Why do you dream of boots: old, new, dirty, not in size? The main interpretations of different dream books - what new boots dream of


In a dream, you can witness a wide variety of events. Why are my boots dreaming? Why do you dream of new boots in which you went for a walk? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do I dream about boots - the main interpretation

To see boots in a dream - to the road and to new achievements. So the dream interpretation interprets a similar dream. If you measure new boots and are very beautiful in a dream - in reality you will dream of a completely different life. About new beginnings, about new achievements. But it is important to pay attention to the details of sleep:

· Where exactly do you measure boots;

· Do they like you;

· Do you need boots in size?

· How long have you been wearing boots;

· What material they are made of;

· Who else appears in your dream.

If you have been planning a trip for a long time, and it did not succeed in any way - try to take into account all the risks when planning a trip, otherwise it will not bring you joy. You will be immersed in your fears and experiences, you will plan something new, but constantly look back at the experience of the past. This will prevent you from taking the right steps towards achieving your goal in the future.

A dream in which someone gave you beautiful boots - says that you will get new opportunities through communication with an outsider. You can solve many of your problems and questions thanks to the intervention of someone from the outside. Do not try to take everything on yourself. There are situations in life that you cannot survive alone.

A dream in which ragged and old boots are on you - says that your path in life will be very difficult. You can make a lot of mistakes just because you will rely on past experience in making decisions.

Why dream of new boots dressed on a naked body? Such a dream means that you want to get additional profit, to open a new business. But too soon you will begin to act actively, not having considered all the possible risks.

Try to play it safe and not make decisions rashly. You do not need haste now. If you see a dream in which new boots pressed your feet - you will be clamped into the framework of what is happening. You will depend on life situations. You may even be forced to admit defeat in some business.

Dream Interpretation argues that such a situation can benefit you. Your long-standing controversial issue will finally be resolved, and you can safely move on through life, resolving issues as you see fit.

If you see new boots on a colleague - do not worry because of this. Most likely, you can just curb your emotions and moderate your ardor. Such a dream suggests that in reality you will not envy, you will simply be more attentive to the work of a colleague. You can even closely monitor all her actions and phrases. It can be useful to you in work and in personal life.

Wearing different boots means having problems with your goal. Most likely, you yourself will be confused, what do you want. This will cause resentment and misunderstanding with others. You will increasingly try to understand your motives and your emotions and you will increasingly try to move away from reality into your illusory world.

If in a dream you put on different boots and set off on their journey - such a dream suggests that you should deal with your emotions. They control you, not you. You not only make mistakes, you do not follow the advice of others, you do not hear your inner voice and make a lot of important decisions in a hurry.

Perhaps you have been in a state of apathy or depression for quite some time, if you take off your boots, then put them back on. Your uncertainty in life may be caused by the indecision of other people to take responsibility for everything that happens in life. Do not be afraid to take responsibility for your actions, but do not be guided by the opinions of others when making important decisions.

The dream in which you knock on the door in leather boots means that you have long ceased to make flexible and balanced decisions. It’s easier for you to transfer them to someone else than to take them yourself. This indicates your indecision and your unwillingness to change something in life. Do not get what you want at all costs after such a dream. Such actions may not be justified.

If in a dream you polish your boots to a shine - you will be too worried about your own reputation. Do not try to clear your good name for so long. If your reputation is already damaged - you have no choice but to start life anew, correcting the mistakes of the past.

If you dream that someone stole your boots - the road, the trip you were counting on - will not justify itself. You will stagnate more and try to change something in vain. Someone else could take your ideas and opportunities.

The dream in which you stole someone else’s boots indicates that you will try to use someone else’s opportunities for your own benefit. Such a dream also means that you will envy the success of others and make a huge mistake. You yourself are deceiving yourself, as you consider the merits of another person to be your merit.

Why dream boots on Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that the boots dream when you are ready to go. Ready for new relationships and dating. Do not waste time restoring old relationships after such a dream.

If in your dream you throw your boots into the trash can - such a dream means that you will give up the mass of opportunities that life will give you. The dream book warns you against such an act and asks you to find something positive in this situation, otherwise you will remain alone with your fears and problems for a long time.

If in a dream you see ragged boots, such a dream means that you will part with your loved one with grief and pain. Parting will bring you a lot of trouble and a lot of trouble. Try to make sure that you forget about the troubles of the past relationship as quickly as possible.

The dream in which you sew boots for yourself - means that you will independently equip your personal space. You will be quite original to your soulmate, which may cause indignation on her part. We can talk about experiments in sexual life and a frequent change of partner.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is putting on new boots, she will receive a lot of pleasant emotions in the near future. If a lonely woman has such a dream, she will have the opportunity to build new and strong relationships.

Why dream boots on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book, if you dream of dirty worn boots, you are very tired of everything that happens in your life. Perhaps you need to seriously think about moral rest and moral relaxation. If you do not rest now - soon you will not be able to afford such a luxury.

Why do you dream of boots that are stained with blood - such a dream can talk about an imminent illness of yours or your loved ones. You need to be more attentive to your well-being, both emotional and physical, after such a dream.

Why dream new boots on other dream book

In the dream book Grishina said that the new boots dream of as a symbol of your approach to the cherished goal. If you bought them at the market and bargained for a long time - in reality you will long decide on active actions in relation to a specific issue. You will hesitate and doubt the correct decision.

Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts with loved ones after a dream in which your new boots are torn. You will not be able to maintain a position on an important issue for you after such a dream. You will insist on being right, but your position will be far from profitable. You should not accept it and reconcile, it is important now to draw conclusions from the current situation and no longer allow such oversights.

In the dream book of the Wanderer it is said that the new boots dream of as a symbol of future changes, moving, changing work. If you are not ready for changes, you will have to come to terms with them, otherwise you will miss important opportunities to change something in your life.

The dream in which you change your boots indicates your change of priorities. What yesterday was very important for you today will become secondary. This may not make you happy and cause you to be stressed. Avoid excessive loads, they are harmful to you.


Watch the video: Dreamipedia: Clothing and Colors FULL EPISODE (June 2024).