How to crochet a bolero woman?


A crocheted bolero is a very delicate accessory that adds a touch of femininity and tenderness to anyone, even the most ordinary everyday dress. His openwork flower motifs will decorate the simplest dress, will give a special charm to an inconspicuous top, sweater or blouse - that is why it is so important to fill up the wardrobe of the bolero, which can be useful at the most unexpected moment.

Of course, there is always the opportunity to purchase the model you like in the store or on the Internet, but it’s much nicer to create a thing with your own hands, and besides the cost of tools, it will be completely free.

Schemes and description of crochet bolero crochet for women

This necessary addition can be connected according to your own ideas, taking into account your own needs and taste preferences - you just need to use the appropriate charts and descriptions of work on the bolero. Such a cape on the shoulders can even knit crochet for beginners, and seasoned types of needlewomen can always choose more complex bolero knitting options.

For a start, it is better to decide on the season for which your bolero model will be designed. If we are talking about summer, you should choose linen or cotton yarn, but the warmed version of the bolero is better to knit from wool for the cold season. After that, you can choose your favorite scheme and get to work.

Simple model for novice needlewomen

In this section, we will focus on a simple bolero model for the summer without sleeves - a minimum of knitting and a beautiful result. Another big plus for knitters with little experience - a bolero knits with 1 crochet bars. Such an openwork jacket will help to crochet a bolero crochet lesson for beginners.

The size



  • thin yarn 60 g - (200 m in 50 g);
  • hook number 3.

Working process

On the hook number 3 dial 35 loops. 3 of them will go up, we will knit the first row of boleros over the rest.

In the 1st row we enter the hook into 32 loops (4 loops from the hook) and knit a column with 1 double crochet. Do the same with the previous loop. Then we hook on 2 air loops, skip 2 loops of the 1st row, knit 3 columns with 1 nakid in the next 3 air loops. We got rapport. Repeat this step until the end of the series (should be 5 repetitions).

At the beginning 2nd row we collect 5 air loops. Knit 3 columns, pulling the hook under the arch between the 2 columns of the previous row.

We collect 2 air loops, in the next arch we knit 3 columns. We knit this way, repeating rapport, until the end of the last loop of the series (4 repetitions). We collect 2 air loops, 1 column in the last loop.

3rd row: we collect 3 loops, we knit 2 columns in the arch. Rapport: 2 air loops, 3 columns in the arch. Knit rapport to the end of the series. It should be 6 repetitions.

AT 4th row repeat the knitting on the 2nd row, in 5 - on 3. We knit a rectangle 34 by 12, alternating knitting 2 and 3 rows.

We form a strap: we collect 107 loops. Lower the chain down and connect to the lower corner connecting column. We knit the bottom of the bolero with a semi-column to go to another corner. We collect 107 loops and also connect them to the lower corner with a semi-column. It turned out a rectangle with 2 straps.

We tie straps and the lower part of the bolero, moving from right to left: we collect 5 air loops, we knit 3 columns in the arch, 2 loops, 3 columns in the arch - 2 loops / 3 columns are repeated until the end of the row. On the straps after 3 columns, type 2 loops, skip 2 loops and knit 3 columns again. We finish the row with a semi-column, pulling the hook into the 1st air loop of the beginning of the row.

The last row, tying the bolero: type 3 air loops, knit 2 columns in the arch of the previous row; * 3 loops and 3 columns in the same arch. 2 loops and 1 column in the next arch of the loops * - repeat the rapport from * to the end of the row.

Finish the row with a half cut in 1 loop of the beginning of the row. The thread cuts, stretch to the last loop and tighten. If you want the straps to be wider, then keep repeating the last row to the desired width.

How to tie a beautiful bolero from motives

If desired, you can link a beautiful bolero from individual openwork motifs of various shapes and sizes. Let's try to crochet a bolero from motifs of a round shape with a summer floral pattern that any woman will like to wear on herself. For this, the following scheme is useful.

The size



  • yarn (97% cotton, 3% polyester metallized, approx. 85 m / 50 g) - 300 g rose-orange;
  • hook number 5.

Knit patterns for the scheme

Main pattern

Knitting density

1 motif = 13 x 13 cm.


Working process

The motives to knit separately, in the last row each next motive joins the previous motive of art. b / n in the arch of ce.

Knit according to the knitting pattern.

To attach the sleeves and sides, knit, respectively, half of the motive.

Motives A and B knit completely, they are divided only in the drawing.


Details slightly moisten, stretch according to the knitting scheme and leave to dry completely.
Tie all edges of art. b / n and arches of ce (see the drawing of a combination of floral motifs).

Enter the hook into the deep arches using 1 tbsp. s / n to smooth the edge.

Master class on knitting openwork bolero

In itself, a crocheted bolero is a very beautiful thing, and if you combine crochet work and knitting work, the result will be an incredibly beautiful piece. Of course, such a thing will have to pay more attention and spend more time and effort on it, but the work will be rewarded with the birth of the most beloved thing in the wardrobe of a woman. So, let's take a closer look at how to tie a crochet openwork bolero for women - the diagrams and description will help with this.

