Kate Middleton let slip: she and Prince William will have a daughter


The Duchess of Cambridge unintentionally violated the centuries-old customs of the royal family, which say that it is impossible to declassify the sex of the future heir until his birth. During an official visit to Grimsby (a town in Lincoln County), the wife of Prince William accidentally hinted that a daughter was waiting.

Kate Middleton arrived in Grimsby to visit the Museum of Fisheries and Hospice. Local residents waited for several hours for the duchess to appear, and when they saw her on the path, they began to sincerely express their joy. Having received a nice little teddy bear as a gift, Kate probably felt sorry, so she could not strictly control her speech. “Thank you very much, I will certainly give my toy to ...”, said the Duchess of Cambridge. Quickly realizing her mistake, Kate fell silent.

“We heard right, you wanted to say - I’ll give it to my daughter, right?”, Sandra Cook, who was standing nearby, tried to talk to her. Kate Middleton was completely at a loss and made an attempt to smooth out the embarrassment a bit, saying that she and William knew absolutely nothing about the sex of their first-born.

If the duchess really said what her admirers allegedly heard, this would be the first time that an announcement was announced in advance about the field of the future heir. According to tradition, the royal family of Britain provides such details only at the birth of the baby. However, even if Kate Middleton gives birth to a daughter, the girl will still inherit the throne. This opportunity is given by special amendments that recently the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II introduced into the current law on succession to the throne.


hope 11/17/2016
Young. Beautiful healthy give birth to as many children as possible. Happiness to you, you well done. Health to your children.


Watch the video: Did Kate Middleton let slip she is having a daughter? (June 2024).