June 12: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays June 12th.


Holidays June 12

Russia Day

This is a fairly young public holiday, celebrated annually since 1992. Until 2002, it was called the Day of adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation, because it was June 12, 1990. The Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted. With the adoption of this document, a new countdown began in the history of the Russian state. At first, this holiday was adopted by citizens of Russia ambiguously, because few understood its essence. Someone was delighted at yet another additional day off, while many reacted simply negatively, believing that this event only accelerated the collapse of the Soviet Union, to which the leaders of power political groups of that time had a hand. To clarify and stop the rumors surrounding the celebration of the adoption of the Declaration in 1998. Boris Yeltsin suggested celebrating it as Russia Day. But the official recognition of the celebration of the Day of Russia took place only on February 1, 2002. Today, June 12, more and more citizens consider the holiday of freedom, a symbol of a new Russia, national unity, the responsibility of all Russians for the future of the country.

June 12th in the folk calendar

Isaac the Serpent or Day of the Skipper Snake. According to popular belief, June 12 was considered the day of snake weddings. Snakes crawled out of their holes and one after another, clinging to the tail, crawled to their main triumph. The peasants tried not to go to Isaac in the forest, so as not to meet with the snake brotherhood. If this was an urgent need, they took with them a marin root, which they attached to the pectoral cross. On this day, reptiles could not be killed, otherwise the offender would face great misfortunes. The snake bites on June 12 were considered the most dangerous, from which neither conspiracies nor the spell of the sorcerer could save.

Beans were planted on Isaac. This was preceded by a whole ritual. Planting material must have been previously soaked in water from the melted March snow, which was collected along the slopes of forest ravines. The peasants believed that then the beans would give not only a rich harvest, but also be the most useful. It was believed that such boiled beans cleanse the stomach better than barley.

Historical events of June 12

June 12, 1667 a successful blood transfusion was performed for the first time in the world

Jean-Baptiste Denis, professor of philosophy, mathematics and medicine at the Sorbonne, and also part-time doctor of the king Louis XIV, for the first time in the world successfully transfused a person with blood. The patient was a fifteen-year-old boy suffering from fever. He was transfused with the blood of a lamb in the amount of 250 milliliters, after which the teenager quickly got better. The existence of blood groups and rhesus was not known then, so this case could be called a happy coincidence. Subsequently, Denis tried more than once to carry out a similar procedure, trying to save sick patients, but all attempts ended tragically. Then, in France, a blood transfusion was forbidden to a person.

June 12, 1849 the first gas mask was patented

The inventor of the "Pulmonary Protector", under this name it was patented, was the American Lewis Haslett. The gas mask was far from perfect and consisted of a block of valves that were attached to the mouth or nose and a felt filter attached through a tube to this block. Only the Russian scientist Nikolai Zelinsky at the beginning of the 20th century managed to construct a real coal gas mask, which in 1916 was launched into mass production.

June 12, 1929 II All-Union Congress of Atheists began work in Moscow

The congress, which was held in Moscow, was attended by 1,200 delegates from the Soviet Union and guests from abroad - Germany, France, Belgium and Austria. Voluntary anti-religious society was first formed in 1925 and set as its goal to wage an ideological struggle against religion in all directions. At the congress, those present heard reports by Mayakovsky, Bukharin, Demyan Poor, Lunacharsky. The delegates approved the new Charter of the society, renamed the Union of Atheists of the USSR organization to the Union of Militant Atheists, and formed the children's organization Young Militant Atheists. Until 1941 representatives of anti-religious organizations actively promoted atheism in educational institutions, collective farms, factories and factories, distributed popular science literature, and published newspapers.

June 12, 1991 Leningrad was renamed to St. Petersburg

On June 12, presidential elections were held in Russia. As often happens, if the need arises, in addition to local elections, referendums, polls, or elections of mayors or governors are held. So in Leningrad, at the same time as the presidential election, elections were held for the mayor of the city and a referendum was held to find out if residents wanted to return one of the historical names to the city - Petrograd or St. Petersburg or leave Leningrad. By the way, Anatoly Sobchak, who ran for mayor, was against holding a referendum on changing the name of the city, because he was afraid of losing the votes of blockade voters and participants in the Second World War. According to a fait accompli, 54% of Leningraders voted for the renaming, 42% of the citizens voted against. Voter turnout accounted for 64% of the total number of residents. As a result of the vote, Sobchak was elected mayor of the city, and Boris Yeltsin was elected president of the RSFSR.

Born on June 12

David Rockefeller Sr. (1915), American banker

David Rockefeller Sr. is an influential banker, the grandson of the famous oil tycoon John Rockefeller, the founder of the Rockefeller family clan. David was born into a wealthy family, so it is not surprising that he received an excellent education. He graduated with honors from Harvard University in 1936, and after 4 years at the University of Chicago he defended his doctorate in economics. During the Second World War he served in military intelligence, even made a small career - he went from a private to a captain. At the end of the war, David returned to the family business. Together with his brothers he was the organizer of numerous enterprises and charitable foundations. The total amount of donations he made is about a billion dollars. Since 2004 led the Rockefeller family clan, supervising and responsible for all of his business and charity events. The life path of David Rockefeller Sr. is marked by an almost hundred-year milestone. This is not surprising, many of the Rockefellers are centenarians. For example, his father died at the age of 86, and his grandfather, John Rockefeller, who became the first billionaire in the world, lived a hundred years and died in 1939.

George W. Bush (born 1924), 41 US President

After leaving school, George W. Bush planned to study further and go to college. But he changed his plans after in 1941, Japanese aviation defeated the American base at Pearl Harber. Bush decided that his studies would wait and went to serve in the naval forces. At that time he was only 17 years old, he was the youngest pilot in the United States Navy. After the war ended, George graduated, then began his business, and by the age of forty became a millionaire. In addition to business, George W. Bush was also interested in politics. He was a member of the House of Representatives, Vice President of the Board of Ronald Reagan, even the Director of the CIA, and in 1989 won the presidential election and became the forty-first President of the United States. Father of George W. Bush, 43rd US President.

Name day June 12

Isaac, Jacob, Nikanor, Maxim


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).