Beautiful legs ask for a minute of attention


The heaviness in the legs at the end of the working day, swelling, spider veins on the legs and blue “bumps” of veins on the skin that begin to appear - all these are satellites of a cunning varicose disease that should not be ignored.

The heart is a pump of the human body that provides constant blood circulation. For its smooth operation and supply of blood to all vessels, our body constantly struggles with gravity, which affects the blood flow. With insufficient venous valves and a decrease in vein tone, blood circulation in the legs slows down, worsens. As a result, the appearance of expanded patterns on the skin and vein nodules.

Unfortunately, most of us actively “help” varicose veins - we sit or stand for a long time, lazy to take breaks in work, we lead a sedentary lifestyle and we carry extra kilos on ourselves for years. And if we buy a subscription to a fitness club, then we often load ourselves there beyond what is permissible, which is also unhealthy for the health and beauty of the legs. Wearing uncomfortable clothing (for example, tight pants) or tights with tight elastic bands can also lead to varicose veins.

Early diagnosis - successful treatment of varicose veins

The disease makes its debut with the appearance of single bluish veins, vascular reticulum and soon leads to the fact that we become limited in the choice of clothes - we don’t wear mini-skirts, avoid appearing on the beach and experience problems in our personal life, embarrassing nudity with a loved one. To prevent such a development of events, it is necessary at the first signs of varicose veins, not sparing time for themselves, to turn to a phlebologist and undergo ultrasound doppler sonography (UZDG) - the main and very informative method of the human venous system.

After a painless examination of the venous blood flow and the state of the valve apparatus of the veins, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and determine the subsequent treatment strategy. Do not be afraid to contact a phlebologist only on the grounds that you are afraid of surgery - now they use modern non-surgical methods of dealing with varicose veins, which are easily tolerated, do not leave scars and do not require hospitalization. In addition, there are effective drug treatments for varicose veins.

If you suspect varicose veins, do not hesitate - time is working against you! Seek professional advice from a phlebologist.



Watch the video: Joji - SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK (June 2024).