Whip Cake - Fantasy Steers! The best recipes for cakes in haste: from cottage cheese, cookies, gingerbread, prepared cakes and fruits


Wanted a cake?

No problems!

It can be done much faster than it seems at first glance.

And in half an hour (and maybe much less) an amazing delicacy will flaunt on the table.

Do not believe?

Whip Cake - General Cooking Principles

Quick cakes can be without baking or with baking. But they are united by one thing - the speed of cooking. The technology does not require long whipping, insisting, preparing complex creams and decor. Everything is much simpler and easier.

What cakes are made in haste:

• cookies, gingerbread cookies, waffles;

• finished cakes;

• fruits, dried fruits, berries;

• cottage cheese;

• finished confectionery (marshmallows, sweets).

Creams are prepared from sour cream, fresh or boiled condensed milk, cream. You can use chocolate paste, jam, jam. Sometimes the role of a cream is played by syrups and sweet curd masses.

Banana cookie whip cake

The simplest and fastest quick cookie cake option you can make. It can be consumed immediately, but it is better to let stand for at least half an hour.


• 0.5 kg of cookies;

• 4 bananas;

• 200 ml of milk or tea;

• 200 ml sour cream;

• 0.1 kg of softened oil;

• a bag of vanilla;

• 100 grams of sugar.


1. Beat softened butter for a couple of minutes with sugar, add sour cream with vanilla and mix well with a mixer.

2. Peel all the bananas and cut into transverse circles.

3. We take milk or cooled sweet tea, pour into a bowl.

4. Dip the cookies one at a time into the liquid and spread the first layer of the cake. Keep in milk or tea is not necessary, just dip.

5. Grease the first layer of the future cake with the prepared cream, arrange the circles of bananas.

6. Now dip the next cookie and spread the second layer. Next, again, cream with bananas.

7. We collect the whole cake, spread the cream on top, you can sprinkle with crushed cookies or nuts.

Gingerbread Cake

For a gingerbread cake whipping up you can use any cream: sour cream, from boiled or white condensed milk, custard or cream. Choose the most suitable option. Sour cream is used in this recipe.


• 0.5 kg of sour cream;

• 0.5 kg of gingerbread;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• a pinch of vanilla;

• 50 grams of chocolate.


1. We take gingerbread cookies and cut each into 2 layers.

2. Stir the sour cream with vanilla and sugar, the cream is ready!

3. Take a deep bowl and cover with cling film.

4. Put the first layer of gingerbread cakes in a bowl and cover with sour cream.

5. Cover with a second layer and also cover with cream of sour cream. And so on. The remaining cream is removed, they will come in handy.

6. Let the cake stand for a while in the refrigerator so that the gingerbreads soak up the sour cream and swell.

7. Cover the bowl with a flat plate, turn the cake over. We carefully remove the film.

8. Grease the resulting cake with the remaining cream and rub the chocolate on top.

Whipped curd cake with cookies and strawberries

To make such a curd cake in haste, you will need 18 square cookies of the anniversary type. The filling is prepared from ordinary cottage cheese of any fat content.


• 18 pieces of cookies;

• 500 grams of cottage cheese;

• 100 grams of sour cream;

• 120 grams of sugar;

• 250 grams of strawberries;

• vanilla, white chocolate.


1. Add the granulated sugar to the cottage cheese and grind it. Gradually introduce sour cream to a creamy consistency. Cottage cheese should not spread. If desired, add vanillin to it.

2. Cut half the strawberries into slices and stir with cottage cheese. We leave the most beautiful and thickest berries for decoration of the cake.

3. We spread six pieces of cookies, grease with a thick layer of cottage cheese.

4. Now again a layer of cookies and cottage cheese.

5. Lubricate the last layer of cookies with cottage cheese and also process the sides of the cake.

6. The remaining strawberries are cut into four parts and beautifully laid out on the surface.

7. Sprinkle grated white chocolate on top.

Waffle Cake Cake

Waffle cakes are a great product for creating quick, quick cakes. But they often turn out rubber and not very tasty, so it is important to use the correct filling.


• 1 pack of wafer cakes;

• 1 can of boiled condensed milk;

• 4 kiwis;

• 1 pack (0.2) of oil;

• 0.5 cups of nuts.


1. The oil needs to be softened. Turn on the mixer and start whipping it. Gradually add condensed milk one spoonful. The cream is ready!

2. Fry the nuts in a skillet and chop with a knife so that the pieces are a little smaller. The type of nuts does not matter.

3. We clean the kiwi and cut into thin circles. We shift in a bowl. If the fruits are very juicy, then it is possible in a colander, let the excess liquid drain.

4. Open the waffle cakes and begin to collect the cake.

5. Put the first cake on a flat plate and thinly grease with cream of boiled condensed milk. Cover with a second crust, grease with cream and lay kiwi circles. Then again cake with cream, after it with cream and kiwi. Putting together the whole cake. It is important not to smear the cream a lot, since the wafers are very thin.

