Oregano - description, properties, use in cooking. Recipes with oregano.


Oregano - Description

Spice with a beautiful foreign name oregano has a more common name for Russians - oregano. This herbaceous plant is quite unpretentious, in the wild it grows almost everywhere, it can be found on almost every edge, hill or slope. The historical homeland of oregano is the countries of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, from where it spread throughout the globe, except for permafrost areas.

Her flowering period is June-July, at which time oregano is harvested. To get the spice, they tear off the top of the stem 8-10 centimeters long, its most tender part, then dry and chop. Due to the strong smell, fresh, like spice, is practically not used. Dried oregano has a pleasant delicate aroma and a bitter taste. Has quite famous relatives - mint and marjoram. He is often confused with the latter, but marjoram has a less saturated taste and aroma than oregano. Oregano is used in medicine, cooking, perfume and cosmetics.

There are several types of oregano - Sicilian, Greek, Turkish, Cretan, Italian, oregano (oregano) and others. Each of which is different in taste, because climate, soil composition and other features of the place of growth, leave their mark. In addition to the above food varieties, there are decorative and technical types that are used to make essential oil.

Oregano - Properties

Oregano is a fairly famous medicinal plant. It is used for insomnia, nervous disorders, gastritis (low acidity), jaundice, rheumatism, to increase lactation, and for female diseases. Reception of oregano increases not only appetite, but also the general tone, strengthens the immune system, helps with sexual disorders. Tea with oregano is drunk for headaches and toothaches, bronchitis, flatulence, diarrhea, and sore throats.
Oregano is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy (it can provoke a miscarriage), it is not recommended to take it fresh with an ulcer, gastritis, and diseases of the duodenum.

Oregano - cooking use

Oregano is often part of various spicy mixtures. It is added to meat, eggs, mushrooms, vegetables, drinks, sauces and gravy, pickles and marinades.

Different countries have their own culinary preferences. For example, tea was brewed with oregano in Russia and always added to kvass, in Siberia - to the filling for pies, mixed with meat, eggs or cottage cheese. Europeans are sure to add a pinch of oregano to champignon dishes, and Italians to pizza.

Oregano Recipe Examples

Recipe 1: Pickled Squid with Oregano

An excellent and inexpensive appetizer with an amazing taste, which will be appreciated not only by lovers of seafood. It cooks quickly, as it cools down, you can immediately serve it to the table. It is stored in glass jars in the refrigerator for several days. Marinade is prepared without the addition of vinegar, lemon juice acts as an oxidizing agent.

Ingredients: squids (carcasses, tentacles) - 1 kg. Marinade: 1 liter of water, 2 lavrushki, 2 table. lie olive oil (can be vegetable), with a hill 1 table. lie salt, 1 lemon (juice), 2 teaspoons granulated sugar, black pepper, 1 teaspoon oregano.

Cooking method

Boil the cleaned squid carcasses for no more than 1.5 (one and a half) minutes. The main thing is not to overexpose, otherwise they will be very tough. Cool and cut into thin rings. Cook the marinade. Squeeze 3 tablespoons of juice from the lemon, add the remaining ingredients and boil. Pour boiling marinade squid rings, let cool.

Recipe 2: Mushroom Goulash with Oregano

This delicious dish can be prepared all year round. In summer and autumn, it is preferable to take forest mushrooms, as they are more aromatic, and in winter buy champignons or oyster mushrooms. Meat-eaters can diversify goulash by adding chicken fillet or breast. They need to be cut and fried along with onions and carrots, and then add mushrooms. Large slices of champignons in a thick tomato sauce look very appetizing.

Ingredients: 400g champignons, 1 onion and carrot, 2 tables. lie tomato paste, 1 table. lie flour, 200 ml of water, salt, bay leaf, a small pinch of oregano.

Cooking method

Cut mushrooms, onions and carrots into large pieces. First, fry the carrots with onions until golden brown, then add the mushrooms, continuing to fry. Next in line is a tomato, which is added to the pan, mixed and pour flour. Stir again and add water. Salt, put spices and simmer for twenty minutes. Mushrooms are cooked under a closed lid over low heat. Serve on the table, slightly cooling, warm.

Recipe 3: Chicken legs with feta cheese and lemon

It seems to be difficult to come up with a new chicken dish. And yet it is possible. A little feta cheese, lemon and oregano and ordinary legs turn into a festive dish with a magical taste and aroma. Chicken legs, shins, and thighs are suitable, the main thing is that the piece be with the skin, because it is under it that the stuffing is laid.

Ingredients: 4-5 legs, 4-5 large potatoes, ½ lemon (juice), 2 tables. spoon. vegetable oil, 150 g of feta cheese, 300 g of cherry tomatoes, grated lemon peel - 2 tea l., an incomplete glass of green olives (or seedless black olives), pepper, 1 tablespoon. oregano.

Cooking method

Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices, add salt, pepper, drizzle with oil and put in a mold where the dish will be baked.

Cook stuffing stuffing. Crumble the feta cheese with a fork or grate, add the zest of lemon and its juice (2 tablespoons) and oregano. If the feta cheese is not very salty, add salt.

Divide the legs into thighs and drumstick, add a little salt. A lot is not necessary, because Brynza filling contains salt. For each piece of chicken, raise the skin and put a couple of teaspoons of the filling, then lower the skin and grate the filling lightly so that it spreads evenly. Put the chicken on the potatoes and bake (220С). After 30-40 minutes, add tomatoes, olives, pepper to the form. To get a more golden brown crust, lightly grease the meat and bake for another ten to twenty minutes.

Oregano - tips from experienced culinary experts

- Oregano is good to add to egg dishes, especially omelets, but it has the most harmonious combination with potatoes baked in olive oil, with the addition of tomatoes.

- Spice is not subject to long-term storage, so it is not kept for more than two months. It does not tolerate sunlight, it must be placed in a dark place in a tightly closed container.


Watch the video: Where To Use Oregano What Is Good The Oregano (June 2024).