Favorite heroes of modern children


Not so long ago, it became clear that pretty Barbie had time to do a lot of trouble. The girls, a couple of decades ago, who received the coveted simplicity as a gift, grew up, most safely forgot about a long-legged, slender doll. But some not only remembered her forever, but also realized the naive childhood dreams of becoming a real blond princess, a beautiful Barbie. Only here the girl’s miraculous transformations are not obliged at all to the magic wand, but to the scalpel of the plastic surgeon and the most severe diets. After all, to reach the dimensions and features of a plastic doll using the same nature is impossible. Our children are surrounded by new heroes. Is everything so innocent and harmless in children's cartoons?

Now and before

The flow of a wide variety of cartoons and TV shows hit Russia at the very beginning of the 90s. Bright characters, exciting, and most importantly, unusual scenes interested not only the youngest viewers, but also teenagers. The animation firmly entered modern life, its heroes were believed, their fake lives continued to live even after the blue screen was turned off. Was there something similar in the days of the Union?

Beloved heroes of our childhood

On the one hand, there were no less favorite characters - an independent Uncle Feodor from Prostokvashino, a peace-loving Leopold and a mean mouse, a hooligan Wolf and a very correct Hare. On the other - their participation in our lives was not so intrusive. Time spent watching television was strictly limited to parents and school mode. And the very source of children's joy was, as a rule, one for the whole family, so the broadcast was strictly and fairly distributed among all its members. It was impossible to get an overdose by animation, starting to substitute the life of the heroes for such a real and interesting reality with school and yard comrades. The beloved characters quickly retreated to a cozy childhood, they were replaced by heroes of books and youth films.

How is it now?

Nowadays, the time allotted for cartoons has changed. And this is expressed not only in the inattention of parents, allowing them to spend more minutes in front of the screen. Modernity has made this entertainment affordable - we take gadgets with cartoons with us on the road, we show their children in boring lines, we call our favorite characters for help when we go to a friend with a child, talk on adult topics or when our friends come to us.

Favorite heroes of our day

The heroes themselves have changed. Censorship came to its senses very soon, and to prohibit in our day something is not so simple. The fact that control over what they say, I think and make fictional characters, is still necessary, for a long time forgotten.

Winx, Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, Cars - dangerous or harmless? Of course, it is not necessary to anathematize all the cartoon characters of modern times. But before acquainting your child with new heroes, it is not bad to spend some time studying their rich inner world. Otherwise, there is a risk to hear from the child that which we did not teach him at all.

A blow from the marketers

Some parents act categorically, imposing a veto on viewing any modern cartoons, leaving only good characters from their own childhood. But not everything is so simple. Take and turn off from the life of the whole industry is unlikely to succeed. Cartoon characters go beyond the bounds of screens, perching on the shelves in toy stores, decorating the covers of fascinating children's magazines, migrating to school notebooks and pens. In addition, the forbidden fruit is much sweeter than available.

Hidden danger

Having learned to follow the character and temper of the characters, eliminating the evil, cruel or stupid characters, parents wonder why the child is changing, becoming irritable and nervous. But the point is not only in the character of the characters - the very principle of constructing the storyline, which is fundamentally different from Soviet cartoons, is also important. A serious problem of modern animation is that it does not spare childhood, without making allowances for age. The storyline of modern cartoons keeps the little viewer in suspense, forcing him to linger long in front of the screen and even make trouble with his parents - after all, his mother tries to interrupt the action on the most interesting place. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the time, not forgetting to offer the child more exciting activities.

Ban or allow?

Do not forget that to eliminate the fear of monsters can only be for the time being. It is much more effective to develop the aesthetic taste of your own child, helping him to choose the closest heroes himself. To do this, you can not just put the baby in front of the monitor - the first views must be joint, with stormy discussions and exchange of views - about the plot, about the character and actions of the characters. However, there are those "heroes", to acquaint with which the child, really, is not necessary. Maternal flair is hardly deceiving, making pucker from noisy shooters, explosions and turn away from frightening skeletons and monsters.

Text: Vera Guler


Watch the video: Kids Songs - Hector Helicopter - Heroes of the City (June 2024).