Mushroom appetizer: nothing tastes better! We prepare original mushroom snacks for any occasion: caviar, sandwiches, roll


Mushroom snacks caress the eye and arouse appetite! Small pieces of mushrooms or whole small hats look simply amazing on any table. Mushroom snacks are cooked hot or cold, eaten right away or harvested for the winter. Such recipes for pickled, salted or stewed mushrooms are the age of several generations of the same family. They are transmitted along with the hereditary cookbook of precious foods.

Mushroom appetizers - general principles of preparation

Any mushrooms are suitable for creating snacks. But with forest mushrooms, the dishes turn out more fragrant and enticing them to try. But as whole mushrooms for snacks it is better to take champignons, they look very presentable on the holiday table.

Before cooking mushrooms must be sorted out. Damaged or wormy specimens are not suitable for cooking. We wash each mushroom under a stream of water. Such thorough processing is necessary to remove possible sand and dirt. She especially settles in the hats of boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms. After washing, forest mushrooms must be kept in salt water and boiled until tender. Then we use the mushrooms in appetizers either in boiled form, or pickle or fry them.

To complement and enrich the appetizer of mushrooms, you can use vegetables, fresh herbs, cheese, boiled eggs and spices.

Mushroom appetizer in the form of caviar


• 1 kg of forest mushrooms (ceps, boletus, boletus);

• 300 g of onions;

• 100 g of parsley and dill;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• 100 ml of apple cider vinegar;

• 1.5 tbsp. l ordinary salt.


1. We sort out the mushrooms.

2. All selected forest mushrooms are placed in a cup.

3. Take one mushroom and clean it with a small knife from dirt - leaves, grass.

4. Next, put the mushroom in a cup of cold water.

5. When all the mushrooms float in water, we begin to stir them with our hands and wash each mushroom.

6. We put in another cup with water. But with the addition of salt.

7. Leave for a few minutes.

8. Further, from all mushrooms, if desired, you can remove the film on the hat by prying off its edges with a knife. But you can not do this.

9. Then we take out all the mushrooms from the water and cut into small pieces.

10. Put in a clean pan. Fill with water.

11. Put on the fire to cook.

12. Remove all foam when it appears. Cook over moderate heat for half an hour.

13. Then the broth is drained without a trace. You can throw the mushrooms on an iron sieve and let the broth drain.

14. In the meantime, peel and rinse onions.

15. Cut it into small cubes.

16. Pour vegetable oil into the pan.

17. We put on the fire.

18. Put the whole chopped onion in the butter.

19. Stir, simmer for 5-6 minutes.

20. Sort the greens for a snack of mushrooms. We select only fresh leaves.

21. We wash all greens in water.

22. Put the leaves on a kitchen towel to dry.

23. Prepare a meat grinder.

24. Grind through it all the mushrooms, then onions, along with butter and herbs.

25. Add salt and apple cider vinegar.

26. All together mix.

27. We lay out on clean sterilized jars.

28. We close the same clean and sterilized lids.

29. We clean for storage in a cool place.

Mushroom appetizer with vegetables


• 1 kg of forest mushrooms (one species);

• five tomatoes;

• three sweet peppers;

• two heads of onions;

• 400 g carrots;

• 100 g of granulated sugar;

• 50 g of salt;

• 5 g of ground black pepper;

• 80 ml of vinegar 9%;

• 250 ml of vegetable oil.


1. We sort all the mushrooms. We sort it out so that they are all clean and fresh, not wormy. For this recipe, you can use only hats or only mushroom legs.

2. We clean mushrooms from pollution.

3. Rinse under running water.

4. Cut into pieces.

5. Put in a bowl of salt water and mix by hand. We are waiting for 5-7 minutes. We take out the mushrooms.

6. Put them in a pot of clean water. We put to boil. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

7. We filter the mushrooms from the broth.

8. Rinse with running water.

9. We recline on an iron sieve to remove water.

10. Spread the mushrooms in a pan without oil.

11. Set on fire and stir.

12. When the moisture evaporates, remove from the stove and set the mushrooms aside.

13. We are engaged in washing and peeling vegetables. In tomatoes, we remove the place where the stalk leaves.

14. At the pepper we take out the seed box and also cut the stem.

15. Carrots clean housekeeper or a small knife.

16. At the onion, remove the scales and cut off the bottom and neck.

17. All prepared vegetables are cut into thin slices. Carrots can be grated. Or use a food processor so that slicing all the vegetables is the same and thin.

18. In an enameled pan (preferably wide with a thick bottom), spread all the chopped vegetables.

19. Pour in them vegetable oil.

20. We put on a moderate fire burners.

21. Add salt and sugar according to the list of products for the recipe for mushroom snacks. If desired, you can add other spices to your appetizer to your taste.

22. Season with ground pepper.

23. We mix everything in the pan.

24. Cook for about 40 minutes, stirring so that the vegetables are cooked evenly.

25. Add the mushrooms to the salad.

26. Stir. Stew for another 5-7 minutes. Add vinegar. Again we interfere.

27. Stew a few more minutes.

28. Remove the pan with a snack of mushrooms and vegetables from the stove.

29. We spread in pre-sterilized jars almost to the top. If the appetizer is planned to be consumed immediately, there is no need to sterilize jars and lids. It is enough to rinse and dry them well.

