Goiter: treatment of folk remedies pathology of the thyroid gland - is it possible? How to cure goiter with simple folk remedies


The health guard or the shield of the human body is often called the thyroid gland, which is an important organ that controls the activity of the body.

The thyroid gland contains hormones.

Without them, it is impossible to imagine normal metabolism, nutrition of cells, growth of organs, tissues and bone apparatus.

What is goiter?

Goiter is a thyroid disease that is more common in women than in men. Why women? In women, the hormonal changes take place with age. During this period, a woman is able to react acutely to stress, reduced immunity, various infections, lack or, on the contrary, excess iodine.

There are several types of goiter. But the most common is endemic goiter due to iodine deficiency. As a result of insufficient obtaining of this element by the body, the thyroid tissue increases, expands, and deforms. It is clearly visible thickening, bumps, tumor.

At first, a person does not always notice the illness, and irritability, loss of strength and loss of memory does not attach much importance.

However, the development of pathology gradually leads to serious problems such as:

• difficulty breathing, swallowing

• voice change

• the occurrence of asthma attacks

• cough

• dizziness

Experts divide goiter into 3 categories (according to the nature of growth):

1. Diffuse goiterin which the thyroid increases evenly.

2. Nodalwhen sprawl has a heterogeneous structure.

3. Mixed - goiter, in which there is not only an increase in organ tissue, but also nodes on it.

In order to accurately establish the diagnosis, at the first suspicion of goiter, you must seek help from an endocrinologist. Based on the results of an ultrasound scan of the thyroid, as well as a blood test for hormones, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

In addition to traditional methods of therapy, you can apply folk methods, after consulting with a specialist.

Goiter: treatment of folk remedies - medicinal plants

1. Celandine or a warthog, chischuha contains substances that have a destructive effect on bacteria and microorganisms. This poisonous plant is used in the treatment of a number of diseases, including those with an enlarged thyroid.

Reception of celandine must begin with slightly concentrated infusions, allowing the body to adapt. To reduce the toxicity of the celandine during its use, milk and dairy products should be included in the diet.

The plant, as mentioned above, is poisonous, so it can not be used without interruption for a long time. Failure to comply with the dosage can lead to side effects such as nausea, vomiting, paralysis.

In addition, celandine can not be applied to people suffering from such serious diseases as epilepsy, bronchial asthma, angina, with some neurological diseases, as well as during pregnancy.

So, for the treatment of goiter, use the tincture of celandine, which should be prepared as follows: cut the plant as small as possible and fill it with a half can. Then fill it up to the very top with good vodka and mix. Put the container with the healing mixture in a secluded place for insisting for 2 weeks. Then strain everything and drink drop by drop with water.

Begin treatment with 2 drops, adding 2 more drops daily. Then, after reaching 16 drops, drink the described folk remedy for goiter treatment for about a month, then take a ten-day break. The next stage of therapy can begin immediately with 16 drops. Spend several such courses.

This composition normalizes the work of the thyroid gland, removes nodes and cysts.

2. Walnutor rather, the tincture of it - a means of saving for various ailments. It normalizes the hormonal background, relieves indigestion and intestines, fights parasites. Walnut tincture is indispensable in the treatment of goiter.

Fill a regular half liter jar with an important component of a healing fruit with antioxidant properties - partitions. Their number should be such that the bank is filled by a third. Top up vodka to the top. Allow the drug mixture to infuse (preferably in a dark place) for at least 2-3 weeks.

Drink the finished tincture traditionally, without changing the dosage of a tablespoon three times a day on an empty stomach. Do this with water. After a month of therapy, take a 10-day break and continue treatment. Do not be afraid to drink tincture. She is really effective. At the beginning of treatment, make sure that you can take it. In this case, a good specialist will help.

In addition to internal use, use nutty compresses. They are made from all parts of the plant. Pour boiling water over the shell, leaves or partitions of nuts and leave for about an hour. The main condition is to use as many raw materials as possible to make the solution thick.

