Mint during pregnancy - friend or foe? Terms of use of products and cosmetics with mint during pregnancy


Some people don’t like the taste of mint, others don’t represent their day without a mug of mint tea. Today, most people have a very favorable attitude towards this drink, and not at all because the nerves are not in order.

After all, peppermint tea is really delicious. But when she comes - pregnancy, many women begin to be extremely sensitive about everything they eat. Mint tea of ​​the weaker sex is often questioned: is it worth it to drink when you're in position? And if so, how much tea can you drink per day?

Mint during pregnancy: pros and cons

Some are surprised by the fact that mint during pregnancy can have any negative effect on a woman’s body. But in fact, it can really happen. Remember, because any medication during pregnancy is prohibited (at least undesirable), and mint, by the way, even though it is considered harmless weed, but also applies to medicinal herbs.

Mint during pregnancy - what's her cunning?

• Mint contains a large amount of a female hormone called estrogen, so using, for example, mint tea in excessive amounts can lead to increased contractions of the uterus and provoke premature birth. So the pleasure from this drink can be considered not only as pleasure.

• Mint thoroughly lowers the pressure, as the substances contained in it reduce the tone of the blood vessels. If you have low blood pressure, mint tea is contraindicated, especially with burdens.

• As the veins expand, mint should also not be taken by those who suffer from varicose veins. In the last months of pregnancy, women are faced with this phenomenon quite often.

• Drinking mint tea slows down the process of milk production, so the closer to childbirth, the less this drink is recommended to use. Last month it is better to refuse such tea at all.

• Pregnancy can be safely called a period of surprises. Therefore, drinking a cup of mint tea can lead to dizziness or nausea, and can have an exceptionally beneficial sedative effect and add energy. Much depends on the characteristics of the body of a woman.

But no matter how much we say that mint during pregnancy is harmful and almost not prohibited at all, there are still positive moments in its use and now we are telling you about them.

The benefits of mint for pregnant women

• Often in pregnant women, pigmentation begins to appear on the face. Infusion of mint can help with the elimination of this unpleasant phenomenon, as well as mint relieves dry skin. In order for the skin of the face to become elastic again, it is enough to wipe it with this infusion once a day. Some people prefer to freeze water cubes, where several mint leaves are thrown. This method is also effective.

• Peppermint has diuretic properties. Therefore, such teas perfectly clean the kidneys, remove stones, cleanse the body as a whole.

• Many pregnant women will be pleased by the fact that mint also has anti-emetic properties, since the problem of constant vomiting worries many women in the position. Also, with the help of mint tea you can eliminate nausea, isn't it great?

• Peppermint can relieve colic, constipation, diarrhea and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract that occur during pregnancy.

• In the first trimester of pregnancy, teas from this plant help to cope with toxemia.

• Like it or not, mint is an excellent sedative, so moderate use of such tea can make women's mood swings that men fear so much less expressive.

• Increases female libido. During pregnancy, it is significantly reduced.

How to drink mint tea and during pregnancy and how much to drink it

Mint tea - the drink is very tasty, so a woman in the position can easily use it above the norm, if she does not know the restrictions. First of all, it must be said that tea should not be made too strong. If the usual rate of mint drink strength is about 3-4 leaves per glass, some are thrown and more, then now you can limit yourself to 2 leaves. The recipe for brewing mint tea is simple:

• chop mint leaves into small pieces, and if the mint is available only in dried form, you can only break it slightly;

• pour boiling water;

• let it brew for about 15-20 minutes and start drinking tea.

Regarding mint leaves: it is better to use mint from the pharmacy so that bacteria that may be on the mint from the vegetable garden do not get into the body.

By the way, the mint drink is advised to use cookies, cakes, and other "tea necessities" without snacking. By itself, this tea is delicious, and the benefits of such a drink are much more when you drink it without jamming anything.

Allowable mint tea for pregnant women - no more than 4 cups per day. This is quite a lot, so even if you cannot live without such a drink, you will not feel a big lack. However, let's face it, this particular drink is not so necessary. There are many alternatives to the mint drink, which also quench your thirst and at the same time do not carry any danger.

Other mint products during pregnancy

In this article we talked about the dangers and benefits of not only mint tea, but this plant as a whole. Now let's see how mint, which is a component of certain products, can affect the organism.