6. Lubricate the top with cream and densely cover with nuts. If there are kiwi circles, then they can be laid out on the surface as a decor.

Microwave Whipping Cake

The recipe for a delicious and quick cake with pastries, which can be prepared in a few minutes. But except for the cooling time of the cake. You can lubricate with any cream or condensed milk. The recipe uses chocolate paste, which can be prepared or just bought in a store.


• 8-9 tablespoons of milk;

• 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder without sugar;

• 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 8 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 tsp baking powder;

• 200 grams of chocolate paste.

To bake a cake, you will need a plastic container or any glassware designed for cooking in the microwave.


1. Beat with whisk two eggs and sugar. It is advisable that all the grains dissolve.

2. Add milk, stir.

3. Next pour the vegetable oil.

4. Stir the flour with cocoa and baking powder, combine with the first mixture. The dough should turn out, as for a biscuit. That is not very liquid, but not cool.

5. Pour the mass into a container greased with a drop of oil.

6. Put the future cake in the microwave. Cook at maximum power for about four minutes.

7. We take it out of the oven and immediately shake it out of the vessel. Cool down.

8. Cut the cooled crumpet into two cakes, coat with chocolate paste. To taste, you can add fruits, nuts, chocolate, marmalade, slices of marshmallows. In general, complete freedom of creativity!

Cake in a whip from sponge cakes "Pincher"

The recipe for a simplified cake, which can be called a clone of the world famous "Pancho". We use a pack of three-piece sponge cakes. Sour cream, but you can use any other. It is important that it is not very thick, and pieces of biscuit are easily dipped.


• 3 biscuit cakes;

• 700 grams of sour cream;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• 1 glass of nuts;

• some grated chocolate;

• vanilla.


1. For cream, just stir the sour cream and granulated sugar. For taste, put vanilla. But you can add cocoa or any fruit essence.

2. Two biscuit cakes are cut into squares of not more than three centimeters.

3. Put the last cake on the dish and pour plenty of sour cream on it. Leave to soak for a few minutes.

4. Cut the nuts into pieces and fry a little. A delicious cake is obtained with walnuts and peanuts.

5. We collect the cake. To do this, dip the pieces of biscuit into a cream and lay on a previously greased cake. Sprinkle each layer lightly with nuts.

6. Sprinkle the top of the cake with a mixture of nuts and grated chocolate.

Whip Cake on Kefir

Option of another whip cake with pastries. This time he is cooking in the oven, but still does not take much time.


• 1 cup flour;

• 1 cup of kefir;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 1 bag of ripper.

Boiled condensed milk for greasing, for sprinkling nuts or coconut.


1. Shake the kefir with sugar, set aside, let it stand for a bit, and the grains will dissolve.

2. In the meantime, let's take care of the flour. Pour it into a sieve, add cocoa powder and a bag of baking powder. Sifted.

3. Combine both masses. Quickly stir with a spoon and send to the mold.

4. By this time the oven should already be preheated by 190. Oven to dry stick.

5. Or we pour the dough into a silicone mold (or in a plastic, glass container for a microwave oven). We put in the microwave. Bake for about five minutes.

6. Cool, grease with condensed milk, can be cut into several thin crusts and will be even tastier. Sprinkle with nuts and all! Of course, such a cake does not claim to be the main dish of the festive table, but it turns out delicious and is suitable for ordinary tea drinking.

Cake in a whip from the cracker "Fish"

For such a cake, you need a cracker "Fish", but not salty. You need to pay attention to this when buying. The cake is prepared very quickly, though it requires insistence.


• 0.4 kg of cracker;

• 500 ml sour cream;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 0.2 kg of bananas or any berries.


1. Beat sugar with vanilla and sour cream in a large bowl.

2. Add the cracker and stir.

3. Take a bowl a little less, cover with cling film.

4. Cut bananas or prepare any berries. You can make dessert without them.

5. Put a layer of cracker in a cream in a laid bowl.

6. Then comes the banana layer and cracker again. We alternate several times, but the last one must be a cracker.

7. That's all. The delicacy is actually being prepared quickly, but it is advisable to stand for at least two hours. Then we turn the cake on a flat plate and decorate to your taste.

Whip Cake - Useful Tips and Tricks

• A quick cake can be very simple and consist of the most primitive products. But if it is adequately formalized, then dessert can give odds to the most expensive and painstaking delicacy.

• The taste of cakes without baking directly depends on the quality of the products. It is unacceptable to use sour cottage cheese, old cookies or liquid sour cream. Leave these products for home baking. In the test, they will feel great.

• Berries and fruits for precast cakes should be firm, fresh, not watery. Otherwise, not only the taste of the dessert will suffer, but also the look.

• If the cake is prepared for adults, then you can add alcohol-containing drinks to the cream: liquor, cognac, rum. They greatly ennoble the taste of goodies and make it much deeper.

• Is the cream liquid? There are special thickeners that are very easy to use and make it easy to give the mass the desired consistency. But you can use the usual gelatin.


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