30. Cover with sterilized lids.

31. Helping ourselves with a dry clean kitchen towel, we tightly close the jars with lids.

32. We put in heat for 2-3 hours.

33. We remove the cans with the finished snack in a cool place.

Mushroom, loaf and cheese appetizer


• one loaf of wheat bread;

• 300 g of forest mushrooms (one species);

• 50 g butter;

• 20 g of wheat flour;

• 100 g sour cream of any fat content;

• 50 g of hard cheese;

• salt to taste;

• to taste pepper.


1. We carefully sort the mushrooms, we need only fresh and clean ones. It is better to take mushrooms of the same species, they will evenly boil.

2. We clean the knife from dirt.

3. We wash them under running water.

4. Cut into thin slices.

5. Put in a pan.

6. Fill with water. Season with salt.

7. Set to cook for half an hour. When the foam appears, remove it.

8. Let the mushrooms boil, but for now you can do some bread and sauce. Take a loaf of wheat bread. It can be usually oblong, long or square. Any will do.

9. Cut off the crusts from it. The exception is square bread, such slices look very good as a snack with filling.

10. Bread cut into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

11. We boil the boiled mushrooms in a colander.

12. Pour flour into a dry frying pan.

13. Add butter to it.

14. Put the flour on a slow fire and mix, grinding the mixture until smooth.

15. Stir, fry until slightly rusty.

16. When the broth drains, transfer the mushrooms to the flour.

17. Stir with a spatula.

18. Put in the pan all the sour cream.

19. Stir.

20. Stew under a covered lid for 10-15 minutes.

21. Season with salt and ground pepper.

22. Stew a few more minutes until thickened.

23. On the slices of bread we spread a little mushroom stuffing.

24. We grind hard cheese on a grater.

25. Sprinkle bread with mushrooms and cheese.

26. We send the appetizer of mushrooms with cheese to a hot oven for 5-8 minutes.

27. When the cheese melts from above, we take out pieces of bread and serve hot to the table.

Stuffed Mushroom Appetizer


• 90 g of frozen shrimp;

• 45 g butter;

• a spoon of vegetable oil;

• a couple of spoons of fat sour cream;

• salt;

• a little green onion;

• a spoon of red caviar;

• 70 g of hard cheese;

• pepper;

• four large champignons.


1. We wash the mushrooms and, if necessary, remove the upper skin.

2. We carefully remove the legs without damaging the caps.

3. Defrost the shrimp and send to boil in salted water until tender.

4. Ready shrimp removed using a slotted spoon and cool.

5. Shrimp peel and finely chop.

6. The legs remaining from the mushrooms are also finely chopped.

7. Sort green onions, rinse, dry and shred.

8. Heat the pan and heat the butter and vegetable oil in it.

9. Fry chopped mushroom legs in oil with green onions.

10. Add boiled shrimp, salt, pepper and sour cream to the pan. To mix everything. Turn off the fire.

11. Stuff the caps of the mushrooms with the mixture and spread them with the filling up on the baking sheet.

12. Bake at 200 degrees for about a quarter of an hour.

13. A few minutes before ready to sprinkle hats with grated cheese.

14. Serve the mushrooms, garnishing with red caviar.

Mushroom and pita bread appetizer


• 260 g of processed cheese;

• three champignons;

• a couple of spoons of mayonnaise;

• vegetable oil;

• 1 large pita bread;

• large onion.


1. Peel the onion and chop finely.

2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onions in it.

3. Meanwhile, rinse the mushrooms and finely chop.

4. We send mushrooms to fry with onions until a slight blush.

5. In a small bowl, rub the processed cheese through a large hole in the grater.

6. There we add mayonnaise and fried mushrooms with onions.

7. All mix thoroughly.

8. We spread the pita bread on the table and evenly distribute the filling on it.

9. Turn the pita bread into the roll, slightly pressing it, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

10. We take out the finished roll and cut into portioned pieces.

Mushroom appetizer in tartlets


• 270 g of ceps;

• 85 g of mayonnaise;

• three boiled eggs;

• salt;

• 40 g of vegetable oil;

• for decoration parsley;

• onion.


1. Peel and wash the mushrooms and onions.

2. Cut them finely and fry in oil.

3. Spread the resulting frying in a bowl. We add grated egg whites, salt and mayonnaise there.

4. Mix the mass until smooth.

5. Put the filling on the tartlets.

6. Sprinkle grated yolk through a shallow hole.

7. Serve garnished with parsley.

Mushroom appetizer - tips and tricks

• If you do not want to spoil the appearance of the fungi, you can simply wipe them thoroughly with a damp cloth.

• Instead of ground pepper, you can take pepper peas, 4-5 peas are enough.

• Components can be changed according to your preferences and taste.

• As a side dish, any dish is suitable for such appetizers.


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