How to choose a host for a wedding and not to lose?


Almost no wedding can do without a host. According to statistics, 90% of the success of a wedding depends on the host. That is why it becomes necessary to choose an experienced professional who will create a truly fun and unforgettable holiday.

Where to begin?

It is necessary to begin the search for a true lover of his craft a few months before the start of the celebration, so that it is possible to consider as many applicants as possible. Otherwise, the newlyweds will have to order the services of the first host toast, since real specialists rarely sit without work.

At the time of choosing the host, it is recommended:

  1. Gather feedback. This item will allow the couple to make a clear picture of the candidate. Reviews can be found on the Internet at wedding portals or ask friends. It is best to pay attention to detailed comments, rather than a pair of words. If you have doubts about the choice, it is worth contacting a wedding agency for help, where employees undertake to find a professional on the specified day. In the event of unpleasant situations, the couple will be able to make a complaint to them.
  2. Chat with the applicant. If the candidate for the role as host of the host arranges a young couple, it is imperative to make an appointment with him or call on the phone. Thanks to this, it will be possible to assess the diction and manner of communication of the applicant, which should be at their best.

What do you need to pay attention to?

It often happens that a potential presenter has a beautiful speech, but does not fit in a number of other criteria. At the time of dating, it is worth evaluating:

  1. Appearance and behavior. The candidate should dress stylishly, in accordance with the theme of the wedding. The best option is a formal suit with a bright bow-tie.
  2. Humor. To do this, you can ask the applicant to voice several cult jokes that he uses in his work. If his humor seems too vulgar or bland, it is best to refuse the services of such a specialist.
  3. Professionalism. Each candidate must have videos from previous events. At the time of viewing, it is recommended to pay attention to how the toastmaster manages to adapt and interact with the audience of all ages, as well as the diversity of his programs. If the applicant uses the same jokes and contests at various events, most likely he will use such a program at the wedding of a young couple. A variety of programs is the main indicator of the toastmaster's professionalism.
  4. Scenarios A good leader always has several action plans on hand. A young couple should evaluate the finished scenarios and, if possible, make adjustments. Pre-negotiated moments will help to avoid embarrassing situations, incorrect jokes and contests that could potentially ruin the celebration.

How to distinguish an experienced professional from a layman?

This can be done at the time of the meeting, as the first impression of a person says a lot.

True professional:

  • easy to communicate and has everyone to himself;
  • does not impose its services;
  • collaborates with photographers, musicians, DJs and videographers;
  • comes up with funny and funny contests;
  • able to develop an individual scenario based on the wishes and tastes of the couple;
  • always in touch;
  • clearly answers the questions posed by the organization of the celebration.

In this case, the couple can safely conclude an agreement with a potential host, make an advance payment for his services and be calm for the entertaining part of the wedding.


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