Green adjika for the winter: spicy, spicy, healthy. Original Abkhaz, Georgian and Russian recipes of green adjika for winter


Caucasian adjika has long settled on the shelves of home refrigerators and storerooms.

This is one of the most delicious sauces, which are usually harvested for the winter. Despite the fact that homemade adjika is most often cooked from red ripe tomatoes, the classic version of the sauce is green.

The fact is that the word "adzhika" in translation from Abkhazian means "salt". Caucasian shepherds invented a sharp seasoning for meat or fresh bread. They simply milled traditional herbs (cilantro, tarragon, basil, coriander, dill) and hot peppers with salt.

Today green adjika allows different cooking options. For example, in Georgia, walnuts, ucho-suneli or hop-suneli are often added to the base.

In Russia, green adjika is often prepared for the winter, adding Bulgarian pepper, apples, unripe tomatoes, celery, basil, dill and parsley to the sauce.

Awesome green adjika is good with fish and meat, bread and vegetables. On its basis, you can create a variety of sauces for second courses. Green hot sauce can be used as a vitamin dressing for winter cabbage soup and borscht, soups and stewed potatoes with meat.

Green adjika for the winter - the general principles of cooking

To cook green adjika for the winter, you need to grind the main components in such a way as to obtain a fairly thick plastic pasty mass. Herbs and vegetables should be thoroughly cleaned, remove all tainted places and coarse stems. Greens are first very finely cut, then, if possible, are pureed.

If Bulgarian pepper is used in the recipe, internal partitions and seeds should be removed (they are very hard). What consistency to give a vegetable, depends on the desire of the hostess. You can turn a fragrant vegetable into a liquid homogeneous mass or cut into small pieces. Bitter pepper should be freed from the stem. Seeds can be left or removed, and chop the chili.

Condiments and spices are used at will, which leaves plenty of room for creative culinary experiments. Recipes for green adzhika for the winter easily vary. Garlic is crushed in any convenient way.

Salt should be taken only stone, in any case not iodized and not flavored. The size of the fraction does not matter, although coarse or medium salt is better suited for salting. Using sauce for dressing the first dishes, you need to take into account the high content of salt in it.

Green adjika for the winter "Aromatic"

Wonderful aroma and amazing sweet and sour spicy taste has adjika for winter, cooked with apples, Bulgarian and hot peppers, celery and herbs. The original sauce can be prepared in just fifteen minutes. Serve it with meat, chicken, fish, vegetables or plain black bread.


• two bunches of fresh cilantro;

• celery bunch;

• two bunches of dill;

• 600 grams of green bell pepper;

• six cloves of garlic;

• pod of green hot pepper;

• one sour apple;

• three spoons of vegetable oil;

• packaging hop-suneli;

• two tablespoons of vinegar 9%;

• tablespoon of coarse salt;

• two spoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

Rinse greens, dry on a paper napkin and finely chop.

Peeled peppers cut into medium slices.

Remove the skin from apples, cut the core and also cut into slices.

Fold vegetables and herbs into a thicket and chop with an immersion blender until the mixture is smooth.

Transfer the mass to a large bowl, salt, add vinegar and sugar, hops-suneli and unrefined oil, mix well and leave for 5-10 minutes.

The sauce is decomposed into sterilized jars, corked.

Store adjika in a cold place: a refrigerator or cellar.

Green adjika for the winter with celery "Fiery"

A very sharp and stinging “Fiery” green adjika for the winter is obtained. Even the tender, delicate celery does not soften the hot temper of the paprika. Greens, garlic and cilantro give this variation of the sauce a true Caucasian character.


• a pound of hot green pepper;

• 250 grams of fresh cilantro;

• the same amount of parsley and dill;

• 50 grams of celery;

• garlic head;

• a spoon of coriander;

• salt.

Cooking method

Peel the hot peppers. For work, be sure to wear thin rubber gloves so as not to burn your skin. Seeds to throw away.

Grind the peppers in a meat grinder or blender.

Chop the greens with a knife, mince or chop with an immersion blender.

Chop or grate garlic.

Mix pepper and greens, add coriander, salt.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients of the sauce, leave for a few minutes and mix again.

Spread the adjika into the banks, cork it and put it away for storage.

Green adjika for winter "Abkhazian"

The classic recipe of the Abkhaz green adzhika for the winter includes hot red pepper, garlic, herbs and salt. The sauce is prepared very quickly and has a wonderful fresh aroma thanks to tarragon, basil, dill and parsley.


• 200 grams of hot red chili;

• garlic head;

• 100 grams of coriander;

• 50 grams of dill and basil;

• 200 grams of parsley;

• 50 grams of tarragon;

• 300 grams of coarse salt.

Cooking method:

Bitter pepper rid of the seeds and cut into pieces.

Go through the greens, remove the stems, finely grate and put in the bowl.

Combine the greens and peppers, pereteret immersion blender until a state of homogeneous mass. The grass should give away the juice and turn into a paste.

Pour a lot of salt and mix well.

