7 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 7 weeks of gestation.


The onset of the seventh week of pregnancy marks a new important stage in the intrauterine development of your baby. It’s not without reason that many doctors call this time a period of testing the strength of the relationship between the mother and the child, because your body can rebel against a new “resident” and behave in a bad way.

Changes in the body at 7 weeks of gestation

If earlier the changes taking place in the woman’s body were still invisible to herself, now she begins to pay attention to some new sensations. Often it is at the seventh week that the expectant mother finds out about her interesting situation, as she begins to show obvious signs of the onset of pregnancy - her general condition worsens, morning sickness, headaches, and weakness appear. A woman quickly gets tired, becomes nervous and irritable, can burst into tears due to some trifle, which at another time would not cause her such a violent reaction. Moreover, external changes, if any, are almost indistinguishable, for example, in the seventh week of pregnancy, some women notice a slight darkening of the areoles around the nipples and the appearance of a longitudinal strip on the abdomen. The weight gain of a woman during this period is also insignificant - from 0.5 to 1 kilogram.

The condition of the fetus at 7 weeks of gestation

Unlike a mother, a baby develops more intensively in the seventh week of pregnancy. At this time, the rudiments of the pens are formed on it, on which it is already possible to distinguish the shoulders and forearms, as well as the legs, in shape so far resembling small fins. Just imagine that at such a short period of pregnancy, these rudiments of the arms and legs already end with a kind of carpal membrane, from which fingers will later form!

During this period, the foundations for many systems of the internal organs of the child begin to be laid. Its small heart is already divided into the right and left chambers and slightly elevated above body level, the beginnings of the bronchi begin to form in the lungs, and the baby’s pancreas already produces insulin, which enters the umbilical cord in a small amount! The intestines, appendix, thyroid gland and endocrine system begin to form, the brain is actively developing. The child’s head also grows intensively - the rudiments of future eyes and ears are formed on it.

Possible sensations at 7 weeks of pregnancy

As mentioned above, the seventh week of pregnancy can bring your body not very pleasant sensations, but in this way your body gets used to its new state. Most of the inconveniences can bring early toxicosis, which is characterized by nausea, an acute reaction to odors and general weakness. Do not be alarmed if, instead of gaining weight, you find that you have lost weight, it is the result of vomiting, but after a while everything will fall into place. You may also be disturbed by anxiety, insomnia and nervous tension, which is explained by hormonal surges in the body, and the breast becomes sensitive. All these sensations in most cases are normal for your condition, and should soon come to naught.

Particular attention should be paid to possible pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which may be accompanied by minor spotting - this may be a sign of a beginning miscarriage. In this case, immediately consult a doctor, because the chances of maintaining a pregnancy largely depend on the timely provision of necessary assistance.

Necessary medical supervision

Many future mothers, learning about their situation, are in no hurry to register, explaining this by the reluctance of unnecessary medical intervention in the "normal", in their opinion, pregnancy. But timely medical supervision will allow you to avoid a lot of problems in the future, so that for the period of 7 weeks you should go to the antenatal clinic. The doctor will examine you and send you to the necessary tests. You will also be assigned to undergo an ultrasound examination, which will confirm the fact of pregnancy and help to exclude some possible pathologies of the fetal development. If there is a threat of disruption, then do not neglect the recommendation of the gynecologist to go to the hospital, because under the supervision of professionals, you and your child will be safer.

General recommendations

The basis for a good course of this period of pregnancy is a balanced diet, taking into account the needs of an organism tormented by toxicosis. To alleviate your condition, try to eat a little, but often, without leaving the stomach empty. Food should be rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and a doctor can prescribe multivitamin preparations to replenish the supply of trace elements that are important for both you and the baby. Do not forget about a good rest - you will never redo your homework, but the strength of the body can be depleted. Therefore, try to devote more time to relaxation and walks in the fresh air, especially if you work in a stuffy office filled with computer equipment. Do not worry about the possible temporary difficulties of your condition, but rather fight them with a good mood!

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Milka 03/28/2016
Of course, you need to get registered at 7 weeks! You read some mummies, they believe that doctors can only do much harm. Although, under this statement, there is some ground, but still ... Simply, if you doubt the professionalism of your doctor - turn to another!

Zlata 03/28/2016
I heard that the period is 6-7 weeks, this is such a decisive moment. When the body decides (if I may say so) whether the pregnancy will continue or not. That is, this is the most important time. And you need to be extremely careful.

Yaroslav 03/28/2016
Yes, the condition is somehow strange ... It seems that everything is fine, but in fits. It was just vigorous, and here again, and tiredness piled up, and again vigor ... And the feeling is that depression begins ... I struggle with all my strength.

Ivanna 03/28/2016
I have the first day of the seventh week! I feel great. not nauseous, dizzy. Maybe I get tired a little faster ... But I'm ready for anything, for the sake of such happiness. Already registered, the menu has completely changed. In general - well done I!))

Karina 03/28/2016
I have, as it is written. it all started at the 7th week of pregnancy. Yes, somehow, everything immediately fell on ... Fatigue is nightmare. I’ll just do something a little bit and that's all ... like a broken trough! And nausea there too! The husband was in shock! I did not expect me to change so dramatically.


Watch the video: 6 Weeks Pregnant - 6 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms, Advice and Guide for Fetal Development (June 2024).