they are sprinkled with sugar (it is better to take coarse sand), hence the name appeared.


• 0.34 liters of milk;

• flour;

• 0.07 kg of granulated sugar;

• 2 pinches of salt;

• 10 grams (standard bag) of a cultivator;

• 35 ml of oil;

• egg;

• milk and sugar for decoration.


1. The dough is not yeast, but it’s still better to use warm foods. We take out the milk, egg and other ingredients on the table in advance.

2. Shake one fresh egg with sugar and salt almost until the sand dissolves, add warm milk, stir, add oil.

3. Stir about three glasses of flour with a cultivator, add to the dough. Add vanillin if desired. We start kneading, if necessary, add flour.

4. Cover, leave for ten minutes.

5. While warming up the oven to 190 degrees.

6. We make round buns from the dough. Lubricate with milk so that the sand sticks, sprinkle sugar on top.

7. Bake immediately after formation for about 12-15 minutes, depending on size.

Recipe for buns without yeast with cottage cheese

This recipe for yeast-free buns uses regular medium-curd cheese. If the product is weak, it may take a little more flour.


• two eggs;

• 1 tsp baking cultivator;

• 500 g of cottage cheese;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• two glasses of flour;

• one additional yolk.


1. If the cottage cheese is dry and a lot of lumps, it is better to grind it through a sieve. In other cases, just mix well with a spoon or spatula.

2. Add the eggs first. Grind with cottage cheese, then sugar and stir well for three minutes.

3. Pour the flour at the same time as the baking powder. In addition, you can add vanillin or cinnamon for a smell, raisins fit perfectly into this dough. Knead.

4. Curd dough usually turns out a little sticky. If necessary, wet our hands with water. We make round balls, put on a baking sheet.

5. Add a few drops of water to the yolk, shake with a fork, grease the buns and you can put them in the oven.

Recipe for kefir-free yeast rolls

Since a fermented milk product is used as the basis for this test, it is convenient to use ordinary soda as a ripper.


• two eggs;

• a glass of sugar;

• a glass of kefir;

• two glasses of flour;

• bag of vanillin;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 0.5 packs of oil.


1. In one bowl, combine kefir with soda and add a couple of pinches of fine salt to them. Stir, leave aside.

2. In another bowl, send the eggs. Pour granulated sugar. Beat with a mixer until light foam.

3. Add kefir to the eggs with soda already extinguished, lay the softened butter. Stir.

4. Pour a bag of confectionery vanillin, followed by flour and prepare the dough.

5. Cut the mass into small pieces. On a sprinkled table, we roll flagella out of them, sculpt rings or twist knots. We shift to a baking sheet.

6. Bake at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes.

7. On a rag or piece of gauze, drip a few drops of sunflower oil. We take the rolls out of the oven and immediately. While they are still hot, wipe with an oily cloth. Cool down.

Recipe for buns without yeast with poppy seeds

Very tasty and fragrant poppy seed buns without yeast. Recipe for dough in milk with butter. If necessary, it can be replaced with margarine.


• 270 ml of whole milk;

• 70 grams of drain oil .;

• 50 grams of granulated sugar (this is the dough);

• 100 g of sugar for decoration;

• 30-40 g of poppy;

• 10 g of ripper;

• flour (how much will go);

• two tablespoons of any molding oil.


1. We combine milk with melted butter and granulated sugar, which is intended for dough. Add half a teaspoon of salt to them, dissolve.

2. Mix the cultivator with three glasses of flour, add to milk, knead the dough with a spoon first. Then we immerse our hands and knead thoroughly. The sticky mass should not turn out, but also spread on the table, too.

3. Mix the sugar, which for decoration, with the prescription poppy. If there is, then you can use more.

4. Roll out all the dough at once into one large layer. Lubricate it with softened butter or just vegetable oil. Sprinkle with a mixture of sugar with poppy seeds.

5. Twist the roll, we do not make the center too dense, so that the buns have where to approach.

6. Cut the pieces across. The size is arbitrary, but between them they should be approximately the same.

7. Spread one bun on a baking sheet, leaving a place between them. We send to bake in the oven.

8. Cooking homemade poppy seed rolls at 180 degrees. After baking, cover with a towel, leave pan for half an hour.

The recipe for fragrant buns without yeast

For these simple buns without yeast, you will need a variety of dried fruits, you can change the types to your taste.


• egg;

• a glass of kefir;

• a handful of nuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes;

• 3 g of cinnamon;

• four tablespoons of sugar;

• three tablespoons of oil;

• 2.5-3 Art. flour;

• standard bag of a baking cultivator;

• vanilla, salt.


1. Beat one egg with a glass of sugar, as far as it can be done, add warm kefir, a couple of a pinch of salt and vegetable oil.

2. Add flour, but not all, until only two cups, pour the cultivator with them, mix lightly.

3. Add washed, chopped dried fruits, chopped nuts, cinnamon. Knead the dough, add more flour if necessary.

4. We make balls. In size, they should be equal to the average chicken egg.

5. Bake in the oven for about twenty minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipe for buns without yeast with cocoa and candied fruit

The better cocoa powder, the tastier and more aromatic such buns are. Sour cream dough. Instead of candied fruits, you can take raisins or chopped nuts.


• egg;

• three full spoons of cocoa;

• 1 tsp baking powder;

• three spoons of sour cream;

• 50 ml of oil;

• two spoons of candied fruits;

• 180-200 g of flour;

• four tablespoons of sugar;

• a pinch of cinnamon.


1. Combine in a dry bowl of cocoa with flour and a cultivator. Add candied fruits or nuts to them. Stir well, pour cinnamon. If you don’t like this flavor, you can take vanilla.

2. In another bowl, we throw the egg, add any sour cream, sugar, and then vegetable oil to it. Stir.

3. Connect the masses, knead the usual soft dough with candied fruit.

4. Divide into 5-8 parts, depending on the desired size of the chocolate rolls. We give them any shape, transfer to a baking sheet.

5. Put in the oven for fifteen minutes, the temperature is 185 degrees.

A recipe for buns without yeast whip from puff pastry

For these buns we take a package of dough without yeast. We will cook with apples, but you can take another type of filling to your liking.


• pack of dough;

• 1 tsp cinnamon

• egg;

• 2 apples;

• 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Take out the dough, let it lie on the table.

2. While we cook the apple filling. Wash fruits, grate or cut. Add cinnamon. We do not put sugar so that juice does not stand out.

3. Roll out the dough. Cut into squares of arbitrary size.

4. Now add sugar to the filling, mix quickly, put into all the squares.

5. We select the corners and glue the free tips at the top above the filling. To get a kind of nodules with holes.

6. Beat the egg, grease the rolls with a brush, bake at 220 degrees.

Yeast-Free Buns - Tips & Tricks

• Forgot to grease buns before baking? Do it after her! For shine, you can cover with honey or a thin layer of oil. It is better to do this immediately while the products are hot.

• For buns to bake evenly, leave more space between them on the baking sheet. It should also be borne in mind that products will increase in size.

• A large number of toppings will make the buns heavy. If it is berries or fruits, then the products can also become wet.

• If you want to put juicy berries or fruits in a bun, you can sprinkle them with potato starch before doing this.

• The lower the temperature in the oven, the drier the baked goods. But it is also not worthwhile to set the regime too high, the dough can remain raw or just sticky inside the bun.


Watch the video: dinner rollsmilk bread recipebunsoft &chewy -- Cooking A Dream (June 2024).