Spring fever: how do hormones affect the body and cause mental disorders?


Researchers have been searching for the exact cause of spring fever for about 20 years. Recent studies in endocrinology and psychology shed light on the effect of hormones on a person’s mood.

What is going on in the body?

Higher temperatures are not a reason to improve mood. Rather, the increasing exposure to light through the eye in the pineal gland in the brain reduces the level of sleep hormones.

The concentration of a good mood neurotransmitter - serotonin - increases in the blood. To a lesser extent, dopamine and norepinephrine also improve mood. A person feels more active and alert.

A new surge of activity is perceived by the body as a pleasant feeling. Not only the eye perceives the beginning of spring. A person can smell flowers and other parts of the plant. Pleasant smells are known to stimulate the limbic system of the brain, which improves mood.

Why do hormones go crazy and when does spring begin?

Like plants, people turn to the sun as soon as the first rays penetrate the clouds. Therefore, it is not surprising that they flock to parks and cafes. In spring, the sun rises again in the sky, more sunlight reaches the skin and penetrates into it. If ultraviolet radiation enters the thin epidermis, the body begins to produce vitamin D.

There are 3 different spring dates:

  • The beginning of spring on the calendar: this day is also called the "astronomical beginning of spring." Since the tilt of the earth's axis changes toward the sun during the year, seasons arise. Spring in the northern hemisphere begins when the sun is exactly at its zenith above the equator and "wanders" to the north. This year, this happens on March 20, 2019 at 22:58.
  • Meteorological beginning of spring: meteorologists calculate their climatic data preferably in full months. Therefore, for them, spring begins on March 1 and ends on May 31.
  • Phenological spring: the beginning of spring can also be seen in the home garden - depending on which plant blooms. The phenology, which is translated from Greek as "the doctrine of phenomena," follows from the individual spring phases. If, for example, hazel and snowdrops bloom, the so-called "early spring" has come.

Scientists do not believe in a special internal clock and refer to the placebo effect. At the same time, this means that those who have enough light in the dark months perceive the spring sun less intensely. From a psychological point of view, spring feelings are due to contrasting effects.

Is Vitamin D Important?

Vitamin D is a vital hormone that does not come in sufficient amounts with food in the body.

From studies with submarine drivers who have not seen the sun in a metal pipe for weeks, scientists know that you can accumulate vitamin D in the body.

However, after a dark winter, many Russians, however, experience a shortage - and crave the sun.

How valuable is vitamin D, the scientific name for the hormone reveals: calciferol. The hormone helps transport calcium to where it is needed - in the bones and muscles. Therefore, in spring, muscle strength increases, bones become more dense and, therefore, more stable.

Why does spring get tired?

Some researchers attribute spring fatigue, which affects some people, to an increase in average temperature. The first days of spring can be imagined as a very long sauna: because of the heat, veins expand and blood pressure drops. As soon as the body improves, fatigue disappears.

However, spring has a downside: such an important ultraviolet radiation leads to aging of the skin. In bright sunshine, a person frowns more. Also, ionizing radiation increases the risk of developing skin cancer.

To protect against ultraviolet radiation, doctors recommend using special lotions or sunglasses.

Timely use of protective equipment helps minimize the harmful effects of strong sun.

Before using the gel or lotion, a consultation with a dermatologist or other qualified professional is recommended.


Watch the video: Does Spring Fever Really Exist? (June 2024).