Children ask their mother 288 questions daily.


British sociologists conducted an interesting survey, which involved 1000 mothers with children from 2 to 10 years old, and found that children 288 times a day ask their mothers a variety of questions. An average child asks 23 questions per hour.

The most curious were the little four-year-old girls. Every day they ask mothers 390 questions. According to the survey, the most “stressful” time in terms of the number of questions asked is morning. Every mother has to endure a twelve-hour “brainstorming” every day. About every 2 minutes and 30 seconds, she should puzzle over the answer to another question.

In passing, sociologists found that most children (82%) prefer to look for answers to their questions precisely from their mother, and not from their father. 25% of them explained this by the fact that their father usually says "Better go to your mom and ask her." As the study showed, in a year the average child asks about 105,120 different questions. However, with age, the number of children's questions is steadily decreasing, which does not make life easier for mothers - questions simply become more difficult and 82% of mothers cannot answer them.

Here is a peculiar rating of the most common children's questions:
1. “Why is the water wet?”
2. "Does the sky ever end?"
3. "What is the shadow made of?"
4. “Why is the sky blue?”
5. "How can a fish breathe underwater?"

Sociologists also published a list of people who, in addition to mothers, have to answer many questions. These are participants in smart shows, elementary school teachers, help desk operators, nurses, or doctors.


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