Then wet the fabric in the cooled and strained composition and apply to the neck, wrapped with compression paper or cellophane and a scarf on top.

In addition, you can use another, not less effective, folk remedy for goiter on the basis of the same walnuts. At the very beginning of summer, collect green fruits in their skins. Scroll through a meat grinder, mix them with honey in the same proportions. Put the container with the healing mixture to where no one will reach it for a month.

Drink remedy for at least 30 days a tablespoon once a day. After the first course of treatment, take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of therapy.

3. Bloodroot - no less effective in the treatment of goiter. The remedy recipe is simple. Prepare the crushed raw materials and, taking 1 tablespoon, brew two cups of boiling water. Preferably in a thermos. Insist on miracle grass for a rather long time - 1 day, then strain and take it before you sit at the table.

Another recipe. Fill with vodka (500 ml) the roots of the plant (pre-chop). Put, as is customary in such cases, insist in a secluded corner in the closet for about 3 weeks. And use a little at all: 25 drops three times a day whenever you eat food. Do not forget to drink water in order not to burn the gastric mucosa!

Tip: Do not filter the tincture.

The medication should last a month, after which it is better to take a break (for 10 days) and continue therapy until you get rid of the goiter.

Potentilla is a rather rare plant. It is famous for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal properties. The plant is not recommended for patients with hypotension.

Goiter: treatment of folk remedies - compresses

In combination with herbal medicine and the use of the above described effective mixtures for the treatment of goiter, compresses are used on the neck. They are designed to liquefy, resorption of nodes, as well as to remove lymphatic stagnation.

Treatment with compresses is carried out in complex courses.

1. Compress from clay. Dilute any clay (blue, white, yellow) with water to a thick cream. Place the mixture on a cloth and apply to the neck for 2 hours.

2. Compress from horsetail. Pour the crushed plant into a cotton bag and put it in boiling water for a few minutes. Remove and allow to cool slightly. Press and apply to the neck for 2 hours.

3. Boil a little in a liter of water. oak bark and shells 10 nuts. After half an hour, set aside the dishes with the healing solution to the side, let cool. After wetting the gauze in the mixture, apply it on the thyroid area for 2 hours.

4. Grate on a fine grater beetroot and connect it with honey in the ratio of 3: 1. Put the mixture on a warm cabbage leaf and use as a compress from the goiter.

5. In an enamel container fill it with water. young leaves of willow. Boil the product over a very slow fire for at least 3-4 hours. Then cool everything down and make compresses from a concentrated composition, after having smeared vegetable oil on the neck (for better penetration of useful substances).

Heal for 2-3 weeks, and store the solution in the refrigerator (slightly warmed up before use).

Goiter: treatment of folk remedies. General recommendations

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to Some recommendations:

1. During the period of therapy, enter foods such as egg yolk, onions, citrus fruits, strawberries, rice, tomatoes, bananas, carrots, lettuce, seafood, oats into the diet.

2. Eat often (5-6 times a day) and little by little.

3. Eat pineapple - an excellent natural remedy against goiter.

4. Give preference to raw or steamed vegetables.

5. Sea fish, sea kale, milk, butter, lean beef, cereals, honey, olive oil are products that should be present on your table.

6. Do not forget about drinking mode. A sufficient amount of liquid will help to normalize the metabolism.

7. Do not overeat at night. A couple of hours before bedtime, it’s enough to drink a glass of kefir.

8. Daily gymnastics for the neck, in which the muscles are stretched and the thyroid gland improves.

9. Engage in active sports: aerobics, jogging, etc.

10. Every day, take a douche that enhances the body's defenses.

Using simple recommendations and recipes for the preparation of medicinal mixtures, as well as fulfilling all the prescription of a doctor, it is possible to achieve in a fairly short period of time that your thyroid gland will work “like a clock”, giving mood and well-being.


Watch the video: What is a Goiter? Enlarged Thyroid (July 2024).