• Essential oil.

On the mint essential oil there are quite a lot of negative feedback from specialists in the field of medicine. However, this issue is quite controversial for a long time.

Aromatherapist Dietrich Wabner, for example, argues that peppermint oil brings only harm during pregnancy, according to him, this substance has a negative effect on the fetus. But Dr. Denis Vichello Brown argues that more than once she prescribed therapy with mint oil to pregnant patients and observed only a positive result. With proper use of oil in moderate doses, the risk is small. Sometimes mint essential oil is used directly during childbirth to facilitate the process, as uterine contractions become more frequent, it is easier for a woman to relax and it is easier to go through the birth.

Mostly mint oil is used for aromatherapy to reduce tension in a woman. Such an essential oil, in addition, has a tonic effect. This therapy is easy to carry out at home, which is why it is very popular among pregnant women.

• Peppermint Candy

Candies with mint extract also have a calming effect, so they can and should be consumed during pregnancy. Of course, in all things you should know when to stop. No more than 10 candies or lollipops per day. But if possible, choose those that are made on the basis of sugar and not sucrose. Another criterion when choosing - a minimum of dyes and preservatives. Do not hesitate to study the composition of sweets in the store, as the health of your baby is at stake. If you see a lot of ingredients that do not suit you, feel free to leave mint delicacy on the shelf.

Also, these sweets can relieve nausea, so for the future mummies, this delicacy is a real salvation. By the way, there are also mint gingerbread, they are also allowed, eat for health!

• Toothpaste

To date, mint toothpastes are very popular, they give fresh breath and, according to advertising, perfectly whiten your teeth. And how does this paste on the body of a pregnant woman?

To freshen breath, it is better to use special tooth drops with mint extract, which can be found in the pharmacy. But for teeth whitening during pregnancy it is worth using different decoctions and dental floss. From the toothpaste, even the most harmless according to the manufacturers, should be abandoned.

• Mint and menthol gum

During pregnancy, any chewing gum is prohibited and even the presence of mint extract in them does not save. Chewing gums have a detrimental effect on the digestive system and contain a lot of preservatives.

Mint: an external agent for pregnancy

Speaking about mint, we immediately recall mint tea or lollipops with such taste. But not everyone knows that mint has also external use.

• Fresh mint leaves applied to wounds and even ulcers. To do this, first, the sheets need to be well washed and dried, and only then attach to the damaged area on the skin and fix, for example, with a bandage for 3-4 hours. This should be done daily until the wound begins to heal.

• With headaches, mint leaves are applied to the forehead. During pregnancy, such a remedy for headache is simply indispensable, since any medications are prohibited at this time.

• If a pregnant woman is worried arthritis or gout, doctors advise applying crushed fresh mint leaves to places where pain is most pronounced. Mint perfectly relieves pain. But try not to overdo it with the amount, since even when applied externally, an allergic reaction may occur.

• When rheumatism Doctors strongly recommend making compresses from mint leaves, both fresh and dried.

• Many pregnant women fear insect bites. Unpleasant itching and allergic symptoms can greatly alert the future mom. Compresses from mint leaves will also help to cope with this itching. You should make such a compress as quickly as possible after the bite, so the effectiveness of mint will be the highest. Simply chop the leaves and attach them to the affected area.

• The use of mint tea, according to many medical specialists, can provoke the disappearance of milk or a significant decrease in its quantity. But when externally used, mint is just the opposite; stimulates lactation. To do this, put mint leaves to the breast for 10-15 minutes.

Mint during pregnancy: contraindications

No matter how useful mint may be, although it may also have a negative impact, there are some cases in which the use of mint in any form is completely prohibited.


You were worried about varicose veins before pregnancy, or started to disturb you in the third trimester - that's not the point, you can't use mints with varicose veins.

• Gastric ulcer

Those who have problems with the digestive system, should refuse to accept tea from mint leaves and other products containing mint.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that mint tea can be consumed, but in moderation.

The oil of this plant is very beneficial effect on the body, but therapy with this oil should appoint a specialist.

During pregnancy, mint can be extremely helpful in wounds, insect bites, and headaches. The choice, in any case, remains for the future mom.


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