Oat diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Oat diet reviews and sample recipes.


Oat diet - description and general principles

This is the most sparing low-calorie nutrition system that does not have restrictions, according to nutritionists and their patients, who have achieved perfect figure with it.

This diet has a rejuvenating effect, it is recommended as a preventive measure with a tendency to the emergence of quite serious diseases, such as gastritis, ulcers, etc. Oatmeal diet is universal, it can be used by people of any age, with any pathologies and occupations.

Oat diet - what foods can be eaten

You can use, in fact, based on the type of diet, both oatmeal itself and raw fruits, berries, vegetables, honey, nuts, dried fruits and low-fat kefir.

You need to drink a lot of fluids - up to 1.5-2 liters per day (either pure water or green tea), observing the rule that states that it should be consumed only before meals and in no case should you drink oatmeal, for this you need to withstand at least half an hour.

Oat diet - what foods should not be eaten

Sugar and salt are strictly prohibited. Bananas, persimmons, grapes, and potatoes should also be avoided.

Cook oatmeal only on water, without milk and any kind of oil, since the combination of protein and carbohydrate products slows down the process of digesting food, as well as the work of the stomach.

Oat Diet - Menu Examples

Oat mono-diet

It is short-term (3-5 days) and is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. If it is observed, only oatmeal is allowed to be eaten. You need to eat oatmeal five times a day, servings of which should be no more than 250 grams. Such a strict diet is not recommended for more than five days, since in the future it may not have the best effect on health.

In five days, mono-diets can be dropped to five kilograms of excess weight. Repeat it is allowed no more than once every 6 months, and fix the result using fasting days - once every three weeks. It should be remembered that mono-diet is not the best and most effective method of losing weight.

It is best suited for those who need to put their body in order in a short time (before the wedding, birthday or the start of the vacation).

Fruit oat diet

This is a favorite sweet tooth diet, since it is allowed to eat dried and fresh fruits. Food should be taken five times a day, every 3 hours.

Plums, kiwi, pears, apples and different berries can be added to oatmeal. Of dried fruits, you must give preference to raisins, dried apricots, apples and prunes. The amount of porridge in a portion should be no more than 250 grams + 100 grams of dried fruit (depending on calorie content). Oatmeal can be flavored with nuts (50 grams) and sweetened with honey (2 teaspoons.).

Porridge should be eaten three times a day (for main meals), and the rest of the time - only fruits, a portion of which should be no more than 300 grams. If you decide to eat dried fruits for lunch or an afternoon snack, then their weight per serving should be about 100 grams, as they are too high in calories.

Since such a diet is more diverse, it can be observed for a longer time - up to 2 weeks. During this time, you can lose from five to ten kilograms in weight. It all depends on the initial threshold of body fat and the individual characteristics of an individual organism.

Oat diet with vegetables

It is similar to fruit, only here the emphasis is on the use of vegetables. In addition to oatmeal, you can eat cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, asparagus and greens. Some of them need to be used not in their raw form.

Asparagus, eggplant and zucchini are baked in the oven or steamed. If you fry them in oil, then this will no longer be considered a dietary dish. You can also cook a variety of salads, but instead of dressing, use lemon juice and olive oil.

Everything is similar to a fruit diet. Three times a day - oatmeal with vegetables, and fill in the remaining meals with vegetable salads. It is believed that a very effective oat diet was invented by the French, who have rightfully been reputed to be true beauty experts and fashion experts.

Cleansing Oat Diet

When the main goal is not weight loss, but cleansing the body, then you can conduct a course of such a diet. With its observance, the gastrointestinal tract is established and accumulated toxins are removed.

You should start the morning with a glass of mineral water without gas or a cup of green tea without sugar. After half an hour, you can eat 250 grams of oatmeal. The second breakfast consists of vegetable salad or just fruit, and lunch - in protein foods (low-fat fish or lean meat). An afternoon snack includes a couple of apples or a cup of kefir, and dinner includes another portion of oatmeal.

The diet allows the use of a variety of foods, that is, it is balanced as much as possible. Canned and flour products, as well as sweets, are prohibited. If you cannot bear it without sweets, then you can include homemade jam, honey, nuts, fruits (fresh and dried) in the diet.

You can sit on a cleansing oat diet for up to a month. Despite the fact that it is not focused on weight loss, still it happens, which once again testifies to its effectiveness.

Oat diet - useful tips and reviews

Oatmeal is rich in trace elements, however, gastroenterologists warn of its imbalance, which means contraindications not only to complete, but also constipated people. Therefore, in this case, you can not avoid the preliminary consultation of a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, nutritionist and other specialists. With persistent constipation occurring during the "sitting" on an oat diet, you need to use prunes.

Before embarking on an oat diet, you need to cleanse the entire body with rice: pour 4 tables at night. lies. this cereal with a liter of water. Boil the hour in the morning, so that eventually a mass resembling jelly comes out. She needs to drink all, and then for the next five hours do not eat anything. Then the food resumes, but five hours before going to bed - stop eating and drink only water. You can eat a variety of food on this day, avoiding only flour, sweet and fatty.


Tatyana 03/27/2016
On oatmeal for 6 days, the result is minus 5 kg, but more is needed. It is very necessary to lose weight, the weight is very large. I don’t know if it will work out?

Good girl 03/21/2016
Today I started to lose weight! According to the first proposed option - oat mono-diet. I will continue all five days, I hope for the promised result! Already bought a bunch of oatmeal))) After the diet, I can’t look at it, I guess. But, it hurts urgently to put yourself in order.

Ksenia 03/21/2016
My mom’s friend lost two pounds on this diet in two months. Disruptions, of course, she had. And it seems that she was engaged in some kind of charging. This is not a bad result, is it? probably, it depends on the body, someone, and for a year, cannot throw anything.

Masha 03/21/2016
The oat diet is probably wonderful. But I wonder if it can be used to remove the volume, or only the weight itself will go away? I just have problem areas, and I would like to remove the mass from them. I’m doing exercises, but I also want to help with a diet. And in general, so that everything disappears faster ...

Lyudmila 03/21/2016
For a long time I want to start losing weight on oatmeal. This buckwheat just does not go to me !!! I love buckwheat, but without salt ... no ... And the summer is fast approaching! And why was it getting so fat over the winter ?! In warm clothes, it’s not noticeable ... I’ll try oatmeal, get tired - I’ll pick up some other cereals))


Watch the video: Healthy and easy breakfast recipe for recovery: Overnight oatmeal (June 2024).