Home peeling - no worse than in the cabin. How to do facial peeling at home - the best recipes.


Want your skin to be clean and radiant, like a baby? Would you like each friend to admire your ability to care for the skin? Nothing is easier! Spend a "general cleaning" on your own face. Thanks to the peeling, you can see the result in a few hours, or even immediately after visiting the beautician.

Someone will say: "All this, of course, is good, but I have no money for visits to the cosmetology office!" Then we will share with you wonderful recipes for deep skin cleansing products that you will be able to implement right at home. Adjust to see a smooth, perfectly smooth, and, most importantly, healthy skin.

How to do peeling at home

The main condition that must be met in order for home peeling to become your regular procedure is to set aside time for it. Sometimes in order to qualitatively clean the upper layer of the epidermis is only enough 10-20 minutes. However, sometimes peeling should be left on the skin for half an hour, so that the result was, as they say, there.

Also, do not be skeptical about the peeling procedure. If you do not believe in the properties and effectiveness of the procedure, it is unlikely that you will be able to note positive factors after its application. Imagine that you started to cook a new dish. Do you think it will turn out tasty and beautifully designed, if you initially cook in a bad mood and think that nothing good will come of it? Most likely, the answer will be negative.

To make it easier for you, you should not immediately try to create complex variants of peelings. For example, cleaning the face with fruit acids, salicylic acid, or on the basis of sea salt is quite simple even for a beginner. But you need to try peeling with calcium chloride after you understand what consistency the mixture should be, how to apply it and what to do after the cleaning session.

Important: before starting the procedure, it is necessary to test the skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, you can make a composition for peeling and try to put it on the bend of the elbow or the skin near the wrist. If, within 10 minutes, inflammation, redness and itching is suddenly found in this place, it is better to refuse this type of peeling. Just try some other one.

Homemade face peeling with salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is considered to be a great base for peeling. It does not act on the cover too aggressively, but:

• removes oily shine,

• cleans pores from dirt and residues of cosmetic products,

• tightens and returns skin tone,

• removes dead particles,

• fights acne, comedones and other troubles.

In order for salicylic acid to work only for good, you need to follow certain rules during a peeling session:

1. Do not cover the skin with a composition too abundant. To clean the face at home will be enough to thin layer.

2. Do not use salicylic acid in high concentrations.

3. Do not leave the mixture on the skin for a long time. It is necessary to adhere to accurate recommendations and recipes.

4. Be sure to continue to care for the cover and after deep cleaning.

Knowing the rules of the procedure, you can try to prepare a mixture for peeling. So, you will need:

• Salicylic acid - 1-2 tablets of aspirin, which must be crushed.

• Water - 1 tsp.

• Honey - 1 tsp.

• Yolk.

• Cosmetic brush.

First you need to dissolve salicylic acid (aspirin) in water, and then add the rest of the ingredients to it. Then, armed with a cosmetic brush, cover your face with this mask, leaving free areas around the eyes and lips. The maximum exposure time is 5 minutes.

In order to neutralize the action of acid, it is not allowed to wash it off with plain water. Prepare water plus soda in advance and, wetting a cotton pad in this solution, carefully remove the remnants of the peeling mask. And only now it is possible to wash all surplus from the face with running water.

Homemade Peeling Facial with Fruit Acid

Deep cleaning of the skin with fruit acids is one of the most simple and gentle procedures that take care of your skin, making it incredibly clean, silky and bright. Popular with cosmetologists, ANA-acids are able to effectively deal with acne on the face, rejuvenate and make the skin very elastic. By the way, you can combine several types of acids in one recipe.

Important rule: cover the skin area with peeling composition immediately after preparation! A mixture based on fruit acid extremely quickly deteriorates.

Try to recreate at home a recipe for peeling with kiwi and semolina:

• Ripe Kiwi - 1 pc.

• Semolina - one and a half teaspoons.

• One capsule of vitamins A and E.

It is better to beat this peeling mask in a blender, so you will get a pasty mass much faster, ready for application. Instead of vitamins A and E, you can add simple olive oil, peach, almond or avocado oil.