The size

36 (38/40) 42


  • yarn (100% cotton; 120 m / 50 g) - 300 (350) 400 g col. cyclamen;
  • Spokes number 3.5;
  • hook number 3;
  • a device for knitting a cord.

Knit patterns for the scheme

Wicker background with offset

Knit under the scheme A. Run 1 times 1-4th rows, then constantly repeat the 3rd and 4th rows.

Main pattern

1st row: Art. s / n

2nd row: * 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 ce (skip 2 paragraphs of the previous row) *, from * to * (= fillet) constantly repeat, finish 1 tbsp. s / n

3rd and 4th rows: knit, like 2nd row, insert a hook into art. s / n, respectively.

5th row: only art. s / n


Knit according to scheme B.


On knitting needles №3,5 dial 5 loops and knit the front satin stitch (= front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops). Run 5 times in each front row on both sides of the middle loop 1 nakid.

Then, perform 2 more times in each front row on both sides of the middle loop of 1 nakid, but at the same time on both sides on the edge, lower 2 x 1 p. Near the edge loop.

Next, turn off in each front row on both sides, until only 5 p.

Continue the work as follows: remove the edge trim, 1 loop as front one, knit the front loop together 2 loops and stretch it through the edge loop that was removed. In the purl row of the loop to knit purl.

Then knit 3 loops together and pull the thread through the last loop.

Little flower

1st circular row: in a ring of thread, perform 1 vp and 6 tbsp. b / n, 1 Comm. Art. in ce

2nd circular row: * 5 vp, 1 tbsp. b / n *, from * to * constantly repeat, 5 ce, 1 connection. Art. in the 1st CE circular row (= 6 petals).

Knitting density

24 ce (= 2 rapport) x 8 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Working process


Hook number 3 to perform a chain of 103 (115) 127 vp and tie 1 time 1-5th rows of the main pattern.

Continue work wicker background with offset.

After 16 (18.5) 21 cm from the initial row, lower for armholes on both sides 1 x 6 points and in each following row on both sides lower another 6 x points 1 paragraph = 79 (91) 103 points

After 36 (38.5) 41 cm from the initial row to finish the work.

Left shelf

Hook number 3 to perform a chain of 49 (55) 61 ce Knit acc. sequences of patterns, as on the back.

After 16 (18.5) 21 cm from the initial row, subtract 1 for the armhole on the right edge of work 1 x 6 p. And in each next row another 6 x 1 p. = 37 (43) 49 p.

After 25 (27.5) 30 cm from the initial row, subtract 12 for the neck on the left edge of the work, and in each of the next row, subtract 4 x 3 p. = 13 (19) 25 p.

After 36 (38.5) 41 cm from the initial row to finish the work.

Right shelf

Hook number 3 to perform a chain of 49 (55) 61 ce Knit acc. sequences of patterns, as on the back.

After 16 (18.5) 21 cm from the initial row, subtract 1 for the armhole on the right edge of work 1 x 6 p. And in each next row another 6 x 1 p. = 37 (43) 49 p.

After 25 (27.5) 30 cm from the initial row, subtract 12 for the neck on the left edge of the work, and in each of the next row, subtract 4 x 3 p. = 13 (19) 25 p.

After 36 (38.5) 41 cm from the initial row to finish the work.


Hook number 3 to perform for each sleeve a chain of 67 ce and knit acc. sequences of patterns, as on the back.

For the lateral bevel of the sleeves, add 18 cm from the initial row on both sides in each 3rd row 5 x 1 section (after 10 cm from the initial row in each 3rd row 7 x 1 section) in each 3rd row from the initial row 10 x 1 p. = 77 (81) 87 p. To add added loops to the pattern.

After 45 cm from the initial row, lower for rounded sleeves on both sides by 6 p. And in each row on both sides 6 x 3 p. And 6 x 2 p. (8 x 3 p. And 4 x 2 p.) 10 x 3 p. And 2 x 2 p. = 5 (5) 7 p.

After 60 cm from the initial row to finish the work. 2nd sleeve knit similarly.


Run shoulder seams. Sew sleeves. Run side seams and sleeve seams.

Border the shelves and the edge of the neck tie 1 next to Art. b / n and then perform laces acc. Scheme B.

Spoke number 3.5 to make 30 petals and randomly sew in the form of flowers with 5 petals.

Using a device for knitting cords to make 5 hollow cords and sew, as in the photo.

Hook number 3 to perform 14 small flowers and sew, as in the photo.

Video lesson for beginners

It will greatly facilitate the process of familiarity with the crochet bolero for women video master class from a professional. Visual demonstration will help avoid novice mistakes, and significantly speed up the knitting process.

Video "how to crochet a bolero woman"


Watch the video: How to crochet a bolero step by step (June 2024).