The meaning of the name Svyatoslav


Name Svyatoslav has old Slavonic roots. This is one of the names that is accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church.

The name consists of two foundations, which are short forms of the words "holy" and "glorious." The name "Svyatoslav" was widely used both in ancient Russia and throughout the history of the state.

Today Svyatoslav is not such a popular name as the words with the same root: Vyacheslav, Stanislav or Yaroslav. Interest in him was undermined during the period of repressive actions towards the church. Throughout the past century, religion itself, as well as all kinds of its manifestations, have been banned.

Svyatoslav - character traits

Svyatoslav from early childhood shows obedience and obedience. He tries not to upset his parents, whom he immeasurably loves and worships. For him, father is an indisputable authority. He listens to everything that they try to teach him. He is diligent and pedantic.

In adolescence, Svyatoslav does not stand out among peers. He is an ordinary boy with average abilities. But he shows a craving for exact and natural sciences. In principle, he can be a good employee in various fields. The main thing is that in his future work there should be an opportunity to show his personality.

Svyatoslav does not like noise, so funny parties with the obligatory presence of alcohol do not amuse him. He prefers to go to a museum or theater. In such institutions, Svyatoslav not only rests with his soul, but also draws inspiration.

Adult Svyatoslav is a serious and balanced person. He is smart and pragmatic, he will not do anything without considering the preliminary results of the enterprise. Svyatoslav can become a good leader. It is impossible to bring him to emotions, he will control himself in any, the most non-standard, situation. Many subordinates dream of such a leader. Svyatoslav will not scream, he will be able to bring a careless employee into the clear, without raising his voice. He is an authoritative and respected person. He is the one they say "in his place."

Svyatoslav will become a successful person, because he has incredible hard work. He is demanding first of all to himself. And this gives him the right to seek full return from those around him.

Svyatoslav - name compatibility

In relations with the fair sex, Svyatoslav is a gentleman. He is not amused by idle talk, he will never be carried away by a windy and unstable person. He will prefer a solid, serious woman with good manners and a persistent lifestyle.

Svyatoslav will not marry early. Find your ideal, especially at an early age, is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, Svyatoslav marriage will be balanced, deliberate and late. In the best way, Alevtina, Angelina, Ekaterina or Tatyana will suit him. And a long alliance will not work out of relations with Inga, Marina, Larisa and Vera.

Svyatoslav - famous people who bore this name

Svyatoslav Roerich - a famous philosopher, writer, scientist, artist.

Svyatoslav Richter is one of the greatest pianists of our time.

Svyatoslav Fedorov - the best doctor - an ophthalmologist, the author of the latest techniques in the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision.

Svyatoslav Belza - critic, host of television projects, musicologist, literary critic.

Svyatoslav - interesting facts about the name

The pianist Svyatoslav Richter possessed a peculiar and unique manner of performing works. If you do not see who is sitting at the piano, but just listen, it seems that he plays several instruments and there are several performers behind them. Richter was a true virtuoso whose style cannot be repeated.


Irina 12/06/2016
they called the son Svyatoslav ... to be honest, I didn’t notice any restraint, obedience, very demanding, yes ... and until I get what he wants, he doesn’t calm down ... and it’s just a restless Skoda and it’s very difficult if he doesn’t want to persuade him to do something ... apparently it’s not exactly here exactly the name is written)

Svyatoslav 05/05/2016
I like my name !!

Irina 05/01/2016
What kind of nonsense do you write, a name as a name does not impose any obligations, after all, a person who wears it from flesh and blood, and with his own shortcomings. Why this idealization ...

Svyatoslav 04/21/2016
Yes, I have a cool name

Aldina 04/16/2016
Here, of course, it is not possible to say something bad. I have never come across this name in my life, and I think the majority, too. Very rare, very beautiful, and very serious name. I have no doubt that a person with that name can do anything! And work, and lead, and anything else. Perhaps you should call your son by that name, and he will certainly become a great man.


Watch the video: What is the origin of the name Svyatoslav? (June 2024).