If you have never tried masks or peels with fruit acids, for a start you can leave our mixture on your face for only 10-15 minutes. And only if the skin of the face did not react with allergies, it is allowed to apply a peeling mask for 20 minutes.

Homemade facial peeling with soda and salt

Soda has a truly excellent cleansing property: it can quickly save you from skin greasiness, dry acne, gently cleanse sensitive and delicate skin prone to flaking.

Let's make a soda-based face scrub. You will need:

• 1 tsp. food soda,

• 1 tsp. sea ​​or simple table salt,

• 1 tbsp. l sour cream.

Such a simple recipe will give incredible results. After applying to the skin, you need to wait about 10-12 minutes, and then rinse the mixture, rubbing it into the skin of the face with massaging movements. If you regularly do soda-salt peeling, you will see how fresh and softer your sensitive skin has become.

Gommazh with tangerines and blue clay - a unique homemade face peeling

In general, a classic scrub can be attributed to the peeling procedure, as well as gommage - this is a cleansing emulsion containing fine abrasive particles that acts more gently than a scrub. Due to the presence in the composition of mineral oils, creams and neutral cleansers, you can gently and very gently "polish" the cover, remove excess fat and make your face amazingly soft to the touch.

To create a gommage, take:

• Purified mandarin and its skin,

• Blue clay,

• Any cosmetic oil (olive, jojoba, grape seed, almond, apricot, peach or wheat germ oil).

First, grate the tangerine zest and mix with the juice and pulp of the fruit, then add one teaspoon of blue clay and oil. Carefully apply the mixture on your face, wait about 10 minutes, and then you can go wash. Only first you need to gently roll up the dried gommage and "scrub" the skin, removing it from the surface.

Facial Peeling at Home with Calcium Chloride

This recipe is best suited for "advanced" users, that is, girls who have repeatedly conducted home peeling sessions. It will not be out of place to first visit the peeling procedure in the salon, and just making sure that there are no inadequate body responses to calcium chloride, try to recreate the recipe at home.

So, what you need to prepare:

• 5% solution of calcium chloride, purchased at the pharmacy (calcium chloride),

• Baby soap,

• Cotton pads.

Moisten a cotton swab in a solution of calcium chloride and apply to the area of ​​the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Do not touch the thin skin around the eyes and lips! It takes about 1 minute to dry the layer, now you can cover the skin with a second layer, and then with the third one. Usually 3-4 layers is enough.

Important fact: If you feel a tingling or burning sensation after applying calcium chloride, immediately wash the solution with baby soap.

As soon as you feel the tightness of the skin, lather abundantly with soap and hands and get down to business: Your task is to create soap flakes on your face. The combination of calcium chloride and soap suds forms just such flakes, they exfoliate dead cells and clean the cover with high quality.

After washing, you should make a nourishing face mask that will restore and moisturize the skin. For example, you can simply combine a banana, mashed with a fork, with olive oil and honey.

How to care for the skin after a home peeling procedure

Remember that home peeling is an excellent alternative to salon procedures, but only for superficial cleansing. Deep and middle peels should not be tried on their own, as you can get serious burns of facial tissues, which later transform into scars. That is, one way or another, you will have to visit the salon beautician in order to get rid of the effects of home peeling - that is the paradox.

After any salon peeling should not wash, you need to wait until the skin is covered with a thin film, and only after that you can wash your face and apply a moisturizer. Home peeling should be removed independently, that is, you can wash your face immediately, and to avoid strong tightness, simply cover it with a moisturizing emulsion or cream.

It should also be borne in mind that you can hold a peeling session every 2 weeks, and for young ladies with sensitive skin - only 1 time per month. To regularly cleanse the pores of fat, acne and acne, it is better to use gommage. But for ladies with oily and combination skin, you can peel the cover once in 1.5 weeks.

Another important fact: after deep cleaning with chemicals for a few days, it is necessary to ensure complete rest. That is, do not injure it with other scrubs, avoid makeup products that clog pores and try not to sunbathe for 1 month in direct sunlight without using sunscreen.



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