Slimming soups are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook soup for weight loss.


Slimming soups - general principles and methods of preparation

Today there are so many diets that anyone who wants to lose weight can choose a weight loss method that takes into account the taste of the person who is losing weight, their health, life intensity, habits and other factors. Some can practically starve for several days, while others during a diet absolutely need a diet that is close to normal, since they cannot tolerate hunger. This is especially true for long-term diets, which should be approached very carefully in order to avoid health problems.

Those who suffer from severe restrictions on food, very suitable weight loss with the help of soups. Such a diet consists in the use of low-calorie soups prepared according to special recipes. The correct use of all the recommendations of such a diet allows you to lose up to 5 kg within a week. The fact is that, due to the high content of vitamins and minerals in such soups, the body breaks down calories faster and burns fats. And with the help of a vegetable broth, the liver is cleaned of toxins and toxins.

That is why such a diet is considered one of the safest and most comfortable for the body, due to its short duration and the lack of the need to very strictly limit yourself to food. Even people who have some kind of chronic illness can lose weight with the help of soup diets.

However, in order to achieve the desired effect, a soup diet requires compliance with certain rules. First, soup should be eaten in small portions, but often. This will accelerate weight loss and prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Then, you should reduce the amount of salt in your diet as much as possible. Another important point is the correct psychological attitude. Having decided on a soup diet, you should not take this as a heavy duty, but as an excellent opportunity to cleanse yourself and find the desired forms. Then the body, having received your impulse, will be much more active in getting rid of excess weight.

Having got rid of extra kilograms with the help of a soup diet, you should at least initially review your usual diet, excluding from it foods that can contribute to their quick return, and replacing it with fruits, vegetables and other low-calorie foods. Moreover, after such a diet, changing your eating habits will be much easier.

Most often, soups for weight loss are cooked from vegetables (cauliflower or white cabbage, celery, bell pepper, onions, carrots, tomatoes), herbs and spices.

Onion Slimming Soup

Despite the fact that onion soup is quite a hearty and tasty dish, a diet based on its use allows you to lose up to 5 kg per week. The amount of soup that can be eaten during the day is not particularly limited. Its use helps to reduce the amount of body fat in the body, improve the digestive system and other organs. At the same time, such a diet is tolerated quite easily.

Even novice cooks can cook onion soup, even from the simplest but healthy foods that contain trace elements and vitamins needed to nourish the body.

Slice Onion Soup Recipe


6 onions;
500 gr. cabbage;
2 sweet peppers;
1 bunch of celery;
3 tomatoes.

Cooking method:

1. Finely chopping all the ingredients, put them in a saucepan and pour the same 1.5 liters of water there. Over high heat, bring the soup to a boil, then, reducing the heat, cook until the vegetables are ready.

2. Add salt and spices to the soup, turn it off and let it brew for about half an hour.

Pumpkin Slimming Soup

Our distant ancestors knew about the benefits of pumpkins, and today it is considered one of the best dietary products. Pumpkin is rich in B vitamins, vitamins C, E, carotene and pectin, which remove toxins and cholesterol from the body. Potassium salts, which are also abundant in pumpkin, contribute to the regulation of water-salt metabolism and the elimination of excess water.

Pumpkin soup is easy to prepare, it turns hearty and tasty. Moreover, in our conditions, pumpkin is a product available to almost everyone, so sticking to such a diet will be easy in every sense.

Slimming Pumpkin Soup Recipe


100 gr. Pumpkins
100 gr. zucchini;
2 bell peppers;
2 onions;
2 tomatoes;
1 carrot;
1 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
to taste greens, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut into cubes zucchini, pumpkin, 1 onion, 1 pepper and carrot, put them in a pan and fill them with water in an amount of 1.5 liters, cook over low heat. When the vegetables are almost cooked, add the tomatoes, also diced.

2. Finely chop the second onion and pepper, fry them in oil until golden and season this soup with roasting at the end of cooking. At the last moment, salt and add chopped greens.

Celery Slimming Soup

Celery contains vitamins of groups C and B, acids and potassium salts. Using celery soup, women will definitely appreciate its tonic and anti-aging effect. With a diuretic effect, celery removes excess fluid from the body and helps improve metabolism, which is very important when losing weight. In addition, the body has to spend more energy on celery splitting than it receives after assimilating it.

Celery Slimming Soup Recipe


1 small head of cabbage;
1 celery root;
4 carrots;
4 onions;
2 bell peppers;
400 gr. green beans;
5 tomatoes;
1.5 liters of tomato juice.

Cooking method:

1. Cut all the vegetables into strips, put them in a pan and pour tomato juice. If the vegetables are not completely covered with liquid, then pour water into the pan.

2. On a high fire, bring the soup to a boil, after which, reducing the heat, cook it for about 15 minutes under a closed lid.

Mushroom Bean Slimming Soup

Beans make this soup hearty, mushrooms - very tasty and aromatic. Therefore, losing weight with it is very easy and pleasant.

Recipe for Bean Slimming Mushroom Soup


250 grams of beans;
250 gr champignons;
1 large onion;
2 cloves of garlic;
1 pickled cucumber.
to taste salt with spices.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the beans.

2. Finely chop the onion, cucumber and mushrooms, fry them in vegetable oil. Then add the beans to them and simmer for 15 minutes under a closed lid over low heat.

3. Pouring 1.5 l of water into the saucepan, bring it to a boil and transfer the contents of the pan there. Then, adding spices, cook for about 20 minutes.

Japanese slimming soup

Japan has the glory of a country in which obese people are almost never found. Of course, the secret of this phenomenon lies in the diet of the Japanese, and the Japanese soup for weight loss is taken from there. Lovers of fish dishes will certainly appreciate it.

Recipe for Japanese Slimming Soup


300 gr low-fat sea fish;
70 gr. rice;
150 gr. sea ​​kale;
1 egg
soy sauce;

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the onion, pickle it in soy sauce with spices.

2. While the onion is pickled, thoroughly wash the rice and boil it until half ready in 2 liters of water.

3. Then add the fish to the soup and cook until tender. After we send there the chopped seaweed with pickled onions.

4. Beat the egg, pour it in a thin stream into the soup, mix and immediately remove from the stove.


Elen 11/18/2016
// my story of meeting this soup

Akka Knobekeise 04/15/2016
Kindly, please tell us on which components the calories are split and how they look before and after the splitting.

Sasha 03/22/2016
If someone does not like products such as celery or onions, then you can, after cooking, chop everything with a blender. Then these products will not be much felt. And eating is much nicer. I have not tried Japanese soup yet. Buy cabbage and sit on a diet)))

Natalie 03/22/2016
The main mistakes that girls make with such vegetable diets are to add various cubes to the soup in order to add a meaty taste. This is completely wrong! Then do not be surprised why a friend threw off 5 kg., And you are only 2.

Sore 03/22/2016
Such diets are best maintained for a week, and then can be repeated after a month. Such a break best keeps the body in good shape, and does not drain it. Mushroom - very mouth-watering, and beans there. I'm not on a diet, but I'll go cook something like that.


Watch the video: Dining with Diabetes : Easy Bean Salad (June 2024).