Adenoids - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Children and adults get a lot of trouble unhealthy adenoids. How to get rid of an illness, and first - to confirm the diagnosis? There are many questions that require qualified answers.

Adenoids - the causes of the disease

It is believed that adenoids are a congenital pathology. This is not true. An undeniable fact has been scientifically proven: the causes of the disease lie in infectious processes, for example, it can be flu or measles. Improper nutrition, as well as external cooling, lead to hypertrophy. One of the manifestations of the process is hyperplasia, that is, proliferation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. It is a lymphoid organ located in the nasopharyngeal arch.

The cause of adenoids can be hidden in any chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. As a result, blood stagnates in the lymph, also in the nasopharynx. When it comes to children, the child's immune system is weakened. It should be borne in mind that it is not yet fully formed.

Hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue, in other words, an increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsil, can be a consequence of not only childhood infectious diseases, but also endocrine disorders. In some cases, one has to deal with constitutional abnormalities, hypovitaminosis and other influences that reduce the protective properties of the body.

This disease does not pass from one person to another. Each of us has lymphoid tissue, but only some have hypertrophy. For example, in children, adenoid hypertrophy most often occurs at the age of 2-10 years, that is, it is characteristic mainly for young children. In adolescence, lymphoid tissue tends to decrease due to puberty.

Adenoids - Symptoms

The main symptoms of adenoids are a violation of nasal breathing, after sleep you get up tired, broken. A person has headaches, hearing decreases, and chronic apathy appears. External signs of the disease appear. So, the lower part of the mouth begins to sag due to the constantly open mouth. Even the shape of the face can change. This is the so-called "adenoid face."

It is known that in young children with adenoids there are difficulties with the onset of speech. At a later age, the voice changes, becoming less sonorous. Violations of the gastrointestinal tract are not excluded. The development of anemia is another possible symptom. In some cases, urinary incontinence at night is associated with the disease, coughing attacks are observed at the same time, up to asthmatic attacks. In acute adenoid, the temperature rises to 39, there is a burning sensation, and the lymph nodes become painful. In a chronic disease, a person begins to tear what has been eaten.

Adenoids - treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract is becoming a problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Lack of timely treatment can lead to complications, such as chronic adenoiditis and bronchitis. Pneumonia, otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis may occur. Violation of nasal breathing is fraught with oxygen starvation of internal organs. The consequences are decreased memory, weakened ability to concentrate.

They treat chronic adenotonsillitis conservatively, that is, with the help of drugs and surgically. To restore impaired nasal breathing, mineral water is instilled into the nasal passages. You can use drugs made on the basis of sea water, such as Aquamaris, Salin, etc. Do it three times a day. After the procedure, the nasal passages are thoroughly cleaned.

If acute respiratory infections occur, it is recommended to instill vasoconstrictor drops 3 times a day. Conservative treatment is possible with a moderate increase in tonsils, provided that there are no complications under the supervision of a doctor. Inpatient treatment usually lasts 10-15 days. Washes with phyto- and biological products, laser irradiation, immunomodulating therapy, etc. are used.

There is a whole range of preventive measures. This is a timely treatment of teeth and paranasal sinuses, hardening of the body. It is useful to rinse the nasal cavity daily with the usual solution of chamomile and hypericum.


Watch the video: Tonsils and Adenoids - Boys Town Ear, Nose & Throat Institute (July 2024).