Arrange in jars and store in the refrigerator.

Green adjika for the winter of green tomatoes

The original taste of green adzhika for the winter, made from unripe tomatoes, will be appreciated by gourmets. Apples, carrots and a small amount of ripe tomatoes add a sweet-sour taste to the sauce. Basil, paprika and hops-suneli make adjika in a Caucasian way savory. The sauce is beautifully stored at room temperature, as it undergoes heat treatment.


• four kilograms of green tomatoes;

• two hundred grams of hot pepper;

• a pound of red tomatoes;

• a pound of green bell pepper;

• three hundred grams of garlic;

• three carrots;

• four sweet and sour apples;

• half a cup of vegetable oil;

• 150 grams of coarse salt;

• 50 grams of ready-mix hops-suneli;

• dill, basil and parsley to taste.

Cooking method:

To process green tomatoes: peel, scalded with boiling water, cut off the place of attachment of the stem, cut into slices. Add salt and leave for six hours, then drain the juice. So unripe tomatoes get rid of bitterness.

Skip the rest of the vegetables and apples through a meat grinder, put in an enamel pan.

Green tomatoes scroll separately.

In the apple-vegetable mixture add hop-suneli and salt, then vegetable oil. Mix well and leave for half an hour.

Add chopped green tomatoes to the pan.

Simmer over low heat for about an hour. From time to time it is necessary to stir it so that the mass does not burn.

Two minutes before the end of cooking add chopped greens to the adjika, mix and spread into prepared jars. Corking and storing in the pantry or refrigerator.

Green adjika for the winter "Spicy taste"

The very sharp green adjika for winter is obtained from pepper (Bulgarian and chili), garlic and greens. Vinegar enhances the aroma of fresh herbs and vegetables, slightly smoothing the bitterness and sharpness. A great option for meat dishes.


• a pound of bell pepper;

• 250 grams of parsley;

• four pods of bitter pepper;

• two hundred grams of garlic;

• one hundred grams of dill;

• 50 ml of vinegar 9%;

• tablespoon of salt;

• two tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

Greens carefully bust, getting rid of sluggish, damaged parts and hard stems.

Chop parsley and dill as small as possible.

Transfer the herbs to a deep bowl and chop thoroughly with an immersion blender for one minute.

Peel the Bulgarian pepper, remove the seeds, cut into pieces and add to the dill and parsley. Within one minute, chop the greens and peppers together.

Put in the blank peeled hot pepper and garlic, continue grinding. The consistency should not be too watery.

Add sugar to the sauce, salt and mix thoroughly.

Pour in the vinegar and stir in the sauce for one to two minutes to get a uniformly colored product with a uniform consistency.

Spread green adjika for the winter in sterilized jars, cork and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Green adjika for the winter "In Georgian"

Georgian sauces are distinguished by the frequent use of walnuts. There is no exception and green adjika for the winter, prepared according to a common Georgian recipe. The sauce is prepared on the basis of dried, not fresh, hot pepper. The highlight of the dish is the light aroma of cinnamon. Adjika is perfect as a base for various sauces and cooking stews.


• kilogram of dry hot pepper;

• fifty grams of coriander;

• three hundred grams of garlic peeled;

• a pound of fresh cilantro;

• two hundred grams of peeled walnuts;

• one hundred grams of ready-made hops-suneli mixture;

• half a spoon of cinnamon powder;

• three hundred grams of coarse salt.

Cooking method:

Dry pepper pour warm water and leave for half an hour.

Scroll through the fine meat grinder nuts, cilantro, garlic and soaked pepper.

Add hops-suneli, coriander and cinnamon to the mixture, salt, mix and spread into containers or jars.

Store green adjika for the winter in the refrigerator.

Green adjika for winter - tips and tricks

  • The basis of green adzhika - bitter pepper. He demands a careful attitude towards himself, as he has very burning properties. Clean and chop the chili pepper must be worn with gloves to protect the delicate skin of the hands from burns.
  • Caution should also be exercised when breathing. Work better with the window open, in a well-ventilated area.
  • For peeling green or red tomatoes from the skin, there is a blanching method. Tomatoes should be cut crosswise at the base and dipped in boiling water for two or three minutes. Take out the fruit with a skimmer and immediately immerse in cold water or a plate with water and ice cubes. The contrast of temperatures will make the tomatoes easily part with the skin.
  • Salt is an excellent natural preservative. In the green adzhika it is traditionally a lot, so the product has high intact qualities. Adjika can be stored in the refrigerator for over a year.
  • For the best preservation of adzhika, it is necessary to sterilize the cans before unfolding the finished product. This can be done in a special sterilizer or using a sterilization ring mounted on a saucepan with boiling water. If the jar is sealed with a metal lid, it must also be boiled.
  • Green adjika is a storehouse of vitamins needed by the body in winter. The special value of the sauce is that it usually cooks without heat treatment and retains all the beneficial properties of vegetables and greens.


Watch the video: Аджика на зиму (June 2024).