Reduces the knee: causes and possible diagnoses. What to do when it brings the knee: first aid, treatment and prevention of seizures


It reduces the muscles of the legs in both men and women with the same frequency. Similar unpleasant sensations are found in children. If it reduces the knee, the causes of this phenomenon are associated with a certain pathology or may appear suddenly in completely seemingly healthy people. Clinically, this manifests itself in the form of pain, limitation of movement in the knee due to seizures. But sometimes there is no pain.

Bends knee - primary causes

If it reduces the knee, the causes of this condition are sometimes difficult to determine, and they can be completely harmless. These are the so-called idiopathic convulsions:

• Occur at night in a dream when the body is in a natural position with bent knees, or while swimming.

• Muscle fatigue during intense, long-term training in athletes. The knee reduces more often if at high loads a person sleeps little and does not have time to recover over night.

• Long stays on legs, especially in high heels. In these cases, the knee often brings together at night, but similar episodes can occur during the day along with a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

• Any uncomfortable posture for a long time also leads to the knee lowering, and pain when trying to straighten a leg appears. In such cases, you need to do a light massage, then change the position.

Secondary causes

If the knee reduces as a result of existing diseases, in such cases the causes of this condition are secondary. The following pathology belongs to them:

• Hypovitaminosis and a lack of trace elements. It reduces the knee due to the low content of B vitamins, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Such an imbalance is typical for pregnant women and can be easily corrected by nutrition.

• Insufficiency of venous circulation. This occurs with varicose veins, thrombosis, trophic ulcers.

• Diabetes mellitus, which causes diabetic polyneuropathy and microangiopathy.

• Alcohol addiction.

• Impaired thyroid function - hypothyroidism.

• Uncontrolled intake of diuretics.

• Diseases of the cardiovascular system: changes in the vessels lead to a decrease in blood supply to the muscles and joints, there are cramps, pain, which can serve as the reasons for bringing the knee together.

• Hormonal disorders when increased estrogen production in women.

• If the knee brings, the cause may be a change in weather. This occurs in cases where there is a pathology of the knee joint, for example, with osteoarthritis. Any changes in atmospheric pressure, dampness, lowering of air temperature, wind lead to the sudden occurrence of convulsive contractions of the muscles in the legs and the feeling that the knee is reducing.

• The cause of the “knee reduction” problem may also be the development of flat feet.

What to do if it reduces the knee

If it brings the knee down - what to do can be decided only by finding out the reasons for this condition. In order to avoid the repetition of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause found or, if this is impossible, follow the recommendations of doctors and traditional healers. If he suddenly brings the knee, it is necessary to relax the muscles and relieve muscle spasm as soon as possible, because of which there were unpleasant sensations or pain in the muscle and joint. In this case, a quick effect is exerted by:

• An injection with a needle into a contracted muscle - the spasm is removed instantly, the muscle relaxes, discomfort in the knee disappears.

• Strong tweaks with a grip on the muscle lead to its relaxation and relieve discomfort and pain in the knee.

• Active massage of muscles in which a cramp occurs. This will improve blood circulation at the site of their enhanced contraction, speed up metabolic processes and come to relaxation.

• Hot showers.

• With a protracted attack, a proven method is to touch the cold floor with your feet: if you stand on a cool surface, the muscles relax, the knee stops contracting.

These simple actions are an emergency in cases where it brings the knee.

Brings the knee - treatment

In order to get rid of such attacks completely, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an additional examination to find out the reasons. In frequently recurring cases, when he brings the knee down, what to do in order to avoid the further development of the problem, the specialist will tell. After identifying the pathology, adequate therapy of the underlying disease will be prescribed, which will solve the problem.

Home treatment

When the knee brings, treatment can take place at home. It involves the use of proven folk remedies. Here are some of them:

• Chamomile tea contains one of the amino acids - glycine, which promotes muscle relaxation. Traditional healers recommend drinking 1.2 liters of chamomile tea during the day for 2 weeks. This will help get rid of conditions in which it reduces the knee.

• Honey is a universal therapeutic agent. It should be consumed with food, 2 teaspoons each. There are some contraindications: diabetes, allergic reactions.

• Apple cider vinegar is a source of large amounts of potassium. In combination with honey, it helps well in cases where it often reduces the knee: the treatment consists in using a solution prepared from honey mixed with vinegar (in a ratio of 1: 2) in 1 cup of warm water. It is administered orally for 2 weeks twice a day.

• Brine and mustard are rich in acetic acid, which promotes the production of acetylcholine, a muscle stimulant. Using a teaspoon of brine or mustard will lead to the disappearance of cramps, and, therefore, the state will stop, as a result of which it reduces the knee.

Local treatment

When he brings the knee, treatment to improve microcirculation in the legs can be carried out locally: muscles are easily massaged with an ice cube.

The effect is enhanced if the ice is prepared from a decoction of chamomile or a string (2 teaspoons of dried flowers or herbs per 1 cup of boiling water, insist until cooling and placed in the freezer to get ice cubes). Medicinal herbs, in addition to stimulating blood circulation, also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Foot baths relax muscles, relieve fatigue, prevent the occurrence of cramps and prevent the condition in which the knee reduces - treatment is more effective when sea salt is added to the water.

Similar procedures are carried out with chamomile broth: 2 tablespoons of dried flowers are poured with 1 glass of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. Infusion is added to the basin with water. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes until the water cools down.

Contrasting baths have good healing and anti-aging properties of the skin of the feet. For the procedure, two containers are taken with hot and cold (but not ice) water and tired legs are poured alternately from the mug. The duration of the treatment session is 10 minutes, after which you need to get your skin wet with a bath towel.

Ointments and gels for topical application

If it reduces the knee and the cause is varicose veins, treatment includes the use of ointments and gels. Lyoton and mustard oil are well suited for these purposes. It is recommended to use them twice a day: mustard oil mixed with honey is applied to the skin for 30 minutes in the morning, then washed off. Lyoton is used day and night, before bedtime. Its dosage form in the form of a gel is well absorbed, leaving no feeling of stickiness and traces on the skin and clothing. In the evening before applying Lyoton, the skin is treated with ice from chamomile infusion. A tangible result occurs after 5 days of such therapy. If it reduces the knee, treatment in the form of complex therapy with the above means is recommended in the initial stages. In advanced cases of varicose veins, with thrombophlebitis, when cases of seizures are becoming more frequent, the knee reduces often at night and during the day, a phlebologist needs consultation. He prescribes, if necessary, in addition to vascular therapy and phlebotonics, painkillers, multivitamins with minerals.

To prevent unpleasant sensations in this condition, when it reduces the knee, it is recommended, in addition to treating the existing underlying disease, to strengthen the leg muscles. This will remove excess load from the knee joint and maintain the muscle system in tone. Timely treatment provides a favorable prognosis for recovery.


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