Teeth whitening at home: is it worth the risk of enamel for a snow-white smile or are there still safe methods


Is there any correlation between success and perfectly white teeth? All people who have achieved something in this life have a snow-white smile. Is this a coincidence or a pattern?

Beautiful teeth are an opportunity to attract an interlocutor. With such a person it’s not only pleasant to talk with, but also wants to do business and make deals. In order to meet a high social status, you need to take care of your teeth. Therefore, many people think about teeth whitening. This can be done not only in the cabin, but also at home.

Teeth whitening at home: indications

Before undertaking whitening, the cause of the darkening of tooth enamel should be established. After all, if initially the teeth did not differ in whiteness, then it will be impossible to achieve the perfect color. The use of all kinds of chemicals will give an unstable effect and can thoroughly spoil the enamel. A great alternative will be folk remedies. There are a number of reasons why this procedure may be necessary:

1. A constant habit of smoking. Senior smokers never have white teeth. Nicotine not only degrades the color, but it simply “kills” the enamel.

2. Chewing tobacco. This habit contributes to the appearance of stains on the teeth.

3. Age-related change in enamel. In old age, not only the color changes, but also spots appear on the teeth.

4. Unsuitable food. Today, the food industry is abusing various dyes and artificial additives that do not affect tooth enamel in the best way. Plus, coffee, tea, juices, sodas, which add plainness and a gray shade to teeth, should be added.

5. Poor water. For example, an excess of fluoride in drinking water contributes to the appearance of white spots, which contrast strongly with natural enamel.

6. Jaw injuries, due to which the integrity of the tooth is violated.

7. The effect of a number of drugsthat change the flora in the mouth and have a bad effect on enamel.

8. Problems with the root canal. If during treatment of a tooth, it was not treated or improperly filled, this can cause the destruction of enamel, the appearance of spots on it and yellowing. And in some cases, the acquisition of even a pink hue.

9. Cheap filling material. Poor fillings can cause a sharp color change, up to blackening of the tooth.

All these factors are the reason for going to the dentist to solve the problem with the teeth and, accordingly, restore their former beauty. Even carefully caring for your teeth, there is a chance that they will change their color for the worse due to many factors. This is not a reason to panic, it is a signal that you should start bleaching enamel at home.

Teeth whitening at home: contraindications

Whatever the safe bleaching procedure, there are still several contraindications. Experts warn that even folk remedies should be taken with caution. The desire to have perfectly white teeth should not border on insanity, which does not matter at what price this will be achieved. Teeth whitening at home is contraindicated in the following cases:

1. Fine enamel. At a minimum, several procedures are needed to strengthen it. Exposure to various reagents will only worsen its condition.

2. An allergic reaction to the substances used. In this case, you must abandon the procedure.

3. Gum problems. Initially, it is necessary to carry out special therapy, take a short break and then proceed to whitening.

4. Caries. Only after treatment can the issue of improving the color of the teeth be resolved.

5. Hypersensitivity. Whitening will increase sensitivity and bring discomfort.

6. Dentures on the teeth may interfere with the procedure. Do not make your teeth brighter than their removable counterparts, otherwise they will stand out and have to be changed.

7. The presence of tumors the oral cavity is the main contraindication.

8. Chemotherapy does not allow the use of teeth whitening.

9. The period of expectation of the baby or its feeding - a serious reason for a while to forget about it.

10. You can not do whitening procedures for children.

If all problems with the oral cavity have been resolved, then it is time to choose a means by which the color of the teeth will improve.

How to whiten teeth at home?

There are a lot of folk remedies for teeth whitening, but it is important to choose the right one that will not only be effective, but also will not harm the enamel. Often, the simplest penny means that our grandmothers used were the most effective.

It may not seem strange, but activated carbon, which, it would seem, should blacken the teeth, will help restore their former color and sparkle. Adding crushed tablets to the paste for two to three weeks will help to significantly improve the color of the teeth and definitely will not do any harm. You can clean the enamel yourself without using any cleaning agent.

Since ancient times, they brushed their teeth with hydrogen peroxide, but the product has a specific smell and taste. In its pure form, it is likely that the solution will do more harm than good. Now there is a gel based on it, which can be purchased at the pharmacy just for such purposes. With it, you can safely brush your teeth for a month to fix the result and get a lasting effect. But if the teeth weren’t white by nature, it’s unlikely that they will achieve a dazzling smile.

Recently, there has been a tendency to use tea tree oil for toothbrushing. Each time, after brushing your teeth, you need to once again work with a brush, which previously drip a couple of drops of ether. After a month, the effect will be noticeable: the enamel will brighten, the gums will strengthen, they will stop bleeding. There will be another nice bonus - tartar will completely disappear. But with increased sensitivity, you will have to abandon this method in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

People still use ordinary soda, but using this substance it is easy to injure the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with abrasive particles of soda. This method is partially traumatic for enamel. As an isolated case, such brushing can be done, but teeth whitening in this way on an ongoing basis is not recommended, so as not to harm the enamel and gums.

Original methods of teeth whitening at home

Along with classic folk remedies, there are quite interesting ways to qualitatively improve the color of tooth enamel. So, for example, you can lighten your teeth with orange peels and bay leaves. It is necessary to carefully go through the crust of only peeled fruit on enamel, then treat it with laurel powder, which is previously crushed. The tool is recommended not to rinse for 5-7 minutes. Enough once a week for 1-2 months to make sure that the result is.

Few people know that such a spicy spice as turmeric can also compete for teeth whitening, despite its almost poisonous yellow color. Its advantage is the fact that it does not increase the acidity in the oral cavity, such as lemon juice. Add a few drops of water to turmeric powder to make a thick paste. And that’s all it takes to make a dentifrice. Do not rush to flush the substance, let it stay on your teeth for several minutes. Remove residual paste with warm water. Like all folk remedies, this method requires patience. It will take a couple of months for the effect to appear. But the benefits of turmeric are its safety. A lightened tooth tone and stronger gums will be a pleasant reward for the most patient.

Teeth Whitening at Home: Tips

If a decision has already been made, then you should start not with teeth whitening, but with a visit to the dentist. You may need oral sanitation first. With it, you can discuss contraindications for whitening. The bleaching procedure itself should be performed after brushing your teeth in the usual way.

Within an hour, it is not recommended to use products that worsen the color of enamel. You should not be too zealous in the pursuit of a perfect smile. Damaging the enamel is simple, but to restore it, it will take time and money.


Watch the video: MY WEIRD TRICK for WHITE TEETH - NATURALLY!! (June 2024).