A plot to love a girl in the distance


It happens that in the life of a man comes a difficult moment. Parting with your loved one - a blow for anyone with rare exceptions. It is important not to succumb to the oppression of separation and difficult life circumstances. Having decided to resort to magic to return painful love, remember the basic rule. Resorting to magic, it is necessary to restore emotional balance and perform a ritual, avoiding despair or revenge. White magic should be based on good wishes.

How to talk a girl to love?

Love spell is a delicate and slippery thing. To this day, the theoretical magicians argue about whether it is white and black. Most hold the opinion that magic with a bright message is white. In any case, if you decide to use bewitching magic, check if your approach is correct.

Love spell will not harm if:

  1. Before embarking on a ritual, consider all motives and realize the possible consequences.
  2. Be aware that your promises are good nature.
  3. Throughout the process and after to observe the mystery of magic.
  4. Carry a spell according to the desired phase of the moon.
  5. Follow the instructions.
  6. Do not allow changes in ritual, conspiracy, order of action and not change components.

Having confidence that the chosen girl will bring you happiness, and you, in turn, do not want to harm her, you can proceed. If you are not sure, it is better to give up this idea to return your beloved with the help of dangerous magic. If you do not doubt the goodness of their intentions, but are not confident in their abilities, you should turn to a professional. You will be helped by a light magician or a white healer.

Considered the circumstances and realized the responsibility? Below are the rituals that need to be kept in order.

Plots on the love of a girl at a distance from the photo

An over-effective conspiracy to love a girl is done in the photo. The advantage is the ability to read independently a conspiracy to love from a photograph. The ritual is embodied in the home. For a successful outcome, the following components are used:

  1. Photo girls.
  2. Your photo.
  3. Seven red (pink) candles.
  4. Paper (A4 sheet).
  5. A thread of red color with a needle.

As you begin the ritual, make sure that the above ingredients are on the table. For some of them, the following conditions are important:

Paper, candles, thread and needle must be new. Photos should also not be older than a year before the ritual. Failure of one or more conditions leads to unpredictable consequences.

Check the lunar calendar to see if the moon is in the growth phase. Wait for the early sunset.

First tune into the images. Take photos in hand and focus. Recollect all the good events associated with this person. Try to re-experience the emotions that you have experienced together. In no case do not remember the negative and the moment of separation. After making sure that your thoughts are occupied only with good, put the photo on the table. Light the candles and place them along the length of the table. While reading the plot, swipe over them with photos. Make sure that they are not scorched.

“The forces of the moon and the forces of light, take a look at this girl. I send my love to her, I ask for a response. As my word falls, as the wax spreads, so our fate will sew tightly together. Amen".

With the last words, fold the photo faces together. Put wax on the corners, sealing them together. Fold in half a sheet of paper and, putting the photo inside, gently sew the edges with red thread. In no case do not touch the photo yourself with a needle, this will radically change the promise of the ritual.

Put a wired envelope under the pillow and do not remove to the result.

If there is no photo

A less effective love spell for a girl’s love at home can be read from a distance. Realizing such a ritual, it is desirable to hold in the hands of the subject, which has value for the girl. In the absence of such an effect will be significantly lower.

You will need a window in which you can see the growing moon. It is also desirable that standing back to the window was visible front door. In extreme cases, the door to the room will do.

So, stand at the window, holding a precious object for the girl. Looking at the moon in a clear, confident voice, say:

“On the night of the coming moon, fulfill the growing desire. By the path of the moon, at night for a month of the moon, stretch out to me. May the virgin is bright, cherished love, my path will set. Let my beautiful woman come, and knock at the door. But when you knock, you will miss you, and when you miss you, you will not leave. Amen".

Then turn your back to the window and, looking at the door, repeat the text.

Soon your desire, provided that it is sincere and bright, will be fulfilled.

At full moon

Selena, the patroness of women, in the period of the full moon acquires a special power over women. Many men know that during this period women perceive words more sharply, are more susceptible to emotions and are sometimes unpredictable. In most healthy women, the menstrual cycle falls on a full moon.

Truly a strong love plot on a girl is read in the full moon.

For the plot to prepare in advance the following items:

  1. Photo girls.
  2. Round photo frame.
  3. Candle.
  4. Red thread.

At the full moon, stand in the place where the moon's ball is observed. Light a candle in advance and bend the corners of the photo so that the image fits into the frame. It is not recommended to cut or burn a photo. Holding the frame on your outstretched hand, position it so that the moon completely fits into a circle. With the other hand, move the photo to the frame and, saying the plot, put the photo into the frame.

“As the power of the moon is strong over us, so the circle of the moon, I take with my hands. As the moon is beautiful in the height, so is my love obstinate. I will speak your face with a full moon, and we will be with you next. ”

After inserting the photo into the frame, fasten it and place it behind the candles. Repeat the plot on the candle, now take the photo and the candle to the bedroom, trying to keep the fire from the wind.

Let the candle burn out on the bedside table. Of course, be sure to follow the fire safety technique.

If during the night you dream of your sweetheart and there is joy on her face, it means you are doing everything right.

To the new moon

New Moon - a favorable environment for the beginning of something new. Including for new relationships. Or for a new stage at first glance, outdated.

The plot of the girl on the photo to the new moon requires:

  1. The photo of the girl himself, not older than a year from the moment of photographing.
  2. Slices of melon;
  3. Old melon seed.

Cut a slice from the melon, repeating the silhouette of the moon. Stand at the window and, holding the photo in one hand, in the other - the melon, read the plot:

“The old sky is a new moon, the old seeds are a new fruit, the old love is a new beginning.”

Eat a melon, throw the seeds out the window. Photo hide in a secluded place.

Soon the desired will be done.

Returning to the beginning and taking into account all the above methods, it is necessary to highlight the immutable truth. No divination does not change a person and does not affect interpersonal relationships. With the help of magic, you can develop affection and arouse passion, but this is not enough for comfortable interaction with a person. You should consider the features of your character and the nature of your partner. Work on yourself and your behavior is the key to a strong and long relationship.


Watch the video: Cake-The Distance (June 2024).