Moisturizing face masks - saturate the skin with life-giving moisture at home


Without moisture, all living things fade. So our skin is very sensitive to a lack of water, especially in the summer heat, when the sun mercilessly burns and a dry wind blows. The radiance disappears, wrinkles appear, the skin becomes irritable and begins to peel off, and the complexion is far from the first freshness ...

However, such troubles can be prevented or corrected, the main thing is desire.

The main causes of moisture loss

1. Drug treatment

2. Various skin diseases

3. Diet and regular unhealthy diets

4. Dry air (in summer - from high temperature, in winter - due to central heating batteries)

5. Deprivation of facial skin proper care

6. Congenital skin tendency to dryness

Probably each of us can at least tick one of the items. When the cause is identified, decisive steps can be taken to eliminate side effects on the face.

Cucumber Moisturizing Face Mask

Surely everyone remembers the shots from childhood, as my mother went with cucumber circles on her face. No wonder the mask of cucumber has become a "classic of the genre", and the point is not in the funny appearance, but in its obvious benefit.

The bottom line is that the pH of cucumbers and our skin is almost the same. That is why the absorption of the healing substances of this green vegetable is quick and easy. So what is so good for our skin cucumber? It brightens, heals, protects against dryness and adverse environmental effects, preserves and restores youthful skin, eliminates shallow wrinkles, refreshes and gives a healthy complexion to the face. And all this is not the limit of useful action!

Recipe number 1

Grind the cucumber in a blender (or use a grater), then squeeze the juice with gauze. Add sour cream in a ratio of 1 to 1 and mix. Spread on your face, hold for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off preferably with a decoction of herbs or just wash with cool water. Did you feel the freshness and smoothness of your face? Thank the cucumber!

Recipe number 2

This simple mask will fill in the missing moisture and make it as elastic and fit as in youth! So, we begin to prepare the mask of youth. Take 1 or ½ cucumber, finely chop, add good real honey (1 tbsp., If sugared - flood it in a steam bath). Add fermented milk ingredient - yogurt, sour cream or cottage cheese if desired. The exposure time is 15 minutes.

Tropical Moisturizing Face Mask

Why expensive Botox if there are bananas in nature? Surprised? Just a banana perfectly copes with hydration, giving the skin elasticity, radiance and freshness!

Ripe a medium-sized banana mashed. Add 2 tbsp. l fresh sour cream and 1 tsp. honey Generously lubricate your face with a mask, and do not forget about the neck, because it is often it that gives out our true age, as it is often deprived of attention. If 15-20 minutes have passed, then you can safely rinse off. You will feel the promised result instantly!

Carrot Moisturizing Face Mask

This beauty recipe will not only perfectly cope with hydration, but also give a beautiful shade, fill it with freshness. Cook 2 tbsp. l fresh carrot, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l cream. Add the egg yolk to the carrot fresh, and then cream. Spread on your face and wait 15-20 minutes. Rinse with a cotton pad saturated with refined oil.

Cleopatra's Secret Milk Moisturizing Spa Face Mask

Surely every girl read about the miraculous milk baths of the Queen of Egypt. Thanks to them, Cleopatra managed to keep her skin in perfect condition, despite the scorching sun.

You will need 4 tbsp. l powdered milk powder (can be replaced with infant formula), 1 tbsp. l honey and 1 tbsp. l clean water. Mix all the products. You should get a thick paste consistency. Spread the whole face evenly and wait about half an hour until the mixture is completely dry, rinse. Your skin will certainly take on a fresh and radiant appearance, and you can safely say goodbye to a feeling of dryness and tightness.

Zucchini moisturizing face mask

The most important value of vegetable marrow in cosmetology is the high content of manganese, which brings great benefits to the skin: it increases microcirculation and has disinfecting properties. Thanks to this, the complexion will become much fresher, the skin - saturated with moisture. And this is not the limit, because zucchini still tightens pores, tightens and rejuvenates sagging skin, protects from the negative effects of scorching sun rays.

Recipe number 1

This recipe is suitable even for the most dehydrated and sluggish skin. Grind ½ vegetable (depending on size) on a grater and squeeze a little juice. In 1 tbsp. l zucchini puree add 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l flour and 1.h l olive oil. Interrupt with a blender and brush on your face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Recipe number 2

This mask perfectly nourishes the skin with moisture and eliminates small wrinkles. Rub the squash, to 1 tbsp. l add the sour cream and honey to this puree - 1 tsp each, mix. Cover the face with the resulting mass in a thin layer, and when 10-15 minutes pass, wash in cool water.

Recipe number 3

And this mask is ideal for owners of oily and mixed skin types. Take 1 tbsp. l zucchini puree (grate or beat with a blender), add low-fat kefir - 2 tbsp. l., aloe juice - 1 tsp. and St. John's wort infusion - 1 tbsp. l., mix. Cover the face and neck with a middle layer, and rest for 15-20 minutes.

Moisturizing Orange Facial Mask

This juicy mask for your efforts will give the skin a radiance and prevent the spread of "bad" bacteria. In order to cook it, stock up with live yogurt (without additives and dyes, 2 tbsp.), Orange fresh (2 tbsp.) And cosmetic oil to your taste (1 tsp.) - peach, sea buckthorn or oil jojoba.

Just mix all the products and apply evenly on a clean face, neck and décolleté. Has it been 20 minutes? Then go wash your face with cool water, and then use the cream.

Soothing Moisturizing Oat Facial Mask

If you have soft enough skin prone to dryness and allergic rashes, then this mask is the perfect solution. In addition, it will cleanse the pores, help cure acne and eczema. And along with honey and kefir, the mask will soothe the skin, smooth out small wrinkles.

Steam 2 tbsp. l cereal, add 1 tbsp. l honey and 1 tbsp. l yogurt (kefir). Mix better with a blender, then apply on face. Walk around with a mask for 10-15 minutes and rinse off.

Apple and cream moisturizing face mask

This wonderful mask has some features - it should not be washed off with water. Simply remove the excess with a tissue. It is advisable to do it before going to bed - overnight the skin will be saturated with moisture and nourished. In the morning you will be pleasantly surprised by looking at your face in the mirror.

So, grate 1 medium apple, 1 tbsp. l Mash applesauce with a fork and softened butter. Then add 1 tsp. honey and yolk. Stir the mixture gently and brush on her face. So lie down for 20 minutes, after do not forget to get wet with a napkin.

Peach Moisturizing Facial Mask

A peach beloved by many can bring many benefits not only from the inside, but also from the outside. After all, it helps to slow down the aging process, restores elasticity and helps retain moisture. And just save the flaky skin.

The recipe is quite simple - chop the pulp in mashed potatoes with sour cream (1 tbsp. L.) And olive oil (1 tsp., Can be replaced with your favorite). Apply a mask and wait half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Useful tips for hydrating your skin at home:

1. After water procedures, do not rush to immediately use a towel - let the drops of water dry on their own. So the skin can be saturated with moisture

2. Do not wash yourself with hot water, because it stimulates increased secretion of sebum

3. Drink plenty of clean water.

4. Protect your skin in the summer from the sun, and in winter - from the frosty cold

5. Prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, freeze, and every day "temper" his face, wiping. This procedure moisturizes, tones and tightens pores.

6. Hot days spray your face with thermal water

Well and, of course, regularly use moisturizing mask recipes. Not without reason, many mothers and grandmothers advise: to have beautiful skin, make masks from those foods that you eat (excluding hamburgers, sausages and dumplings) 🙂


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